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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

There are hundreds of such Munafiq traitors in Islam. They deserve death.

true but his wife and kids were in the house. but for all i know it could have been a setup or agents a diversion.
true but his wife and kids were in the house. but for all i know it could have been a setup or agents a diversion.

Not condoning the actions... I think they just gave this guy free publicity... Just saying there are many many such munafiqs within our mists...
some ppl believe they are agents
I don't think this act was right--they seem like teenagers who did this. If you think someone said something wrong, you give a counter argument. People always talk about Prophet Mohammad's(PBUH) character but never seem to follow it themselves.
Fighting wars is really a terrible terrible thing. It really should be avoided at all costs. Even low level oppression can be better than a bad war. But if you’re going to do it. You have to do it properly.

The arabs have not had a good run in the last 100 years since the last muslim empire was destroyed. The same goes for the whole muslim world.

but with a few exceptions. Studying wars where Muslims have fought western powers and won should be studied carefully and taken as a lesson.

Indonesian war of independence and expansion.
Algerian war of independence
Turkish invasion of Cyprus
Azerbaijan Armenia war of 2020

a close study of all these wars can tell you what to do and What not to do. Middle eastern arabs really need a change of mentality and lots of help before they embark upon any more adventures.

How long can we watch this massacre? It is very hard to watch. Whatever they have in their disposal isn't something that can stop onslaught.

I pray to Allah (swt) that he opens a way for these mu'mineen (believers) who found themselves in a situation where a cruel army that is stronger than them is massacring g them.
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I just heard on some channel that Netanyahu indirectly threatened Pakistan. Is it true? Basically said there is a neighbor of India's that hates us, and we know and we will never forget. Has anyone seen that interview?
Top Democrat to weigh delay request for Biden’s $735m weapons package to Israel

Support for Israel is in decline in the USA. The core support comes from old white people.....and they are gradually dying out. The left wing in the USA now equates Israeli apartheid with the racial inequality in the USA. In time the chorus to push for a one state apartheid free solution will increase, IMO.
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What do you think Palestinians will do if Israel prolong this? Historically, people always put up resistance when they can no longer tolerate being treated like animals and they succeed 90% of the time.

So far, they haven’t done much. The situation would be different if Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan make amends or cut off their peace treaties to de-bufferize their borders and open it for Palestinians.
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