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Israel Offers Merkava IV Tanks to Colombia

This what happens when people with no combat experience design tanks :(.

No currently employed western tank has ever fought against a comparable enemy. And hope that it stays that way. If you call any combat to be sufficient for the "combat proven" mark, then Hizbullah has proved Merkava

Altay Main Battle Tank



Altay vs K2 Black Panther



The next gen Altay will have unmanned turrets, larger main guns and autoloaders among other things.

Secret Turkish tank coming Breaking News ;2014 Wait Please HD - YouTube

Altay is the third generation+ main battle tank (MBT) of the Republic of Turkey and is being indigenously developed under the Milli Tank Üretim Projesi ALTAY (MITÜP ALTAY) programme (Altay National Tank Project). Altay will be the first national MBT developed for the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC).
The Turkish National Main Battle Tank Project began in 2005. In September 2010 the conceptual design phase of Altay was completed. The tank is currently in the detailed design phase which is planned to take about 30 months. The first prototype is expected to be ready by 2015.
Turkey intends to build 250 MITÜP Altay MBTs initially, and ultimately produce 1,000 new tanks in four separate lots of 250 units. Altay will incorporate the most modern features of a tank. The Turkish MBT will have a crew of four – driver, gunner, loader and the commander.

The tank is named after the Army General Fahrettin Altay, who commanded the V Cavalry Corps during the Turkish War of Independence. Development of the Altay tank will be completed in three phases.

Work on the Altay project began in August 2008 at the Otokar factory and is projected for completion in 2016. Otokar will develop four prototypes for testing. Altay will use the technology systems developed for the South Korean K2 MBT by Hyundai Rotem. Serial production will begin after successful testing of the prototypes. Turkey will own the design and intellectual property rights.
Low speed are ignored.

Turret side armor is non existant:


This what happens when people with no combat experience design tanks :(.
Thats just non sense.

The only experience they got is running from noth koreans 60 years ago.

If they had experience they would not design a tank without side armor.
well russian tanks have no side armor if not mistaken the French leclerc does not have it too or minor armor just like your merkavah.
it could be targeted by snipers

A sniper won't break it completely however at best it can decrese it's effectiveness and its 360 degrees monitoring capability.

The best way to bypass this system is to send two Anti-Tank ordinances at the same time following each other because the system locks on and targets and fires at one target at a time....as of now at least.
No currently employed western tank has ever fought against a comparable enemy.
Current western tanks are built using rich experience from previous wars: WW2, Korea, Indo-Pak, Arab-Israeli. Counter insurgency it is also experience.

And hope that it stays that way. If you call any combat to be sufficient for the "combat proven" mark, then Hizbullah has proved Merkava
Yep it proved. I can tell you that turret side of Merkava 4 resisted Kornet hits during the war. No other tank can do that.

Altay Main Battle Tank
Its a nice tank, you can see it has decent turret side armor unlike K-2 joke.
A sniper won't break it completely however at best it can decrese it's effectiveness and its 360 degrees monitoring capability.

The best way to bypass this system is to send two Anti-Tank ordinances at the same time following each other because the system locks on and targets and fires at one target at a time....as of now at least.
i think in open war this system will not be effective you have hundreds of AT firing at brigades of tanks i think this system is for hezbollah and hamas (gurrela warfare )
Rpg-7 cannot even penetrate Merkava Mark I which was build in the 70s.
What can cause real damage to any modern tank in the world is very expensive RPG-30 and kornet-E. But this is way IDF order Anti tank missile protection

what will happen in 2006 war
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One of the most vulnerable parts of a Tank; Its Main Gun and Tracks, take those out and the Tank is as good as a boulder. The red army took advantage of these weaknesses in the German Tigers and Panthers during the Battle of Kursk. They trained their Anti-Tank gunners to especially target the main gun and tracks since those were the only parts of the German tanks soviet anti tank guns could penetrate, unlike the frontal and side armor of the Tigers and Panthers.

All biases aside, I think Merkava-IV has one of the best designed turret, even better than K-2, Leopard 2A6... I can't know the detail secret informations or other parameters to compare between eachothers but In accordance with the shapes of turrets, It is a revolutionary design.


What always puzzled me was the step like layered armor of the Merkeva, what exactly is the reason for this? My knowledge regarding Tank designs is lacking so would like to know why the Merkeva turret is designed this way (benefits) and why the K2 design is not good.
What always puzzled me was the step like layered armor of the Merkeva, what exactly is the reason for this? My knowledge regarding Tank designs is lacking so would like to know why the Merkeva turret is designed this way (benefits) and why the K2 design is not good.
they wanted to make the tank as low as possible to make it hard to get hit and become a smaller target
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