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Israel offers compensation deal to mend ties with Turkey, report says

Turkey was close to invading Syria because it was actively supporting terrorism. But once Syria stoped, no one demanded them to apologice for their 20 year support.

I wouldn't think most places would ask for a apology after say Israel lifted the blockade and accepted a two state solution and stopped construction on the west bank. Lets not go off topic here.

We stated our demands Israel is trying to meet them and currently the ball is in AKP's court as to how to proceed with what is being offered.
Turkey was close to invading Syria because it was actively supporting terrorism. But once Syria stoped, no one demanded them to apologice for their 20 year support.

At that time Syria was not our ally. But before flotilla event turkey and israel were ally. Thats the difference and why we demand apology.
I wouldn't think most places would ask for a apology after say Israel lifted the blockade and accepted a two state solution and stopped construction on the west bank. Lets not go off topic here.
Unlike Hamas Israel accepted two state solution. Blockade never involved humanitarian needs and was even more easied after the flotilla. Today Gazans are reexporting goods that come from Israel to Egypt.

At that time Syria was not our ally. But before flotilla event turkey and israel were ally. Thats the difference and why we demand apology.
Allies dont call each other murderers as Erdogan did. So it ended after long before flotilla. How would Turkey react if Israeli PM was calling Turkish army murderers?
Unlike Hamas Israel accepted two state solution. Blockade never involved humanitarian needs and was even more easied after the flotilla. Today Gazans are reexporting goods that come from Israel to Egypt.

Allies dont call each other murderers as Erdogan did. So it ended after long before flotilla. How would Turkey react if Israeli PM was calling Turkish army murderers?
Well, you kinda deserve to backlash someone if he tells you one thing in closed doors and does another in 4 days. Do you remember the late 2008 Olmert visit to Turkey? I'm probably in minority here to say that in principle, as all other countries, Israel have a right to defend itself. But once you get that principle into motion with wrong motives you get other actors nervous and lose their trust. If Turkish government was against Israel since 2002, it wouldn't invite Perez to general assembly to make a speech in 2007.
Unlike Hamas Israel accepted two state solution. Blockade never involved humanitarian needs and was even more easied after the flotilla. Today Gazans are reexporting goods that come from Israel to Egypt.

Allies dont call each other murderers as Erdogan did. So it ended after long before flotilla. How would Turkey react if Israeli PM was calling Turkish army murderers?

He call your soldiers as murderer because they killed thousands of innocent people. What do you expect ?

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, you kinda deserve to backlash someone if he tells you one thing in closed doors and does another in 4 days. Do you remember the late 2008 Olmert visit to Turkey? I'm probably in minority here to say that in principle, as all other countries, Israel have a right to defend itself.
I dont know, why we should talk about closed doors that we dont know about, when everything was pretty open?

June 19, 2008 ISRAEL'S Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, has warned the radical Islamic movement Hamas that the truce due to take effect today is the last chance to avoid a massive military incursion into the Gaza Strip.

Your last chance: Israel's warning - World - smh.com.au

On 19 December 2008 the truce ended. Israel asked Hamas to reniew the truce. Hamas, who's headquarters is located in Damascus refused.

Hamas says it will not renew ceasefire - Times Online

December 25, 2008: Olmert issues "last-minute" warning to Hamas

Olmert issues last-minute warning to Hamas | Reuters

December 25, 2008: Hamas: 87 shells fired at Israeli targets in 24 hours

Al-Qassa Brigades threatened to enlarge the "Oil Stain" to get more thousands of Israelis "under fire". The group asserted that its fighters are "far greater than surrendering to Israeli threats and that they became much more prepared to counter Israeli aggression and to defend themselves than in the past."

Maan News Agency: Hamas: 87 shells fired at Israeli targets in 24 hours

December 27, 2008 Israel launches Cast Lead.

But once you get that principle into motion with wrong motives you get other actors nervous and lose their trust. If Turkish government was against Israel since 2002, it wouldn't invite Perez to general assembly to make a speech in 2007.
Yes, I did not say otherwise. Relationships deteriorated after Cast Lead. But here some thoughts:

1) Why Erdogan got mad at Israel, when Israel offered the cease fire and Hamas controled by Syria rejected? He should be mad at Syra and Hamas they started the escalation.
2) If he got mad at Olmert, thats not reason to attack the whole country.
3) Why he countinued attacking Israel when government in Israel has changed?

It's quite clear to me that Cast Lead was only pretext for Erdogan to switch policy.

He call your soldiers as murderer because they killed thousands of innocent people. What do you expect ?

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No one was killed there by IDF. In fact the perpetrators of this massacre live today in Beirut.
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As I suspected all along: Israel was the more desperate party to compromise after the Flotilla fiasco.
If Israel contributes even a dime on the 'humanitarian' grounds for the deaths of the IHH 'terrorists' then it will be remembered in history as Israelis guilty and admission of guilt.
BTW, I welcome all the regional players to start talking to each other. For sure the Palestinians are going to find a better future in our own lifetime--you cannot deny the forces of history for too long. And so it is better to work toward a United States of the Middle East which includes Israel and Turkey.
Zionists never get tired of repeating their nonsense and lies. It's extremely frustrating, you just can't debate with these folks. It's a total waste of time, they will repeat the same lies like programmed robots.
Well Untill Israel gets the F35 plane shipments , and latest batch of Nuclear weapons they are trying to keep things low profile - :whistle:

If they can't handle Hisbolla imagine dealing with Iran and Turkey same time hmm that would be a quick

Salah Din like Take over of LANDS:smokin:
Turkey will get f-35s before Israel mate. And i dont think that Israel would ever attack a NATO country. Even if they did, Turkey's retaliation would be the end for israel.
Well Untill Israel gets the F35 plane shipments , and latest batch of Nuclear weapons they are trying to keep things low profile - :whistle:
Sorry but I failed to understand any logics behind your statement.

If they can't handle Hisbolla
Who said we cant handle? Did u see any Hezbollah attacks against Israel recently?

imagine dealing with Iran and Turkey same time hmm that would be a quick
Israel is not going to attack anyone and in defence it can easily stand against any country beside USA.

And neither Iran surelly not Turkey will shed their blood for the Arabs. They use Arabs only as tool to gain popularity in Muslim world.
And neither Iran surelly not Turkey will shed their blood for the Arabs. They use Arabs only as tool to gain popularity in Muslim world.

I personally don't think either A'jad or Erdogan are in this to just 'gain popularity' in the Muslim world. What if they genuinely feel that way? What if they echo the sentiments of their populations? What to make of the immense popularity of A'jad, Erdogan, and Nasrallah in the 'Arab Street' despite the Shia-Sunni, the Arab-Non Arab divide? What to make of Pakistan which is neither Arab, nor Persian, nor Turkish but still has maintained a very pro-Palestinian stance? Are Pakistani leaders too out to gain 'popularity' then?

I don't think so. I think there is a genuine link which binds all these. Much like how all denominations of Christianity in Europe have viewed the 'Islamic invaders' for over a thousand years.

To me it seems more and more clear that too many people out in the West are falling for some easy way out. Israel is not an exception if your stance is the popular one.

There is even a theory--and one of Haaretz columnist has admitted in an op-ed--that Saudi Arabia may lure Israel into attacking Iran only to bite Israel's a$$ in the process. What if, behind the scene, Pakistanis will continue to distance themselves from Iran--only to get some $$--but in case of a conflict come out on the side of Iran?

You need to study the secret alliances which were in place before WW I broke out--the killing of the Archduke only made them materialize.

All these divides in the Islamic world are real. But they still cannot trump the importance with which most Muslims see Jerusalem and Palestinians as 'their own'. Most Muslims in the world will certainly not favor Israel over -ANY- Muslim country in case of a conflict.

Israel has very little room for miscalculations. Israel simply cannot win with or without Western aid if Turkey joins an Arab-Iran war against Israel. Those nukes are the weapons of mutual suicide at best.
I personally don't think either A'jad or Erdogan are in this to just 'gain popularity' in the Muslim world.
Iran is threatning Israel for 30 years but they did not sent single soldiers so far. Hell, even Cuba sent some soldiers, but not Iran. :lol:

What to make of Pakistan which is neither Arab, nor Persian, nor Turkish but still has maintained a very pro-Palestinian stance? Are Pakistani leaders too out to gain 'popularity' then?
I dont see Pakistani leaders making special statements about Israel, they just maintain the status quo.

There is even a theory--and one of Haaretz columnist has admitted in an op-ed--that Saudi Arabia may lure Israel into attacking Iran only to bite Israel's a$$ in the process.
Saudis hate both Israel and Iran, so war between Israel and Iran is their wet dream.

You need to study the secret alliances which were in place before WW I broke out--the killing of the Archduke only made them materialize.
I dont know about the secret aliances. Triple Entente and German - Ottoman were pretty open aliances before the war.

Israel has very little room for miscalculations. Israel simply cannot win with or without Western aid if Turkey joins an Arab-Iran war against Israel. Those nukes are the weapons of mutual suicide at best.
Its so wrong for so many reasons, I dont know even where to start. I'll list just some:

* Supplying armor divisions many hundreds miles away is logistic nightmare. Only US can afford these enormous spends.
* Israel has 12 divisions, its simply impossible to collect and supply some 20 divisions to make successful offensive against them.
* Actually you cant pack more than 3 divisions on Golan heights, so numerical advantage even if it existed, wont give much.
* Turkey has absolutely no experience in tank battles, Irans record is very poor (they tried to capture Basra for 6 years, and failed, while US took it in 3 days).
* Turkey has very few modern tanks, Iran does not have them at all.
* Wast majorty of Turkish officers are secular, dont see them willing to die for Arabs, actually non secular Turks either. Dont see Persians whos fathers were killed by the Arabs dying for them as well.
* Turkey has fast developing economy, last thing they need is destroying it for absolutely unnecessary war.

So nothing will happen, especially since Iran's experience show that you can gain lots of popularity without doing anything. Just by talking.
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