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Israel offers compensation deal to mend ties with Turkey, report says

Finally Erdogan efforts have paid off..Israel has been left very embarrassed over its assertiveness. While most of the Muslim world wishes death to Israel it was the "blood bathed" Turkey which came to help Israel in its fire fight. Israel should feel really ashamed and take the recent incident of fires as a sign of punishment from God. Allah does now let innocent blood be wasted.
...In billing the flotilla as a humanitarian mission, the IHH — the expedition's Islamist sponsor — exploited the Turks' Achilles heel: their generosity. Turks think of themselves as charitable and compassionate, as indeed they are. They genuinely believe, because this is what has been reported here, that the Palestinians are starving. They know almost nothing about the reasons for the blockade. They believe that the ship was on a humanitarian mission and nothing but a humanitarian mission. They are bewildered that anyone would have interfered with such a noble-minded endeavour. They do not know that there were no humanitarian supplies on the Mavi Marmara. They do not know the most rudimentary facts about Hamas. As one man said: "These are elected people. It's not like they took over by force, via a coup."

Almost no one in Turkey understands any language but Turkish. If this obviously thoughtful man was unaware that indeed, Hamas took over precisely by force, via a coup, it is because he had no way to know. The men and women to whom we spoke were astonished when we told them that Israeli officials had invited the ship to disembark at Ashdod and deliver the aid overland. But they were not disbelieving — and importantly, when we told them this, it changed their view. Many spontaneously said that they knew they could not trust what they heard in the news, that the situation confused them and that something about the story just didn't sound right...

Bottom line: few Turks are aware that Erdogan's stance is 100% wrong because the Turkish-language press is insular and pro-Erdogan, but when Turks are fully informed they blame their government and press. If Turkey seeks to press Israel publicly for "compensation", it'll all come out. Quite a risk, I guess.

Israel doesn't owe Turkey compensation, but there are grounds for Israel to demand compensation from Turkey, or even seek to prosecute Erdogan for enabling war crimes. Yet in that case I don't think Turkey would have lent Israel its water bombers when Israel was in dire need earlier this week, do you?
is this a joke?

I can imagine now !! Tomorrow all of headlines of Newspapers and flash news of channels will be " Great Success Of AKP !!! Israel is knelled ... blaaahhh bllaaahhh"

what a pathetic ?? ...............

AKP the merciful = more votes?

But anyway no matter what we must help always people in emergency. Problem is the two faces politics of AKP.

Negotiation is still in progress. Nothing is certain now. But you guys ready to blame AKP.

AKP stated countless times they will not accept noting but formal apology.
Bottom line: few Turks are aware that Erdogan's stance is 100% wrong because the Turkish-language press is insular and pro-Erdogan, but when Turks are fully informed they blame their government and press. If Turkey seeks to press Israel publicly for "compensation", it'll all come out. Quite a risk, I guess.

Israel doesn't owe Turkey compensation, but there are grounds for Israel to demand compensation from Turkey, or even seek to prosecute Erdogan for enabling war crimes. Yet in that case I don't think Turkey would have lent Israel its water bombers when Israel was in dire need earlier this week, do you?

I read flotilla event from many sources. Even readers comments of haaretz online mostly agrees with Turks. Please keep Israel's pr lies to yourself.
Israel doesn't owe Turkey compensation, but there are grounds for Israel to demand compensation from Turkey, or even seek to prosecute Erdogan for enabling war crimes. Yet in that case I don't think Turkey would have lent Israel its water bombers when Israel was in dire need earlier this week, do you?
Last person to lecture us on "war crimes" must be someone who is an US citizen that defends Israel's position on flotilla raid.
Negotiation is still in progress. Nothing is certain now. But you guys ready to blame AKP.

AKP stated countless times they will not accept noting but formal apology.

With formal apology you dont get lives back. What are a mother gonna do with 100.000 dollar when her son doesnt come back anymore? Damn be atleast serious for some years man.. Its like a joke, yesterday you killed me, tomorrow we are friends again.
Last person to lecture us on "war crimes" must be someone who is an US citizen that defends Israel's position on flotilla raid.
Why "last person"? Us Americans expose our own suspected war crimes, promptly, for the world to see. Our own soldiers do this. In Turkey discussion of the terrible events of 1915 is still forbidden. Who, then, has the moral right to lecture first?
Why "last person"? Us Americans expose our own suspected war crimes, promptly, for the world to see. Our own soldiers do this. In Turkey discussion of the terrible events of 1915 is still forbidden. Who, then, has the moral right to lecture first?

commit war crimes and expose it.well done.maybe you should consider NOT commiting any crimes..you are talking about 1915.why dont you take a look at 2010.


btw some of the turks here dont care about the compensation,apology etc, they only care about blaming AKP.

their hate for AKP is more powerful than their love for Turkey...
Why "last person"? Us Americans expose our own suspected war crimes, promptly, for the world to see. Our own soldiers do this. In Turkey discussion of the terrible events of 1915 is still forbidden. Who, then, has the moral right to lecture first?

No sir, discussion of the "Armenian genocide" is not forbidden in Turkey. Officially we have that position that as long as their is not any counter evidence we believe it was not a systematic genocide. Look, even the ottoman generals who was involved in killing Armenians were trialled in Ottoman courts.

We accept that our nation have done some mistakes in its past, and the Turkish Republic officially recognizes that a number of Armenians were killed during WWI. But the number presented by Armenians are simply not anywhere near reality.

As with the US. You are still performing an ongoing "genocide" around 1 million people died as a result of the Iraq War. We haven't even mentioned Hiroshima and Nagasaki or for that sake Vietnam. We are not in a mud throwing contest you know.
Why "last person"? Us Americans expose our own suspected war crimes, promptly, for the world to see. Our own soldiers do this. In Turkey discussion of the terrible events of 1915 is still forbidden. Who, then, has the moral right to lecture first?
As your previous and this message indicates that you know a lot less about Turkey than you think you do. It's not forbidden to discuss 1915 events in Turkey, there is no such law prohibits it. On the other hand public reaction is a different story. Still, everyone can and do discuss 1915 in here.
As with the US. You are still performing an ongoing "genocide" around 1 million people died as a result of the Iraq War. We haven't even mentioned Hiroshima and Nagasaki or for that sake Vietnam. We are not in a mud throwing contest you know.
It's true that civilian casualty in Iraq caused by US is substantial but Shia-Sunni internal strife caused much much more civilian casualty than any foreign troops hand. But one must also ask if there was no such a war would this atrocities still happen? I don't think it would.
Negotiation is still in progress. Nothing is certain now. But you guys ready to blame AKP.

AKP stated countless times they will not accept noting but formal apology.
I wonder if AKP demands apology from Syria who is directly responsible for murder of thousands of innocent Turks.
I wonder if AKP demands apology from Syria who is directly responsible for murder of thousands of innocent Turks.

We were very close to invading that country because of it. I think that is more then demanding a apology.
We were very close to invading that country because of it. I think that is more then demanding a apology.
Turkey was close to invading Syria because it was actively supporting terrorism. But once Syria stoped, no one demanded them to apologice for their 20 year support.
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