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'Israel may have ordered Kurdish terror attack'

Flotilla was an Inside Job – Conspiracy Theory

The freedom flotilla incident was an inside job. Here’s a conspiracy theory that might prove true. This convoy of ships was sent on purpose to create a media spectacle.

It is claimed that this convoy of boats was carrying aid for Gaza due to the blockade. Now, if this was primarily to send Aid then why were the boats loaded with reporters. It is evident that from the outset the boats were sent to create a massive news story. This news story was successfully created and now the Turkish people are shouting revenge. As big as Pakistan’s problems might be at the moment, we must thank Allah that we are living in Pakistan rather than Palestine because Turkey is playing into this trap, infact it is almost as if it were party to the laying the trap. War between a TurkoArab alliance and Israel is imminent and this will likely result in a huge loss of land and lives for Arabs primarily Palestinians and is not likely to have any positive impact whatsoever on the Palestinian plight. These war tactics have been done several times before if anyone has studied recent Arab-Israeli history, it’s always the arabs who provoke war and then lose land. This is an easy war tactic to achieve moral high ground like if India was as clever as Israel and wanted to have a war with Pakistan but not be seen as the aggressor then they could create a pretext e.g they can just demolish some mosques in India or start making incursions across the border and use their own insiders working at high levels in the government and media (as we call agents) to provoke public sentiments and decision making in favor of a war. This way they would succeed in making Pakistan attack India even when it was the Indians that wanted the war all along. Moral high ground is one of the most decisive factors in a war, but that depends on perception which is easily manufactured through the media. The fact that there was one respected Pakistani reporter on board might have some significance as to the effect this will have on Pakistan. It could be as this crisis evolves that it is exploited to rouse public sentiments in Pakistan for political ends but it is too early to tell if this crisis will also have a significant effect on the events in Pakistan.

This humble scribe would like to advise the Turkish Prime Minister to refrain from falling and leading others into this well laid and obvious trap. However, it is also apparent that this war is more likely to happen than not, so Pakistani’s are advised to be aware of the true nature of these events so that we might not be misled by think tanks who will try to convince us that this war is something real and not manufactured.

Flotilla was an Inside Job – Conspiracy Theory ? Pro-Pakistan
Israel does help Kurds create trouble in Iran's border region and also funds Kurdish sepratists since the time of Saddam. Now it is also funding Kurds to attack Turkey.
Well, it's true that PKK gets support from other Countries. :) It's official that PKK has a camp in Greece.
Turkish PM did a wonderful job to get votes and become powerful.
Nice plan from PM!
Both sides are positive.
hmm now PKK will be receiving full Zionist Support.Turkey should remain vigilant.

They have zionist support since 80's...

They were trained at south of Leubnan in 80's by MOSSAD's operational intelligence divisions and Israil armed forces.

They were trained at guerilla tactics, explosives etc.

Many PKK terroristes also trained at counter-intelligence, psycological war, social sciences. These are generally not Turkish citizens, generally from Iraq. Barzani's men... (By Ottoman archives, we can easily see that Barzani's were not called to war, were not taxed as muslims. They are Jewish and this is not a suprise how they are supported by Israil and USA today.),

PKK carries USA intelligent agencies' drugs. Such as heroin, pills like extacy and captagon... Generally sentethic drugs. (except cocain)

This drug trade has a 0,9-1,2 billon dollars/year profit for PKK and participating organisations. Most of that money goes to PKK. Drug money at Europe is legalised by Soros.(As expected, not PKK's money, USA's money. He also in money legalising jobs of south american drug routes)

Volume of drug trade is much more bigger than 0,9-1,2 bln dollars, that is just PKK's and participating organisations' profit. I have to say much more is earned by intelligence agencies.

This is just a small piece of PKK's functions for USA and Israil. There are much more important roles for PKK. For example dividing Turkey, first seperating some regions and than merging them into another (controlled)country. Building fragile political systems at regianal forces(Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria) And much more roles are present for PKK...

If we consider these, we can guess who built, supports and controls that terrorist oraganisation.
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In all fairness Kurds are one the largest ethnic group that does not have a state. Kurdistan region is divided among Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria and these countries have not been kind to them since WWI. Before WWI they were fellow Muslims but later British and French created nation states of Iraq and Syria while Ataturk created Turkey from Ottoman Empire. I think only Iran has been more fair to them than other countries.
. . .
of course not it's all fanboi rumor spreading that feeds on itself.

Yesss yess sure !!! And we didn't see US helis were helping pkk terrorist before ..... All of world know that, USA is biggest terrorist supporter and its illegal daughter(actually, its the first terrorist country and model for other terrorist groups) also !!!!

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