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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Arabs always play Islam, and being muslim card to fool poor Pakistani, Iranian and turks when it suits their interests, and will play the Arab nationalism card when it suits them to fight against Iranians, Turks, ...
No sane person would give a damn about your playing with religious card

Not really, again you are so full arrogant. Please revise your information and get accurate information for yourself. Try to learn Black and White difference colors.
@rmi5, can you explain about 60 second warnings, we all have seen buildings where people and childrens are hiding inside the building, Israel jets bomb them immediately.

You are so dumb to call them palibans, what does that mean?

Paliban means Talibans with so called Palestinian identity. They are terrorists with exactly the same mentality that kill your poor fellow Pakistanis.
BTW, you are falsifying about warning system of Israel. BTW, No normal civilian would live along military terrorists at the first place, and no military man with even one iota of honor would place his military presence among civilians to use them as human shield at the first place.

Not really, again you are so full arrogant. Please revise your information and get accurate information for yourself. Try to learn Black and White difference colors.
What I am saying is very clear. These arabs fought against Iran for 8 years, and fought against Ottomans in world war with the arab nationalism card, and they call Iranians as Rafidi. while, now, out of a sudden, We have became their muslim brethren since they need our money and equipment. Isn't it clear for you?

The source is UN mate.

I dont know what the solution could be but the cost of 80% civilians life it too high for me and i think killing 70 children will also not be the solution, it will probably only lead to more violance, a father who has to collect the body parts of his son will hate Israel for the rest of his life and probably join hamas, i hope you understand my point.
I already answered about the first part.
What about poor Israeli citizens who need to live under the fear of rockets and bombing? Don't they have families, and father and children as well?
Arabs always play Islam, and being muslim card to fool poor Pakistani, Iranian and turks when it suits their interests, and will play the Arab nationalism card when it suits them to fight against Iranians, Turks, ...
No sane person would give a damn about your playing with religious card.

Pakistanis are so smart and no one can fool them, don't play stupid game here.

i respect the people of Pakistan as my brothers and i am proud that they are strong and talented and i wish if Palestine belongs to them so we can't see those jewish killing the Palestinians with cold blood.
Pakistanis are so smart and no one can fool them, don't play stupid game here.

i respect the people of Pakistan as my brothers and i am proud that they are strong and talented and i wish if Palestine belongs to them so we can't see those jewish killing the Palestinians with cold blood.

Ahlan feek Akhi al Kareem. Inta filisteenee?
I already answered about the first part.
What about poor Israeli citizens who need to live under the fear of rockets and bombing? Don't they have families, and father and children as well?
Do i look like as if i was defending hamas or their actions?
What im saying is Israels offensive in Gaza is counterproductive and the high civilian death toll is not acceptable.

Compare this to the carpet bombing of citys in WWII, every sane person would describe it as inhumane today no matter if Germans had weapon factorys in their citys, this situation is not different.
Paliban means Talibans with so called Palestinian identity. They are terrorists with exactly the same mentality that kill your poor fellow Pakistanis.
BTW, you are falsifying about warning system of Israel. BTW, No normal civilian would live along military terrorists at the first place, and no military man with even one iota of honor would place his military presence among civilians to use them as human shield at the first place.

What I am saying is very clear. These arabs fought against Iran for 8 years, and fought against Ottomans in world war with the arab nationalism card, and they call Iranians as Rafidi. while, now, out of a sudden, We have became their muslim brethren since they need our money and equipment. Isn't it clear for you?

Well well, you should NOT call them Palibans insulting, in fact Talibans and Palestines are not the same meanings. Talibans doesn't have family or children as they live in the caves while Palestines were playing volleyball and eating delicious foods. DO you feel happy to see them dead by bombings?

I am certain sure there are tons of Azerbaijani-Talibans terrorists that would be called Azeribans if you prefer.
You have mentioned an article which is written by probably an ultra-leftist jew hater as your own source, while the facts are very clear, and the fact is that while paliban terrorists are focused to kill Israeli civilians with dumb rockets, Israel is doing her best to reduce casualties. The situation is crystal clear, buddy.

Just wow... :disagree:
Do i look like as if i was defending hamas or their actions?
What im saying is Israels offensive in Gaza is counterproductive and the high civilian death toll is not acceptable.

Compare this to the carpet bombing of citys in WWII, every sane person would describe it as inhumane today no matter if Germans had weapon factorys in their citys, this situation is not different.
So, what is your practical solution? letting those terrorists to kill Israeli civilians freely and do not do anything against Hamas terrorists? Israelis are not moron or incapable, bro.

My flag is there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.
What I see is the Jordanian flag, and nothing else in your account.

Pakistanis are so smart and no one can fool them, don't play stupid game here.

i respect the people of Pakistan as my brothers and i am proud that they are strong and talented and i wish if Palestine belongs to them so we can't see those jewish killing the Palestinians with cold blood.
Funny that you are trying to fool pakistanis with nice and religious words and call them smart at the same time :lol: you can be a good businessman in future :lol:
So, what is your practical solution? letting those terrorists to kill Israeli civilians freely and do not do anything against Hamas terrorists? Israelis are not moron or incapable, bro.
As i said it before i have no solution, but maybe deploying UN peacekeeping troops in Gaza could help, presence of a neutral force could probably stop hamas activitys.

I think the reason why Israel started a ground offensive is that they understood that the air strikes kills the wrong people and ground troops are far more accurate, west bank for exsample is occupied by Israeli troops and it seems to work but then again Israel is screwing it with the settlements.
So, what is your practical solution? letting those terrorists to kill Israeli civilians freely and do not do anything against Hamas terrorists? Israelis are not moron or incapable, bro.

What I see is the Jordanian flag, and nothing else in your account.

That is where i stay.

Funny that you are trying to fool pakistanis with nice and religious words and call them smart at the same time :lol: you can be a good businessman in future :lol:

They are smart and i am not fooling anyone,just feeling proud of them.

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