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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Well then the UN would need to grow a pair for the sake of peace and do what a peacekeeping troop is supposed to do.

Well thats exactly what i was trying to say from the begin with, why does Hamas have such high support? Probably because everybody in Gaza has seen at least one family member dying, lets not get into the discussion of who started it but how it could be ended.
A properly working peacekeeping troops would prevent terrorists activitys from the begin with.

But my honest opinion why UN doesnt care is firstly no political will and secondly funding, booth are lame excuses for screwing the peace in Gaza for me.
Dude, you are asking for something which cannot be done in reality. That's the bottom line my friend. ;)
No country is willing to send troops and spend billions to achieve nothing.

Oh yeah, we do learn science, technology, having fun, and modern spaces, have you learn any history in which school? How often you drunk?

Again, you fail to convince me, you just sh!t idiot who know nothing.

I very well know your intellectual level and your background. Have fun in stoning your females with cutting edge stones. I think our discussion is over, until you learn how to be a civil person and conduct a discussion with another person.
It has nothing to do with what I was saying. I was talking about muslim card and arab nationalist card, in which none of them has anything to do with jews. BTW, In contrast to arabs who fought against us in WW, jews did not do anything like that. BTW, Arabs also later continued their policies with supporting PKK.
Yes it does have to do with what you are saying because your acting like israel and turks never had problems when the reality is different.

Many arabs fought alongside the turks just so you know.

The forgotten Arabs of Gallipoli - Archive - Al Jazeera English

Also israel supported pkk aswell.
Israeli Herons give intelligence to PKK, intelligence officers say
Dude, you are asking for something which cannot be done in reality. That's the bottom line my friend. ;)
No country is willing to send troops and spend billions to achieve nothing.
It has been done in various countrys across the world Gaza is a tiny place i dont think it would be a problem to take over the control with enough man and equipment.

What is the point of UN peacekeeping troops it they back off from restoring the security in a conflict zone only because of money?

Anyways this is for me the most realistic solution for Gaza i dont know what else can be done but one thing is for sure, it wont settle down if we sit and wait for a miracle, the more the conflict continues the more will the hate on booth sides grow.

Also israel supported pkk aswell.
Israeli Herons give intelligence to PKK, intelligence officers say
Gülen media is not trustable and AKP controlled intelligence agency even more so.
Yes it does have to do with what you are saying because your acting like israel and turks never had problems when the reality is different.

Many arabs fought alongside the turks just so you know.

The forgotten Arabs of Gallipoli - Archive - Al Jazeera English

Also israel supported pkk aswell.
Israeli Herons give intelligence to PKK, intelligence officers say

All of these stuff are debatable. My point is that everyone, including and specially arabs, are only looking after their own interests. So, we should not be fooled by the terms like muslim or islam card, ... We should look after our own interests as well, which is supporting the civilized, and developed and progressing side, and not supporting bunch of terrorists. In addition to the interest oriented approach, Israelis are right in this conflict in an ethical point of view as well.
Erdogan says Israel more barbaric than Hitler
Published: Today
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ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of "barbarism that surpasses Hitler" during its ground invasion of Gaza.

Erdogan made the comment during a campaign speech Saturday in the Black Sea port city of Ordu. He is running for the presidency in elections next month.

He has been speaking out strongly against Israel during its offensive against Hamas militants in Gaza, which has killed more than 300 Palestinians. He accuses Israel of using disproportionate force and has said the operation there has derailed efforts to normalize Turkish-Israeli ties. Those soured after Israel's 2010 raid on an aid ship which killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American. Hundreds have also staged protests in recent days outside Israeli diplomatic mission in Ankara and Istanbul.

AP News : Erdogan says Israel more barbaric than Hitler
Turkish PM Erdogan says Israel 'surpasses Hitler in barbarism'| Reuters
Erdogan Says Israel More Barbaric Than Hitler - ABC News
Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler | The Times of Israel
Lol to this clown...What happened to Armenian.


The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labor, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape, and massacre.[10][11][12] The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million.
Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypocrisy test ::Now those likes your post ,should also like my post.:angel:
I very well know your intellectual level and your background. Have fun in stoning your females with cutting edge stones. I think our discussion is over, until you learn how to be a civil person and conduct a discussion with another person.

Where did I say, stoning females with stones ?!?

Admit it, you seem making up alot of things and doesn't make senses, you know well. It is no differences between what you think and Talibans / Azeribans who can both dance and drunk at the same times.
Israelis are right in this conflict in an ethical point of view as well.

Your ignorance and bigotry has clouded your intellect.

Please educate yourself on the history of this conflict before making ignorant posts.

The Jews are colonialists. There is nothing civilized, moral or ethical about modern Israel.
It has been done in various countrys across the world Gaza is a tiny place i dont think it would be a problem to take over the control with enough man and equipment.

What is the point of UN peacekeeping troops it they back off from restoring the security in a conflict zone only because of money?

Anyways this is for me the most realistic solution for Gaza i dont know what else can be done but one thing is for sure, it wont settle down if we sit and wait for a miracle, the more the conflict continues the more will the hate on booth sides grow.

Gülen media is not trustable and AKP controlled intelligence agency even more so.

Because everywhere else, there were usually two government on two international border sides, or those conflicts were controllable. If you remember, they could not do much in Bosnia war either, since the situation was not quite controllable.
Anyway, it is the best for the civilians if this terrorism and consequent wars stops.

Your ignorance and bigotry has clouded your intellect.

Please educate yourself on the history of this conflict before making ignorant posts.

The Jews are colonialists. There is nothing civilized, moral or ethical about modern Israel.

It is very bad for a think tank to start trolling and personal insults like this.
BTW, you are the one who needs education, since you did not even understand what I was saying, and started trolling.
Lol to this clown...What happened to Armenian.


The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labor, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape, and massacre.[10][11][12] The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million.
Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypocrisy test ::Now those likes your post ,should also like my post.:angel:
That has already been proven false in several threads on this forum.

Its bolded.

Can you post it pls?
It is very bad for a think tank to start trolling and personal insults like this.
BTW, you are the one who needs education, since you did not even understand what I was saying, and started trolling.

It is neither trolling, nor a personal attack

It is objective assessment of your posts which are full of foul language, bigotry and reek of abject ignorance.

Your terminal prejudice against Muslims has blinded you to historical facts which are available to anyone with an open mind.

The modern State of Israel is the result of collusion between the colonial ruler, Britain, and bands of migrating colonialist Jews, against the wishes of the local Palestinian people.

No amount of spin can justify colonialism.
If you want to talk about Ataturk and his words, please continue the discussion on our own threads, since here, there are bunch of trolls who may jump in and start to insult and troll his words.
Im afraid you would be the one insulting his words and the others agreeing.:agree:

I have the turkish version i will search for english later.
It is neither trolling, nor a personal attack

It is objective assessment of your posts which are full of ignorance, bigotry and reek of abject ignorance.
which part of them are bigotry? the only bigotry that I am seeing is your bigotry who unconditionally support a side, even if they are bunch of pre-medieval terrorists. Instead of insulting, clearly say which part of my words are wrong. generalizing and vague words and insulting are well known fallacies that you commit in each one of your posts.

Im afraid you would be the one insulting his words and the others agreeing.:agree:

I have the turkish version i will search for english later.

BTW, I respect Ataturk as a respected fellow secular turk. But, I have my own opinions as well.
I have not seen any secular turk insults ataturk, while it is pretty common between non-turk ultra religious goons.

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