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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Why kidding? I am wondering to know what would you do if some desert dweller terrorists were bombing your family or attacking you with rockets? I, myself, would have skinned them out. Israel has every rights to destroy these pre-medieval terrorists.
First things first, as you know im one of the last persons to defend hamas but a civilian cost of 80% is too high to be apologized.
Why kidding? I am wondering to know what would you do if some desert dweller terrorists were bombing your family or attacking you with rockets? I, myself, would have skinned them out. Israel has every rights to destroy these pre-medieval terrorists.

Defending their land by the simplest weapon available which is primitive rockets while Israel using the most advanced weapons to kill the Palestinians and then you call the Palestinians as terrorists.
First things first, as you know im one of the last persons to defend hamas but a civilian cost of 80% is too high to be apologized.
Israel already announce her attacks. So, there is no excuse for civilians to stay in a building which is going to be bombed. BTW, what is the source for this 80%? most of these so called civilians are either placed there as human shield or they are bunch of young Hamas lover men who are faked as civilian.
Too humanitarian approach? I'm sorry, you're kidding right?
I agree with him.

If the roles were reversed, Arabs would have killed every last Jew. Israel is too lenient. Instead of carpet bombing the whole of Gaza, they created the iron dome. Would any Middle Eastern Arab country go through such measures? No, of course not. Instead they would just carpet bomb Gaza if the militants wouldn't stop sending rockets and suicide bombers.
Defending their land by the simplest weapon available which is primitive rockets while Israel using the most advanced weapons to kill the Palestinians and then you call the Palestinians as terrorists.
1) Their land?!!! Israel is a jewish homeland and not an arab land.
2) What you are saying is purely playing victim. in reality, palibans would have used any weapon that they find, and getting killed by a gun is not much different from getting killed by a bomb or anything else.
Defending their land by the simplest weapon available which is primitive rockets while Israel using the most advanced weapons to kill the Palestinians and then you call the Palestinians as terrorists.
They've created the Iron Dome instead of carpet bombing the whole of Gaza. That alone shows the kind of people they are. Would arabs ever do something similar, even if they had the brains? Nope, wouldn't happen.
I agree with him.

If the roles were reversed, Arabs would have killed every last Jew. Israel is too lenient. Instead of carpet bombing the whole of Gaza, they created the iron dome. Would any Middle Eastern Arab country go through such measures? No, of course not. Instead they would just carpet bomb Gaza if the militants wouldn't stop sending rockets and suicide bombers.
That's exactly right. for example, while Israel is trying to announce her attacks to reduce human loses of palibans, palibans are doing their best to kill Israeli civilians with dumb rockets which are only useful against civilians and not an army.
Israel already announce her attacks. So, there is no excuse for civilians to stay in a building which is going to be bombed. BTW, what is the source for this 80%? most of these so called civilians are either placed there as human shield or they are bunch of young Hamas lover men who are faked as civilian.
Its UN saying this.
UN: 80 per cent of Palestinians killed in Israeli offensive are civilians - Telegraph

These people dont have any other place to run away they are surrounded by a wall, im not going to discuss about human shied or whatever since my knowledge is limited but there are exsamples like playing children beeing shelled on the beach with no hamas in sight.
Israel already announce her attacks. So, there is no excuse for civilians to stay in a building which is going to be bombed. BTW, what is the source for this 80%? most of these so called civilians are either placed there as human shield or they are bunch of young Hamas lover men who are faked as civilian.

I am not sure if you are a muslim defending the Jews that occupied the muslim lands,anyway do you think that those dead in the massacre were inside their homes, what about the 4 children playing on the beach.

But Muslims will win and it is Allah's promise and it is just the beginning.
Its UN saying this.
UN: 80 per cent of Palestinians killed in Israeli offensive are civilians - Telegraph

These people dont have any other place to run away they are surrounded by a wall, im not going to discuss about human shied or whatever since my knowledge is limited but there are exsamples like playing children beeing shelled on the beach with no hamas in sight.

You have mentioned an article which is written by probably an ultra-leftist jew hater as your own source, while the facts are very clear, and the fact is that while paliban terrorists are focused to kill Israeli civilians with dumb rockets, Israel is doing her best to reduce casualties. The situation is crystal clear, buddy.
Why kidding? I am wondering to know what would you do if some desert dweller terrorists were bombing your family or attacking you with rockets? I, myself, would have skinned them out. Israel has every rights to destroy these pre-medieval terrorists.
And I am wondering what you would do if some people were conquering your land, imposing a siege, limiting the input of any basic materials for life ( building materials, materials needed for power stations etc ), refusing to give you a country, building illegal settlements, arresting children playing football, bombing your homes and shelling your beaches?
I agree with him.

If the roles were reversed, Arabs would have killed every last Jew. Israel is too lenient. Instead of carpet bombing the whole of Gaza, they created the iron dome. Would any Middle Eastern Arab country go through such measures? No, of course not. Instead they would just carpet bomb Gaza if the militants wouldn't stop sending rockets and suicide bombers.
You can't be so sure of that. Also, such kind of arguments doesn't validate what they are doing. It doesn't go like " He would kill me if he was in my place! " " Oh alright go frikkin kill him then! ".
You have mentioned an article which is written by probably an ultra-leftist jew hater as your own source, while the facts are very clear, and the fact is that while paliban terrorists are focused to kill Israeli civilians with dumb rockets, Israel is doing her best to reduce casualties. The situation is crystal clear, buddy.

Are you retarded or what? Btw, one more racial slur and you're gone.

Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians | Human Rights Watch

(Gaza) – Israeli air attacks in Gaza investigated by Human Rights Watch have been targeting apparent civilian structures and killing civilians in violation of the laws of war. Israel should end unlawful attacks that do not target military objectives and may be intended as collective punishment or broadly to destroy civilian property. Deliberate or reckless attacks violating the laws of war are war crimes, Human Rights Watch said.

Israeli attacks in Gaza since July 7, 2014, which Israeli officials said delivered more than 500 tons of explosives in missiles, aerial bombs, and artillery fire, killed at least 178 people and wounded 1,361 as of July 14, including 635 women and children, according to the United Nations. Preliminary UN reports identified 138 people, about 77 percent of those killed, as civilians, including 36 children, and found that the attacks had destroyed 1,255 homes, displacing at least 7,500 people.

“Israel’s rhetoric is all about precision attacks but attacks with no military target and many civilian deaths can hardly be considered precise,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Recent documented cases in Gaza sadly fit Israel’s long record of unlawful airstrikes with high civilian casualties.”

@rmi5, can you explain about 60 second warnings, we all have seen buildings where people and childrens are hiding inside the building, Israel jets bomb them immediately.

You are so dumb to call them palibans, what does that mean?

I am not sure if you are a muslim defending the Jews that occupied the muslim lands,anyway do you think that those dead in the massacre were inside thei homes, what about the 4 children playing on the beach.

But Muslims will win and it is Allah's promise and it is just the beginning.

Arabs always play Islam, and being muslim card to fool poor Pakistani, Iranian and turks when it suits their interests, and will play the Arab nationalism card when it suits them to fight against Iranians, Turks, ...
No sane person would give a damn about your playing with religious card.
You have mentioned an article which is written by probably an ultra-leftist jew hater as your own source, while the facts are very clear, and the fact is that while paliban terrorists are focused to kill Israeli civilians with dumb rockets, Israel is doing her best to reduce casualties. The situation is crystal clear, buddy.
The source is UN mate.

I dont know what the solution could be but the cost of 80% civilians life it too high for me and i think killing 70 children will also not be the solution, it will probably only lead to more violance, a father who has to collect the body parts of his son will hate Israel for the rest of his life and probably join hamas, i hope you understand my point.

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