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Israel is enemy no.1..Says Sudan

No doubt about that israel is the biggest enemy of not only sudan but all the muslim nation.Perhaps all muslim countries could realise that and unit under one flag get themself prepare for the upcoming conspiracy of israelies
Iran-Sudan strategic partnership! Build up the resistance, it's all out war with the enemies of God and humanity (the West, Israel, Arab governments and the Turkish government).

Allah tells us in the glorious Qur'an;

"And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, "Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?"
in a short term they should also buy some balistic missiles.

:lol: . Wow what an amazing Idea. They don't have the money to feed their population or to build schools and hospitals. Their country recently got split , they are fighting a militancy that kills several thousands each year ,and they should buy ballistic missiles. Yeah , maybe great Iranian scientists can genetically modify an apple tree so that it grows dollar bills instead.
dogs which bark seldom bite is an example of Sudan..it can declare Israel as no.1 enemy as much as it wants but is powerless to do anything. Israel can bombs the living daylights out of Sudan than Omar Bashir will find no hole to hide in.

No doubt about that israel is the biggest enemy of not only sudan but all the muslim nation.Perhaps all muslim countries could realise that and unit under one flag get themself prepare for the upcoming conspiracy of israelies

here comes another pan-islamist.

More muslims have been killed at the hands of fellow power hungry muslims and terrorist indoctrinated by other fellow muslims for political gains than those killed by Israel during its entire existence.

The No.1 enemy of muslims is their own political mullahs and ummah idealogy!
The No.1 enemy of muslims is their own political mullahs and ummah idealogy!

Those secular charlatans who claim to be very 'democratic' and 'progressive' are the worst enemies of the Muslim World. They are truly blood suckers.
poor little defenseless israel - that somehow manages to start fights and cause trouble all over the world, thats what poor defenseless nations do rights?
:lol: . Wow what an amazing Idea. They don't have the money to feed their population or to build schools and hospitals. Their country recently got split , they are fighting a militancy that kills several thousands each year ,and they should buy ballistic missiles. Yeah , maybe great Iranian scientists can genetically modify an apple tree so that it grows dollar bills instead.
i didnt say they should buy AC.just 10 or 20 balistic missile.
btw sudanian people are much reacher than indians.so worry about your own pooooooor people.

edit:oops you are just a little bit reacher than them but still india is super poooor.but why do you have AC?
i didnt say they should buy AC.just 10 or 20 balistic missile.
btw sudanian people are much reacher than indians.so worry about your own pooooooor people.

Clearly , Iranians are just as dumb as their president. Now go back to extracting petroleum , because that's all your intellect allows you to do.
Clearly , Iranians are just as dumb as their president. Now go back to extracting petroleum , because that's all your intellect allows you to do.

im so proud if im as dumb as ahmadi nejad but for sure im not as dumb as you.
50% of our economy is based on oil.....and in the other hand we were always reacher than india in any time so shut up!
Iran-Sudan strategic partnership! Build up the resistance, it's all out war with the enemies of God and humanity (the West, Israel, Arab governments and the Turkish government).

Sure..Add Somalia and Mali to that strategic partnership list and here you have the great resistance..West, Israel, Arab and Turkish governments have no chance!!!:cheesy:
im so proud if im as dumb as ahmadi nejad but for sure im not as dumb as you.
50% of our economy is based on oil.....and in the other hand we were always reacher than india in any time so shut up!

No you dumbass, 90% of your economy is based on oil. Being richer clearly hasn't given you access to English education you dumb Iranian. What the hell is "reacher". How freakin hard is it to say "richer". What the hell is "in the other hand" you uneducated dumbass, it's "on the other hand". What in the world is " in any time". It is "at " any time. Go learn how to speak before typing funny stuff on the internet.
No you dumbass, 90% of your economy is based on oil. Being richer clearly hasn't given you access to English education you dumb Iranian. What the hell is "reacher". How freakin hard is it to say "richer". What the hell is "in the other hand" you uneducated dumbass, it's "on the other hand". What in the world is " in any time". It is "at " any time. Go learn how to speak before typing funny stuff on the internet.
shut up.so you know my country more than what i know?my english is maybe not as good as yours but still you are an stupid indian who knows nothing but what your western masters have held down to your small brain.
KSA produces 4 times more oil than Iran but their GDP is 2/3 of that of Iran.what does it mean you idiot indian?
go roll up dead indian bodies in the streets instead of bulshiting...
shut up.so you know my country more than what i know?my english is maybe not as good as yours but still you are an stupid indian who knows nothing but what your western masters have held down to your small brain.
KSA produces 4 times more oil than Iran but their GDP is 2/3 of that of Iran.what does it mean you idiot indian?
go roll up dead indian bodies in the streets instead of bulshiting...

It seems ahmedinajad has poured **** into your brain. Who the hell told you Saudi produces 4 times more petroleum ? And as for GDP you dumb iranian, It's because Saudi population is 25 million , yours is close to 80 million. I'm not going to roll up anything. I'm just going to wait for western powers to blast tomahawks at your primitive nuke facilities , then I'll come down there and roll dead bodies. No shoo , go away.
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