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Israel holds secret talks with Arab states: Israel FM

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Israel holds secret talks with Arab states: Israel FM

Israeli Foreign Minister says Tel Aviv is holding secret talks with some Arab countries including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in an effort to create diplomatic relations to unite against Iran.

Avigdor Lieberman told Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Monday that he was in contact with officials from some “moderate” Arab states.

“There are contacts, there are talks, but we are very close to the stage in which within a year or 18 months it will no longer be secret, it will be conducted openly,” he said.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, however, have denied the existence of any such talks with Tel Aviv.

A spokesman for Saudi Foreign Ministry said that there “are no ties or talks with Israel at any level.”

Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled al-Jarallah also said that it was “not true, we don’t have these kinds of talks.”

The newspaper also quoted the Israeli minister as saying that some new peace accords between Israel and Arab states would be signed in 2019.

“I’m certain that by then we will have a situation in which we have full diplomatic relations with most of the moderate Arab states. And you can count on my word,” he added.

According to reports, Israelis often use the “moderate Arab states” for some countries in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East that align with US interests.

PressTV - Israel holds secret talks with Arab states: Israel FM
Israeli love annoying paranoid mullah. Just imagine that bunch having nukes.

Israel fears that if the Mullahs introduced the nuclear bomb, it might deter the Israelis, and change the strategic balance into their favor.

I don't think Iran is going to be deterred by Israel's military \ nuclear capabilities either.
Well, Iran makes business with Israel so I am not sure PressTV has a leg to stand on.

Iran et Israël font des affaires, pas la guerre - Le Point

Quand Israël commerce avec l'Iran - Les blogs du Diplo

A very coherent commentary at the bottom:

Encore une preuve de la duplicité de la République Islamique d’Iran : d’un côté, des déclarations tonitruantes contre le sionisme, la fustigation des régimes arabes "collaborateurs" et le "soutien" aux droits des Palestiniens, de l’autre la real politik la plus calculatrice et la volonté de de devenir la puissance régionale du Moyen Orient. Il faut dire qu’avec leurs guerres criminelles contre l’Irak et l’Afghanistan, les États-Unis l’y ont bien aidé. Décidément, les Palestiniens sont bien seuls face à l’État d’Israël.

If anyone wants a translation just ask.
I wonder what that morbidly anti Israel Zaid Hamid is gonna do now? Probably ask for UN intervention to prevent the Arab states from talking to Israel, as according to him the Israelis are the greatest enemies of Islam and need to be wiped out from the face of mother earth!

I would love to see the expression on his face now!! :lol:
Of course we need a translation.

I'm going to translate the commentary, the 2 articles in whole are just to long. You'll have to use google translate fro that:-)

Here you go Hazzy:

Yet another proof for the duplicity of the Islamic Republic of Iran: on one hand thundering declarations against Zionism, the lashing out at "collaborating" Arab régimes and the "support" of teh rights of Palestinians, on the other hand realpolitik of the most calculating sort and the will to become the regional power of the middle east. One has to say that with their criminal wars against Irak and Afghanistan, the United States have helped them quite a bit. Decidedly, the Palestinians are completely alone against the state of Israel.
I'm going to translate the commentary, the 2 articles in whole are just to long. You'll have to use google translate fro that:-)

Here you go Hazzy:

Yet another proof for the duplicity of the Islamic Republic of Iran: on one hand thundering declarations against Zionism, the lashing out at "collaborating" Arab régimes and the "support" of teh rights of Palestinians, on the other hand realpolitik of the most calculating sort and the will to become the regional power of the middle east. One has to say that with their criminal wars against Irak and Afghanistan, the United States have helped them quite a bit. Decidedly, the Palestinians are completely alone against the state of Israel.

Where does it say they do business with Israel? :D
Israel fears that if the Mullahs introduced the nuclear bomb, it might deter the Israelis, and change the strategic balance into their favor.

I don't think Iran is going to be deterred by Israel's military \ nuclear capabilities either.
Nuke option is last option. It won't be good for anybody in the area to have thermal waste land of Iran. But don't be mistaken that Israel will use it if they don't have a choice and military strike fails. So it is best for everybody in the region to stop Iran getting nukes.
Nuke option is last option. It won't be good for anybody in the area to have thermal waste land of Iran. But don't be mistaken that Israel will use it if they don't have a choice and military strike fails. So it is best for everybody in the region to stop Iran getting nukes.

If the Israelis are willing to use their nuclear weapons, I don't think this will guarantee its survival in the short run. If not, then nuclear weapons were made to deter hostile states, that's all.
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