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Converging Interests May Lead to Cooperation Between Israel and Gulf States

Why do you want Arabs to do anything? Today is unlike the past, international law is applied. Israel must abide by international law and end it's war of aggression against the Palestinian people. We give no justifications or excuses for Israel's occupation, they intended to annex Arab and Palestinian land long ago to integrate this land into their illegal state which doesn't have clear borders. The rights of the Palestinian people must be restored, I also know as much as you Arabs can't do much. That however is no justification for Israel's policy which violates the rights of the Palestinian people.

Yeah but what did collective Arab armies do? Lose more land? Now nothing's gonna change unless you guys economically make yourself a force. Todays world is economic and education. Military deterrance is important but Hamas is not military and they deter Palestenians with their heavy handed Sharia enforcement. Not Israel.

But i blame Arab countries mostly who didnt make it a thing for Israel but more for their own popularity.
Yeah but what did collective Arab armies do? Lose more land? Now nothing's gonna change unless you guys economically make yourself a force. Todays world is economic and education. Military deterrance is important but Hamas is not military and they deter Palestenians with their heavy handed Sharia enforcement. Not Israel.

But i blame Arab countries mostly who didnt make it a thing for Israel but more for their own popularity.

Arabs didn't attack, the British came on our land and have Jewish people over 55% of the territory even though they were only 50,000 in number while Arabs numbered over 700,000. The creation of Israel is an illegal and unilateral move which amounts to a crime against humanity. Jewish militias were near a 100,000 and were actively ethnically cleansing and terrorizing the Palestinian people which led up to Ben Gurion the fascist Zionist declaring independence for Israel, not the UN. The Palestinians are in a defensive war ever since these criminal people's came and usurped our land and resources. They control the lives of the Palestinian people intentionally to prevent us from having any economy. Ever heard of economic 'warfare'? They prevent development in Palestinian land intentionally, they want to severely restrict the Palestinians from functioning as a state. Because they want all of our land and resources and want their economy to dominate. The UN needs to stand up for the rights of the Palestinian people and implement the resolutions to enable the Palestinians to function as a state with actual rights of a state.

We know education and economics is the best thing, but, you're not aware Israel does everything in its hand to prevent any significant economic developments and they greatly complicate it by placing hundreds of thousands of illegal settlers and tens of thousands of illegal settlements on our land dividing it into many divisions in which only Jewish people can use our own roads. They even prevent the Palestinians from their own industries and 3G networks because they don't want any competition against their industries. We are prevented from self determination.

As for Hamas, Hamas is there to govern and defend Gaza, there isn't Shariah Law in Gaza I've been there almost ten times. Hamas is moderate and makes things better for the Palestinian people. It's the siege which was placed after Hamas won elections which caused over 3,000 businesses in Gaza to close down and over 65,000 lost their job after the first month of the siege since they need imports. Israel is literally committing a crime against humanity and almost like a slow genocide. The Palestinian people are essentially dead people who are waiting to die since their lives are made so horrible. Hamas has nothing to do with that, it's Israeli policy and expansionism which seeks to exercise war against all Arabs/Palestinians in order to completely annex our territories. This is the plan from a century ago, regardless of who the Palestinians have in power.

If Arabs could do the impossible then yes something should happen, that's unrealistic though. America seeks to turn all Arab nations into clients for Israel. That's why America made Saudi Arabia cancel the civilian donations to Palestine, they don't want any of our people helping the Palestinians and want to enhance Israel's policy of apartheid and expansionism. So we can't blame them since the whole western policy is slated for Israel at the expense of our humanity. It's the criminal administrations around the world which justify Israel's crimes, not the people. If the people had any role or say palestine would have been free long ago.
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