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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

Do you even know the definition and equally important -- context -- of 'weapon'?

Yes, i am quite aware of it, maybe you should be the one and stop believing into the propaganda the IDF is bringing forward to save their indiscriminately killing of innocent journalists and people. since idf went in to find weapons being smuggled, they couldnt find any and posted pictures of knifes. it is quite clear for even a layman.
Do you even know the definition and equally important -- context -- of 'weapon'?

ohhh please kindly enlighten us... i didn't know having a slingshot is considered a weapon... if it is a weapon all your american kids are criminal too..
The Palestanian struggle is significant not only because its a freedom struggle but also because Jerusolam houses the holy sites of Jews Christian and Muslims. The struggle is not only to free Palistenians but also liberate the Holy sites which are close to every Muslims heart.

I have gone through the link you provided, an ugly picture it paints. It should be taken up with the relevant authorities but i guess someone from Turkey will be in a better position to reply. Also i think if one starts digging up the past no nation can come out clean, we all have skeletons in the closet.

What is wrong with Israelis have control over the holy sites? They are people of the book too. Isnt the Dome of the Rock built over Solomon's temple so dear to the Jews? So why use the term liberation?
Yes, i am quite aware of it, maybe you should be the one and stop believing into the propaganda the IDF is bringing forward to save their indiscriminately killing of innocent journalists and people. since idf went in to find weapons being smuggled, they couldnt find any and posted pictures of knifes. it is quite clear for even a layman.
Then please explain to the readers as to why a kitchen knife CANNOT be used as a 'weapon' to assault another person with intention to do grievous or fatal bodily harm.
Control your freaking emotions guys.

To answer your argument,

"civilian ship in international waters" =/= "humanitarian aid"

If they wanted to provide aid, they could have easily offloaded their cargo at an Israeli port. Better still, if they did not trust Israel, ask Egypt to deliver the cargo.


India time and agin proved it sponsored terrorism and its citizens supported terrorist acts. Now question is why these indian terrorist are allowed here?
Israel is a rogue state its really funny how people instead of condemning her violent actions are defending them no wonder the world has no peace if States like Israel will continue to pursue such sinister policies than there will always be people as freedom fighters to counter it no matter what kind of terminologies people use for them they will always be there
The same fate would probably await any unauthorized ship approaching any other sovereign country in the world, probably in many other cases the ship would have been torpedoed to the bottom of the ocean, infact Israel showed restraint and risked it's commandos by boarding the ship

Also Which part of "naval blockade" didn't the protesters understand and why were the Peace Activists attacking Commandos with Iron Rods/Knives/clubs ?
No they don't. They didn't have a right to be on the ship in the first place. Look if you plan on stopping a flagged ship in international waters the most stupid thing you can do is raid it with commandos. The Israeli soldiers were in a illegal operation they have no say in this matter. Nice to see the Zionist network at work taking down videos and putting their crap up.
The flotilla never had any right to violate Israeli territorial waters in the first place, no matter how humanitarian is their mission. If anything, the only group that warrant access would be the International Red Cross.
They use force-israeli soldies have all the right to hit back!

You have no moral defence of these terror actions. You can use your media and military muscle but the world can see through your deception and terror.
illegal operation lol
Israel have all the right to do what they did.
every ship that want to enter gaza need to be checked.Hamass is a terror organization that recognized as a terror organization by the world.If they wanted to dealver aid they could do it through israel or egypt.Israel also offer tham that deal but they said no.Also israeli soldiers open fire only when they were in life danger.
let me ask this, can you kill someone for possesing a cricket bat or a kitchen knife?
Just for possession? Of course not. But if you come at a police officer with a cricket bat or a kitchen knife...What do you think the officer would do?
@adir the video you have provided, the authenticity can be questioned as it doesnot have any credible news channels logo on it. The soldiers landed on the deck and were being beaten up by the ppl on board. The end result was that your soldiers killed 20+ civilians. In this video the only gun i see is in the hands of the soldiers and all the weapons on display in the pic are knives LOL... so u say that these guys were transporting knives to harm Israil in some way? There is no gun on display being used by the people in the ship. The IDF should have surrounded the ships to stop them, maybe they did it i dont know but sending in armed commandos means that there is in intention to use force to achieve your goal which was responded well by the aid workers.
Just for possession? Of course not. But if you come at a police officer with a cricket bat or a kitchen knife...What do you think the officer would do?

wait that aid ship was a police station... am confused man.. your examples arent working here.. get a quality vodka dude..!
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