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Israel Defense Forces

:astagh: :astagh: :astagh: ayo hal kafir :butcher: ?? are a kafir ? :omghaha::omghaha: im going to convince'em to let the Muslims in the IDF ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

how much do u think they are effective to keep the danger out of Israel ? i think Israel should make it's pace with palestine other wise they may join to ISIL and make hell of Israel when they have done in syria and iraq ! they should make pace now
If you pay them well they will keep danger out of israel :lol:
This picture reminds me of the israeli band Siam , i find it intriguing

hamas and jihad death cult is to blame for gaza civilian casualties. they force women and kids to protect their rockets and for this islamist terror beasts a dead palestinian is more worth then a living. if they don't place rockets in populated areas, there will be zero civilian casualties.

and if they invest their energy in building an economy and education system gaza will be wealthy and prospering before 2006 where the blocade begun after hamas took over and started attacking israel with rockets.

most of you muslim forget that before hamas and rockets gaza was much wealthier then any arab country around.

i have the highest respect for the brave IDF soldiers. in the most difficult area of operation and with a inhuman enemy they try everything they can and even accept tactical disadvantages to protect arab civilians. they even feed gaza and deliver the electricity and other stuff which hamaes uses to attack israel. that' amazing.

other nations would carpet bomb gaza like assad in syria, the russians in afganestan and grozny.
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