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Israel Defense Forces

What about Pakistani nukes? Where the gifted by China, or stolen somewhere?

They were not gifted or stolen, pakistan made em themselves,thanks to DR-AQ khan.
They were not gifted or stolen, pakistan made em themselves,thanks to DR-AQ khan.

So, what makes AUz think that Israelis didn't makes their nukes themsleves thanks to Dr. Ernst David Bergmann, Dr. Shalheveth Freier, Dr. Amos de-Shalit, Dr. Igal Talmi, Dr. Amnon Marinov, and Dr. Zvi Lipkin?
So, what makes AUz think that Israelis didn't makes their nukes themsleves thanks to Dr. Ernst David Bergmann, Dr. Shalheveth Freier, Dr. Amos de-Shalit, Dr. Igal Talmi, Dr. Amnon Marinov, and Dr. Zvi Lipkin?

I don't speak for AUz, Either he was being sarcastic or maybe he doesn't know much about israel.
What about Pakistani nukes? Where the gifted by China, or stolen somewhere?

No. Created by Pakistani scientists AND tested by Pakistan nuclear authorities on 28th May, 1998 (in Balochistan, Pakistan).

We didn't get ready-made nukes like Israel ;) . We had to conduct nuclear tests to prove our capability, unlike Israel...:cheesy:

If you knew anything about either China or Pakistan, you would know that the bomb designs of both were completely different at the time Pakistan conducted its tests. This further shows the independence of our nuclear program...

We didn't stole anything, but just the knowledge through our scientists working in the West :D Now, shut your stupid face, Israeli....
^ Reported for flame-bite.

Unless mods decide to put an end to this discussion, it would envolve argument such as the Vela incident of 1979 vs the literacy rate in Pakistan.







200-300 nukes, gifted by france/u.s

Jericho III ICBMs
Jericho 1 with 500 km range is joint Israeli-French development fully financed by Israel.

Jericho 2 and Jericho 3 are completely different, much larger missiles fully developed by Israel. This chart gives some impression:

Jericho 1 with 500 km range is joint Israeli-French development fully financed by Israel.

Jericho 2 and Jericho 3 are completely different, much larger missiles fully developed by Israel. This chart gives some impression:

so you have capability to strike any where in the world ? Jericho III has a range of 4,800 to 11,500 km[ :coffee:
so you have capability to strike any where in the world ? Jericho III has a range of 4,800 to 11,500 km[ :coffee:
While Jericho 1 is quite well known, we know absolutely nothing about Jericho 2 and Jericho 3. We can only speculate about them based on Shavit space launcher characteristics.
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