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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

If they got only 498 killed...they will kill 2 Israelis themselves, just to save their leader's face....:lol:

P.S. No offence
Didnt they do the ''Holocaust''?
Enemies change.

Yesterday it was the Nazis, they were dealt with. Today it's the Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers; they will be dealt with as well.
I mean if we decided to destroy every nation that ever persecuted the Jews one time or another, only India and half of Asia would remain.
seems Israel is delusional.In my opinion Israel will have 10,000-20,000 casualties in a missile war with Iran.Though Israel can win .

How can you be so sure. Have you taken Hezbullah in Lebanon, Asad's Syria, and whole of Iran into consideration? When ever it happens, Israel is going to face a 3-front-war....
My guess Netanyahu is using the 2006 War with Hezbollah to come up with figures for this.

He assumes that around 20 Israeli Pilots will lose their lives in an attack on the Iran. Which is around 10 Israeli Jets out of an attacking force of 100 Israeli Jets.

I don't think Israel will launch a ground invasion of Lebanon.

The remaining 480 deaths will be civilian and will occur due to Hezbollah and Iran firing missiles at Israel.

They might have some statistical analysis on the number of missiles penetrating Israeli defenses and killing Israeli civilians.

This is all war gaming and no plan ever survives first contact with the battlefield.
The estimate was from Ehud Barak not Netanyahu. Israel has more than 200 fighters now. To top that you can count entire air force of USA in the middle east as Israel's airforce. Israel will not attack Lebanon any time soon. Why would they when they have a favorable government there?

Israel has well-planned civilian bunkers and people are accustomed to run into them when they hear sirens. So my bet is that the defense minister knows what he is talking about. Also he estimates a month long war. Their stated aim is only taking out Iran's nuclear infrastructure, so in air raids and retaliation he must be counting that number 500.
Israel’s outgoing civil defense chief predicts monthlong war, 500 dead after strike on Iran - The Washington Post

Probably no other country except may be USA makes its analysts deal with dirty numbers like this. It is time India also makes such plans.
What are you smoking? Try going for chemical or biological attacks on Israel, or even massive bombardments, and you'll find the world suddenly has one less Muslim nation.

How many casualties can you take in return, in case you want to nuke Iran? Because simply by nuking Iran you will not be able to bring Iran to its knees, unless of course you use a few dozen nukes against them. Using one or 2 nukes against Iran, will prompt the Iranians react in a way, Israel will see demise of more than two third of its population living in the city areas. Can Israel survive a war after losing 5 million or so? Iran can still survive even after losing 35 million. But by that time, it can be safely assumed that Russia will finish off rest of Israel from the planet earth.

I would therefore suggest you to renounce your demonic war rhetoric and and let everyone live in peace.
mak2000 i think you are a brainless little child. You think Russia is going to get involved? Russia was the one accepted sanctions against Iran . They stopped the sale of S-300. Seems you know absolute 0.
My guess Netanyahu is using the 2006 War with Hezbollah to come up with figures for this.

He assumes that around 20 Israeli Pilots will lose their lives in an attack on the Iran. Which is around 10 Israeli Jets out of an attacking force of 100 Israeli Jets.

I don't think Israel will launch a ground invasion of Lebanon.

The remaining 480 deaths will be civilian and will occur due to Hezbollah and Iran firing missiles at Israel.

They might have some statistical analysis on the number of missiles penetrating Israeli defenses and killing Israeli civilians.

This is all war gaming and no plan ever survives first contact with the battlefield.

Iran is getting tougher. I thought it has like 20 Mig-29s. Surprisingly, news broke last week that they have upgraded 100 of them. Interestingly enough we've known that they purchased 1 F-16 in the 70s. However, another news broke everywhere that Venezuela sold some.... With F-14s, Azarakhsh , Shafaq, Mirage F-1, Mig-27, Su-25, F-5s, F-7PG and 1000s of SAMs in the league, I think it's a pretty decent air force.
How many casualties can you take in return, in case you want to nuke Iran? Because simply by nuking Iran you will not be able to bring Iran to its knees, unless of course you use a few dozen nukes against them. Using one or 2 nukes against Iran, will prompt the Iranians react in a way, Israel will see demise of more than two third of its population living in the city areas. Can Israel survive a war after losing 5 million or so? Iran can still survive even after losing 35 million. But by that time, it can be safely assumed that Russia will finish off rest of Israel from the planet earth.

I would therefore suggest you to renounce your demonic war rhetoric and and let everyone live in peace.
1.Iran is a puppet used by Russia against the west, nothing else. They would not shed any tears for them, let alone nuke Israel.
2.People smarter than you have concluded that in a theoretical nuclear war between Iran and Israel, both using nuclear weapons, Israel would lose a considerable amount of their population but it would recover quickly, while Iran would seize to exist from mass destruction and the uninhabitable land.
Enemies change.

Yesterday it was the Nazis, they were dealt with. Today it's the Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers; they will be dealt with as well.
I mean if we decided to destroy every nation that ever persecuted the Jews one time or another, only India and half of Asia would remain.

So many ppl hate Israel that u would have to kill the whole world xpt Indian to make this world free of jew haters?

ur post proves ur real identity u r just a false flager just like this thread pure BS.

Well Israel wont be attacking Iran as USA is busy with elections and will not give it consent. Israel cannot go it alone without US approval.
Israel should leave the Iranians alone. No one is going to use nuclear weapons in this age. MAD doctrine comes to mind. Every nation knows the consequences of it. If Israel dared to use nuclear weapons on another muslim country than it will suffer the wraith of all muslim countries.
But if Israel is still itching for a fight, let them try and attack Iran. Iran is better preaperd than Iraq and Syria were.
Also, to the Israeli here, why didnt Israel attack Pakistan's nuclear sites? Didnt have the balls to do it?
Neither side will risk a direct confrontation in this day and age. Proxy wars already happen Iraq, Syria, Israel and Iran. Who do you think kills the Iranian scientists in Iran, 2006 Lebanon War between Hizbollah (Iran) and Israel where both sides declared victory.

A conventional war between Iran and Israel would totally screw ME including those two countries.
Iran is getting tougher. I thought it has like 20 Mig-29s. Surprisingly, news broke last week that they have upgraded 100 of them. Interestingly enough we've known that they purchased 1 F-16 in the 70s. However, another news broke everywhere that Venezuela sold some.... With F-14s, Azarakhsh , Shafaq, Mirage F-1, Mig-27, Su-25, F-5s, F-7PG and 1000s of SAMs in the league, I think it's a pretty decent air force.

They don't have a 100 Migs. It would make them the largest operator of Migs after Russia.

they have 25. It was more nonsense form Press TV

Neither side will risk a direct confrontation in this day and age. Proxy wars already happen Iraq, Syria, Israel and Iran. Who do you think kills the Iranian scientists in Iran, 2006 Lebanon War between Hizbollah (Iran) and Israel where both sides declared victory.

A conventional war between Iran and Israel would totally screw ME including those two countries.

they can't have a conventional war because that requires them share a border to fight or sent expeditionary forces.
500?? surely that is a joke is it not??

i think they will experience a death toll much much much greater then that lol

attack before presidential election???? israel has been making this threats for how long now?? i think its been like 2 or 3 times this year they have said or been speculated to attack before a certain date... it never happens

Enemies change.

Yesterday it was the Nazis, they were dealt with. Today it's the Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers; they will be dealt with as well.
I mean if we decided to destroy every nation that ever persecuted the Jews one time or another, only India and half of Asia would remain.

i would say the majority of countries have never persecuted the jews

and i would also say, if every nation and people that the jews persecuted in some way, whether it is by vioilence, or economy, or racism etc were destroyed.. there would be no nations left
They don't have a 100 Migs. It would make them the largest operator of Migs after Russia.

they have 25. It was more nonsense form Press TV

they can't have a conventional war because that requires them share a border to fight or sent expeditionary forces
The central Iraqi Government is controlled by Iranian puppet Nouri al-Maliki and the Shias, don't you think they would allow Iranian forces free pass in Iraq? Also Syria would open their arms to Iranian forces.
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