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Israel claims 'major breakthrough' in race to cure COVID-19

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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Israel claims to have completed the development phase of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the country's Defence Ministry.

A research lab in the Israeli city of Ness Ziona says they've identified a key antibody that attacks the virus and neutralises it.

The Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) is now looking to secure a contract with an international manufacturer for the commercial development of the vaccine.

"I am proud of the Biological Institute staff, who have made a major breakthrough," Defence Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement.

"The Jewish creativity and ingenuity brought about this amazing achievement."

Mr Bennett said the "antibody attacks the virus in monoclonal way," which is seen as a more potent treatment, as it is derived from a single cell.

The IIBR has been testing blood from patients who've recovered from COVID-19. Samples from those who have beaten the disease are seen as the best possible hope of discovering a cure.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the breakthrough is a big step forward.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (AP)
"Like all countries, Israel is now trying to find the right balance between protecting the health of our citizens by preventing another spike in infections, and enabling the reopening of our economy, but, ultimately, to ensure both the public health and national prosperity, we must all work together on improving diagnostics, accelerating therapies and ultimately developing a vaccine," he said.

"I am confident that Israel's leading research institutions, its world renowned scientists and our unique culture of innovation can enable us to play an important role in advancing solutions on all three fronts.

"We hope to work with other countries to leverage our unique capabilities to find solutions for the benefit of all."

Israel has had more than 16,000 cases of COVID-19, and more than 200 deaths.

The country's health minister was diagnosed with coronavirus last month, but has since recovered.

Israel claims to have completed the development phase of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the country's Defence Ministry.

A research lab in the Israeli city of Ness Ziona says they've identified a key antibody that attacks the virus and neutralises it.

The Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) is now looking to secure a contract with an international manufacturer for the commercial development of the vaccine.

"I am proud of the Biological Institute staff, who have made a major breakthrough," Defence Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement.

"The Jewish creativity and ingenuity brought about this amazing achievement."

Mr Bennett said the "antibody attacks the virus in monoclonal way," which is seen as a more potent treatment, as it is derived from a single cell.

The IIBR has been testing blood from patients who've recovered from COVID-19. Samples from those who have beaten the disease are seen as the best possible hope of discovering a cure.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the breakthrough is a big step forward.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (AP)
"Like all countries, Israel is now trying to find the right balance between protecting the health of our citizens by preventing another spike in infections, and enabling the reopening of our economy, but, ultimately, to ensure both the public health and national prosperity, we must all work together on improving diagnostics, accelerating therapies and ultimately developing a vaccine," he said.

"I am confident that Israel's leading research institutions, its world renowned scientists and our unique culture of innovation can enable us to play an important role in advancing solutions on all three fronts.

"We hope to work with other countries to leverage our unique capabilities to find solutions for the benefit of all."

Israel has had more than 16,000 cases of COVID-19, and more than 200 deaths.

The country's health minister was diagnosed with coronavirus last month, but has since recovered.


"The Jewish creativity and ingenuity brought about this amazing achievement."

very nice , yahudis are most intelligent in field of science and technology .
when this virus was made by them then it is not unexpected that they have vaccine for it
Most likely BS. Anyway other countries including China have already made the same statement without any boasts.

Their defense minister said that, he is a passionate Israeli 'patriot' so such statements is expected out of him. His party is all about Jewish history/identity. Indian guy though takes it the wrong way, lol. They have smart people but not much different than educated Asians/Arabs/Whites in developed nations.

when this virus was made by them then it is not unexpected that they have vaccine for it

No they didn't, but they claim lots of breakthroughs that never usually materalize. They claim to made breakthrough for cure to diabetes too but such things need time and cooperation with medical community across world.
you are too naive if you are unable to understand this that they control u.s neocons who are behind this pandemic and population control theory for making circumstance for arrival of their messiah
Their defense minister said that, he is a passionate Israeli 'patriot' so such statements is expected out of him. His party is all about Jewish history/identity. Indian guy though takes it the wrong way, lol. They have smart people but not much different than educated Asians/Arabs/Whites in developed nations.

No they didn't, but they claim lots of breakthroughs that never usually materalize. They claim to made breakthrough for cure to diabetes too but such things need time and cooperation with medical community across world.
Somehow, this development reminds of a video I watched a few years back. It was that man with red cap. Zahid Hamid If im not mistaken. I use to laugh at his ideologies, but this all seems to be going in that direction. That the us will fall and Israel will take its place. Then there’s another theory, that they ll inject humans with nano tracking devices in the guise of a vaccine. Scary stuff but seems to be coming true
Unfortunately, I was unable to find the original thread started by an Indian regarding the invention of an invincible Israeli/Christian/Hindu vaccin cure against corona and whether the Muslim world would be willing to take the so-called haram Yahudi jabs. Obviously the specific topic was a taunt against all Muslims and meant as targeted trolling. Most likely the original topic got removed. This topic comes close to the original topic, hence my post.

Let's revisit the nasty claims and superiority muscle flexing after almost two years of the never-ending corona pandemic. Almost two years have passed and almost every person can today unanimously agree the grave threats that the corona virus poses. All the tough talks about Yahudi/Indian vaccine curing the entire universe have been nothing, but fairytales. As the brightest minds continue to improve and develop vaccines the virus simply mutates i.e. morphes into a new variant. Truth be told, the virus isn't even complex as many experts have explained since its inception. Omicron being the latest variant. Not to mention how Hindustanis themselves have experienced a corona culling recently.

Israelis and most Western nations that also usually claim superiority over the rest are today in no man's land. In other words, vaccines are rendered ineffective. After having jabbed the vast majority of their peoples new variants still continue to wreak havoc. Lock downs and new measures are being introduced, but to no avail. The common man feels that freedoms are being curtailed and many even go as far as claiming that corona is a vaccine money making scheme by the multinationals. After promises that initial jabs would resolve the corona problem, instead we find ourselves taking booster jabs. The talk has shifted from saving mankind by taking vaccine shots to this is the new norm i.e. corona isn't going anywhere. Riots, looting and anger is subsequently the outcome. People in the Western world are questioning their governments. What is the end goal here if there is any?

How would particularly the loudmouth Indians today describe the events? Were their superiority claims just unintelligible blabber or do they still stand by their claims that Hindustan and Israelis are the superior race that will save mankind? Has the savage corona culling brought some sanity among RSS pandits or are they still hyper about invincibility claims? I am VERY curious to find out. After all, two years is a long time. Remember that silence will be perceived as failure.
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Why are they never held accountable for a mountain of false claims?

If China makes even 1 delayed claim they will be all over it like flies attracted to cow shit.
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