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Haman, zip it. You ain't fooling anyone.
What facts are you showing and that I'm ignoring? You're just making statements of personal belief, without any sources, and that I have already addressed using (unlike you) valid, objective sources as well as statements by people on the ground.
I see you're avoiding to comment on the following paragraph making just that point in the previous post, so I'm repeat it:
Here is the proof below,please do reasearch all sides of the subject matter before making up your mind.

Now, tell us, Shanba. What evidence do you have that the BBC, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch don't? What is your excuse for repeating that Hamas is using populated centers to launch attacks, even as professionals witnessing things on the ground, in Gaza, refute similar allegations?
Simple,here are the facts from valid sources with actual close in,factual,obective and valid data from the ground troops who are actually in the fire fights and not just observing the proceedings from safezones as journalists,Amnesty international workers do.They are recent entrants in the picture of 2014 conflict whose initial view and perception can't be taken as gospel truth.

Video proof of hamas militants using civilian populated areas and medical infrastructure for terror purposes on multiple counts,which the IDF took due action to vacate and gave time period of multiple days to do so

From Jpost,-

"The source said the company is operating in a heavily built up area, characterized by residential buildings, orchards surrounded by buildings, and tunnels. Hamas planted its military assets deep inside the very fabric of Gazan civilian life, he said.

“Hamas operatives and area commanders, as well as their rocket cell members, keep one part of their home for normal family life. A second part of the home is the command center, or the start of a tunnel. Daily life and military infrastructure are totally interwoven
,” the source said.

“This is the source of the complexity we face in our combat. We must overcome the challenge of differentiating between Hamas and the civilian population,” he added. The Maglan unit has met the challenge, having detected a series of Hamas assets, he said."
-End quote.

Israeli dedication to prevent civilian damage,as stated in international humanitarian law can be gauged from this as well as the hamas use of civilian infrastructure,populated ones at that for terror activities along with endangering civilians especially women and children,effectively rendering them as meat shields

from the same article as above-
"“I have not entered one civilian home that did not have weapons, suicide belts, or booby traps in it,” the source said. Any home found to be containing women and children leads to an immediate halt of the raid, he said.

“We hold our fire, there’s no question. We don’t take chances with children and women. We allow them to leave, and then continue the raid. That’s who we are, and this is the source of our strength,” he said."
-End quote.

On the Israeli effort to safeguard civilian lives and minimise collateral damage,here is what a true professional whose opinionis actually relevant,much more than non-military people that you quote, on this subject matter had to say to the UN Human rights council on RECORD-


The inability of the Amnesty or journalists to find evidence against the hamas for using civilians as meat shield may have something to do with this,as they rely on testimony of palestinians themselves for proof.


Hamas barbarically torturing to death a palestinian "suspected" not proved of collaboration with Israel.

From www. WND . com-

"TEL AVIV – Hamas killed at least 25 Palestinian civilians it suspected of collaborating with Israel, according to sources close to Gazan jihadist organizations.
The sources, close to both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad groups, told WND that most of the extra-judicial killings of suspected collaborators took place during a brief “humanitarian” cease-fire four days ago.

The so-called collaborators were accused of leading Israeli troops to smuggling tunnels and providing intelligence on Hamas’ infrastructure inside Gazan cities.

The sources said Hamas publicly blamed the killings of the Palestinian suspects on Israel, claiming the civilians were murdered Sunday during an Israel Defense Forces “massacre” in the Shujaiyeh neighborhood of the Gaza Strip.

The sources further said the civilian suspects murdered by Hamas were publicly celebrated by Hamas as martyrs killed by the Jewish state.

After Sunday’s operation in Shujaiyeh, in which the IDF says it targeted Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, Israel agreed to a two-hour humanitarian cease-fire facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The stated purposed of the lull in fighting was to evacuate Palestinian casualties.

During the cease-fire, the IDF said Hamas violated the agreement by shooting at IDF soldiers. Nonetheless, Israel extended the cease-fire another hour.

Israel lost 13 soldiers during the Shujaiyeh operation Sunday. Hamas claimed Israel killed at least 66 Palestinians, mostly civilians, in that operation.

Israel says most Palestinian casualties were gunmen"
-End quote.

Gross human rights violation,extra-judicial killings,violation of humanitarian cease fire.The hamas is gulity of war crimes including and not only limited, to civilian casualties on both sides and use of civilians as meat shields.

That is irrelevant under international law,the fact that hamas is deliberately targeting civilians is exactly why it is considered a terrorist entity and that makes it actions even mor condemnable.Maybe that's why hamas isn't a signatory to international humanitarian laws?
By international law,it is a war crime to target civilians.
So let me get this straight.It would be ok for Israel to randomly and only target civilians if only they openly stated their desire to do so as the hamas has done?

Not saying otherwise - I'm just saying that, when it comes to the intent of killing civilians, the IDF and Hamas are not different, the IDF's self-serving excuses notwithstanding.

Categorically false unless verified by the UN or other reputable agencies.The narrative of private individuals can be taken as facts without independent verification and hearing both sides which includes the Israeli military.

That claim has been made by Human Rights Watch. And the UN has already said Israel may have committed war crimes. Who are you to say it's categorically false?

That is irrelevant under international law,the fact that hamas is deliberately targeting civilians is exactly why it is considered a terrorist entity and that makes it actions even mor condemnable.Maybe that's why hamas isn't a signatory to international humanitarian laws?
By international law,it is a war crime to target civilians.
So let me get this straight.It would be ok for Israel to randomly and only target civilians if only they openly stated their desire to do so as the hamas has done?

Not saying otherwise - I'm just saying that, when it comes to the intent of killing civilians, the IDF and Hamas are not different, the IDF's self-serving excuses notwithstanding.

Categorically false,The Civilian casualties due to IDF action are collateral damage permitted and legal under international law when taking action against military objectives.Any civilian casualties due to isolated,unintentional lapses are regrettable but a part of war.
While on the hamas side,it is responsible for not only using its own populace as meat shields.It is also guilty of international humanitarian war crimes by intentional use of force against innocent Israeli civilians,only and specifically.It's use of imprecise and area effect weapons such as unguided rockets,mortars constitute further war crimes committed by hamas.

Hence the IDF is not guilty of specifically targeting civilian and using disproportionate force for its military objectives.At most,a few isolated incidences of unintentional civilian casualties has occurred.While the hamas is using terror tactics on innocent civilians and is guilty of war crimes.Any attempt to bring about equivalence or rather false equivalence is pathetic and intellectually dishonest.

Categorically false unless verified by the UN or other reputable agencies.The narrative of private individuals can be taken as facts without independent verification and hearing both sides which includes the Israeli military.

That claim has been made by Human Rights Watch. And the UN has already said Israel may have committed war crimes. Who are you to say it's categorically false?
Not proved, just accused.hence under proper law process they are not guilty unless proven beyond doubt.
You know there is a heck of a lot difference between "may have" and "has"

The below article is of the UNRWA school hit a few days ago.

The use of UN facilities by hamas for military purposes on multiple counts.It shows that lapses have occured in Gaza by UN.Add to that the immature behavious of UN,World media..supposedly neutral and reliable on this conflict as per you,of accusing Israel without genuine proof and thorough investigations bring into doubt the neutrality and professionalism of UN,certain human rights group and world media into serious doubt.
The condemnable fact that UN returned the rockets,military equipment,found in its facilities to hamas on two separate accounts instead of seizing and keeping them as evidence for future investigation of 2014 conflict is leads to serious and genuine doubts and accusation thatthe UN has breached its mandate and may actually have,unwittingly, assisted terrorist organisations.

Below is the Human rights watch statement that Hamas is guilty of war crimes and can't be trusted for a credible narrative of the gaza conflict of 2014 and nor can organisations associated and allied with it,like the gaza health ministry run by hamas.

Joe stork's,deputy director middle east at human rights watch is particularly relevant and interesting.

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I am not going to address the post you made after this as it is full of ad-hominem,false dilemma and disparaging the reputation of the news source rather than discussing the news on its merit.You seem particularly adamant on passing preliminary reports of amnesty and UN as the final judgement on this matter which it is not and this act is simply distorting facts and an example of intellectual dishonesty.Please address all the points of my post instead of desperate cherry picking of facts.
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Here is the proof below,please do reasearch all sides of the subject matter before making up your mind.

Simple,here are the facts from valid sources with actual close in,factual,obective and valid data from the ground troops who are actually in the fire fights and not just observing the proceedings from safezones as journalists,Amnesty international workers do.They are recent entrants in the picture of 2014 conflict whose initial view and perception can't be taken as gospel truth.
Word salad.

Video proof of hamas militants using civilian populated areas and medical infrastructure for terror purposes on multiple counts,which the IDF took due action to vacate and gave time period of multiple days to do so
So your proof is a video posted on the IDF's Youtube channel? You call this objective? Did you know that even Israeli agencies disregard IDF material when submitting their research on conflict tactics to the UN? Are you aware that the IDF has posted pictures of "hospitals" in Gaza that are not even hospitals at all? If you think the IDF is an impartial source, then so is Hamas; but I have avoided all along to bring up Hamas sources - I have only used mainstream sources from the UN to HRW. How about you extend me the favor?

www. WND . com-

More about WND.com:

WND (formerly WorldNetDaily or, as it was affectionately known to its fans, WingNutDaily or WhirledNutDaily) is an extremist conservative website founded by Joseph Farah in 1997 as a project of his Western Center for Journalism.[1] It espouses a fundamentalist Christian, creationist view of the world, and regularly engages in racist attacks against African-Americans. Its political leanings are right-wing, pro-"Christian right," and supposedly pro-United States, with strongly libertarian economic views. Its coverage provides multiple sides of the issues: the conservative viewpoint and the ultra-conservative viewpoint. It is far to the right of Fox News.
In addition, Jerome Corsi has also used WorldNetDaily to spread rumors that Obama is secretly gay and used to frequent Chicago gay bars.[27][28][29]
In addition to claims that Obama is actually a Kenyan who gay married a Muslim, and that hordes of Africa-Americans are rampaging in your neighborhood, WorldNetDaily has advanced plenty of other sanity-deprived ideas.​
  • Obama is planning on building a Death Star.[51] Seriously.
  • The attack by Anders Behring Breivik was invented by the Norwegian Labour party in order to gain sympathy. "This is likely a fabrication of the Labour Party, who needs to hold onto power to enforce their multi-culturalist, Muslim-favoring, anti-nationalist views", according to Michael Savage.[49]

Some good source you found yourself there, buddy.

None of the better sources support what they say - they all support what I say. How about being a rational person and just accept the evidence as it is, rather than try to fit it in a world view in which bombing children is something righteous only because it's Israel that is doing it?

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