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Israel calls Brazil a ‘diplomatic dwarf’ – and then brings up World Cup humiliation

I said civilian structures,from the times of Israel.
The school was abandoned - no one was used as a shield. And UNRWA explained those two instances were the first times that had ever happened. That means that every other time Israel bombed schools, it was after civilians. And UNRWA has repeatedly condemned Israeli claims to that schools are widely used for military purposes - claims that are made to justify shelling of civilians. In many cases, the IDF and the Israeli media have been forced to retract their claims.

By contrast, there've been several Israeli strikes on civilian targets that served no military purpose whatsoever (the beach massacre of four boys is a clear example), where there were no fighters, no rocket storage etc. It's ridiculous to be more outraged at the use, however inappropriate, of abandoned buildings while refusing to condemn at real instances where non-abandoned buildings were singled out for destruction despite their total absence of military value.
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The school was abandoned - no one was used as a shield. And UNRWA explained those two instances were the first times that had ever happened. UNRWA has repeatedly condemned Israeli claims to that used schools are widely used for this purpose which are made to justify shelling of civilians. In many cases, the IDF and the Israeli media have been forced to retract their claims.

By contrast, there've been several Israeli strikes on civilian targets that served no military purpose whatsoever (the beach massacre of four boys is a clear example), where there were no fighters, no rocket storage etc. It's ridiculous to be more outraged at the use, however inappropriate, of abandoned buildings while refusing to condemn at real instances where non-abandoned buildings were singled out for destruction despite their total absence of military value.
This is just one example of how hamas uses civilian structures for military purposes which constitute war crimes that are crime against humanity.Under international it is the duty of all parties to make sure that they take steps to protect civilian casualties,as such the hamas is guilty of deliberately targeting israeli civilians and their own civilians by their use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes.

Under international law and the principle of proportionality, an attack must not be launched if it would cause excessive civilian casualties or damage to civilian objects in relation to the concrete military advantage anticipated.So Israel is justified in targeting civilian structures used for military purposes and civilian casualties are regrettable but non-condemnable if the perceived advantage of a strike outweigh the collateral damage.
This is just one example of how hamas uses civilian structures for military purposes
So what are the others? Did you see the post where I showed you statements by journalists and investigators on the ground that they see no evidence that Hamas is using human shields? Do you know something that these people don't? Are you in Gaza at this moment?

which constitute war crimes that are crime against humanity
Israel's got a record of doing just that:
"Israeli troops would sometimes take over a Palestinian family's home to use as a staging post or sniper's nest, while forcing the family to remain in another room. Thus "effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk". Amnesty: Israel Used Children as Human Shields in Gaza | Alternet

I await your condemnation of this practice that "constitute(s) war crimes that are crime against humanity".

Under international it is the duty of all parties to make sure that they take steps to protect civilian casualties,as such the hamas is guilty of deliberately targeting israeli civilians and their own civilians by their use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes.
So let me get this straight. You say that all parties are bound to protect civilians, but you only condemn Hamas, that killed 3 civilians, but not Israel, that killed in excess of 800 civilians?
I think Brazil has overreacted by recalling its diplomat. The present operations in middle east would remotely affect Brazil.

And it is needless for Israel to give a verbal comment on what other countries do.
So what are the others? Did you see the post where I showed you claims by journalists and investigators on the ground saying they see no evidence that Hamas is using human shields? Do you know something that these people don't? Are you in Gaza at this moment?
Just a single journalist whose narrative can't be taken as facts.Why are you in gaza?

Israel's got a record of doing that:
Israeli troops would sometimes take over a Palestinian family's home to use as a staging post or sniper's nest, while forcing the family to remain in another room. Thus "effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk"
The same as hamas using civilian structures for military purposes.However that report concerns an earlier conflict and is rendered irrelevant for the current confict in july 2014

So let me get this straight. You say that all parties are bound to protect civilians, but you only condemn Hamas, that killed 3 civilians, but not Israel, that killed in excess of 800 civilians?

Under international law and the principle of proportionality, an attack must not be launched if it would cause excessive civilian casualties or damage to civilian objects in relation to the concrete military advantage anticipated.So Israel is justified in targeting civilian structures used for military purposes and civilian casualties are regrettable but non-condemnable if the perceived advantage of a strike outweigh the collateral damage.
Read this again and again..slowly with a calm mind and maybe you will get it.

From your own source,
"Hamas’ military wing and other Palestinian armed groups fired over 1,700 rockets into Israel from 8 to 18 July, and scores of rockets continue to be fired every. Three civilians in Israel have been killed and at least 11 others have been moderately or seriously wounded by shrapnel and broken glass, according to Israel’s emergency medical service, which has also treated hundreds of other people for light injuries (mostly shock) since the beginning of Operation “Protective Edge”. Homes and other civilian properties in Israel have been damaged.International humanitarian law prohibits the use of weapons that are by nature indiscriminate. The rockets fired from Gaza into Israel cannot be aimed exactly at their objective and their use violates international humanitarian law. The firing of indiscriminate rockets and mortars also endangers Palestinians inside the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank."

"Parties to the conflict also are required to take necessary precautions (in attack and defence) to protect civilians. The obligation to take precautions in attack includes adjusting the means and timing of the attack to minimize harm to civilians and civilian objects, ensuring, wherever feasible, that civilians are given effective warnings in advance of attacks, and cancelling or suspending an attack if it becomes apparent that the target is civilian or that the attack would be disproportionate. Firing munitions which cannot be precisely aimed at military targets, such as artillery and mortars, into densely populated residential areas does not comply with the obligation to take all feasible precautions, even if they are aimed at military targets located in these areas, and would constitute indiscriminate attacks. Parties to the conflict must also take necessary precautions to protect civilians in their power from the effects of attack. "

"Statements by some leaders of Palestinian armed groups also indicate that they have no qualms about launching attacks against civilians and that they in fact carry out such attacks intending to kill and injure Israeli civilians. Attacks that directly target civilians and indiscriminate attacks resulting in death or injury to civilians constitute war crimes."

It is well clear that hamas specifically and only meant to target the civilians of Israel.Hence their provocation which led to the current crisis constitutes as grave violation of international humanitarian laws,as it is strictly forbidden to target civilians specifically.

Hence it is clear that in this recent conflict hamas is clearly guilty of civilian casualties on both israeli and its own side.WHile the accusations against Israel in this conflict are yet to be proved.
Just a single journalist whose narrative can't be taken as facts.Why are you in gaza?
Not "a single journalist" - it's the BBC Middle East editor, plus Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch's Gaza teams. All of them have said there's no evidence of Hamas use of human shield - all of them have said that Israel is bombing spots with no military value whatsoever. And if you count isolated events - that is, individual bombings by Israel - then we also have journalists from the NBC, The Guardian and the New York Times all saying the same thing. A New York Times photographer who witnessed the beach massacre of four kids last week said the beach was otherwise empty, and The Guardian correspondent who also saw the bombing has said that Israel appears to have aimed at the kids it killed. Why don't condemn that? It's against international law, too, in case you care about that and aren't just pretending.

The same as hamas using civilian structures for military purposes.However that report concerns an earlier conflict and is rendered irrelevant for the current confict in july 2014
You're just repeating yourself - you don't even present sources; the only one doing that is me. And the sources I have deny that there's evidence of such a thing against Hamas.

It is well clear that hamas specifically and only meant to target the civilians of Israel.Hence their provocation which led to the current crisis constitutes as grave violation of international humanitarian laws,as it is strictly forbidden to target civilians specifically.
Hamas's never hidden that it considers all Israelis as targets - that's the one difference between Hamas and the IDF. Hamas is honest about itself; the IDF, by contrast, likes to blame the victims as it kills them with a heavy dose of rhetoric and lies. And if you like my sources so much, just admit what they all say - that the IDF is bombing civilian structures just because and that there's no evidence Hamas is making use of them.

israel is a miniscule, puny, totally/utterly irrelevant country.

Their only 'relevance' is the crises they create by colonizing/oppressing Palestinians..and hence world talks about them.

UAE has more economic, diplomatic, and cultural relevance in 21st century than puny Israel

Israelis' delusions are over-the-top...

Israel is like a small dog which is friends with lion...and on that basis, he threatens the wolves.
Irrelevant you say eh? Every major silicon valley company is either recruiting from Israel, buying software and hardware companies from Israel or is directly investing in Israel by setting up R&D/production facilities. They've produced more science and developed more ideas that have benefited humanity in the past 60 years than the Islamic world has in the past 600 years. Certainly more than Pakistan has ever done.

Israel is one of the most productive countries on the planet and they've done more for humanity than 1 billion plus Muslims. UAE is a success story, but it's not more relevant, not by a long shot. If UAE disappears tomorrow, we'll miss a shopping destination and a bunch of pakistanis will lose their day laboring jobs. If Israel disappears tomorrow, we will lose hundreds of current and future Nobel Prize winners, many tens of great companies and tens of thousands of brilliant minds that are producing the software and hardware necessary to run our 21st century landscape.
Irrelevant you say eh? Every major silicon valley company is either recruiting from Israel, buying software and hardware companies from Israel or is directly investing in Israel by setting up R&D/production facilities. They've produced more science and developed more ideas that have benefited humanity in the past 60 years than the Islamic world has in the past 600 years. Certainly more than Pakistan has ever done.

Israel is one of the most productive countries on the planet and they've done more for humanity than 1 billion plus Muslims. UAE is a success story, but it's not more relevant, not by a long shot. If UAE disappears tomorrow, we'll miss a shopping destination and a bunch of pakistanis will lose their day laboring jobs. If Israel disappears tomorrow, we will lose hundreds of current and future Nobel Prize winners, many tens of great companies and tens of thousands of brilliant minds that are producing the software and hardware necessary to run our 21st century landscape.

I think you ride that D a little too furiously Abii.
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You're just repeating yourself - you don't even present sources; the only one doing that is me.
I repeat myself because you do that,refusing to see facts and application of international law on both sides equally.
As far as my alleged lack of sources concerned,I have given sources.The fact that you are too lazy to reverse google it may be the determining factor here.
If you want links,take it up with the mods.The forum rules and software prohibit me from posting links.
However to make it up for that I have been quoting your own sources as well, if you didn't notice or were too glad to ignore those parts while presenting those sources,it is none of my fault.

Hamas's never hidden that it considers all Israelis as targets - that's the one difference between Hamas and the IDF. Hamas is honest about itself; the IDF, by contrast, likes to blame the victims as it kills them with a heavy dose of rhetoric and lies. And if you like my sources so much, just admit what they all say - that the IDF is bombing civilian structures just because and that there's no evidence Hamas is making use of them.
That is irrelevant under international law,the fact that hamas is deliberately targeting civilians is exactly why it is considered a terrorist entity and that makes it actions even mor condemnable.Maybe that's why hamas isn't a signatory to international humanitarian laws?
By international law,it is a war crime to target civilians.

So let me get this straight.It would be ok for Israel to randomly and only target civilians if only they openly stated their desire to do so as the hamas has done?

all of them have said that Israel is bombing spots with no military value whatsoever.
Categorically false unless verified by the UN or other reputable agencies.The narrative of private individuals can be taken as facts without independent verification and hearing both sides which includes the Israeli military.
I think your ride that D a little too furiously Abii.
Nah mate. When somebody says a crack pot arab oil monarchy is more relevant than a state that has produced more science and has contributed more to humanity in 60 years, then the muslim world has in 600, you gotta answer back.

I consider Israel more important than even my own country Iran in today's global village. Israel does more to advance humanity than you guys do, that's a fact.
I repeat myself because you do that,refusing to see facts and application of international law on both sides equally.
What facts are you showing and that I'm ignoring? You're just making statements of personal belief, without any sources, and that I have already addressed using (unlike you) valid, objective sources as well as statements by people on the ground.

I see you're avoiding to comment on the following paragraph making just that point in the previous post, so I'm repeat it:

Not "a single journalist" - it's the BBC Middle East editor, plus Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch's Gaza teams. All of them have said there's no evidence of Hamas use of human shield - all of them have said that Israel is bombing spots with no military value whatsoever. And if you count isolated events - that is, individual bombings by Israel - then we also have journalists from the NBC, The Guardian and the New York Times all saying the same thing. A New York Times photographer who witnessed the beach massacre of four kids last week said the beach was otherwise empty, and The Guardian correspondent who also saw the bombing has said that Israel appears to have aimed at the kids it killed. Why don't condemn that? It's against international law, too, in case you care about that and aren't just pretending.

Now, tell us, Shanba. What evidence do you have that the BBC, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch don't? What is your excuse for repeating that Hamas is using populated centers to launch attacks, even as professionals witnessing things on the ground, in Gaza, refute similar allegations?

That is irrelevant under international law
Not saying otherwise - I'm just saying that, when it comes to the intent of killing civilians, the IDF and Hamas are not different, the IDF's self-serving excuses notwithstanding.

Categorically false unless verified by the UN or other reputable agencies
That claim has been made by Human Rights Watch. And the UN has already said Israel may have committed war crimes. Who are you to say it's categorically false?
Irrelevant you say eh? Every major silicon valley company is either recruiting from Israel, buying software and hardware companies from Israel or is directly investing in Israel by setting up R&D/production facilities. They've produced more science and developed more ideas that have benefited humanity in the past 60 years than the Islamic world has in the past 600 years. Certainly more than Pakistan has ever done.

Israel is one of the most productive countries on the planet and they've done more for humanity than 1 billion plus Muslims. UAE is a success story, but it's not more relevant, not by a long shot. If UAE disappears tomorrow, we'll miss a shopping destination and a bunch of pakistanis will lose their day laboring jobs. If Israel disappears tomorrow, we will lose hundreds of current and future Nobel Prize winners, many tens of great companies and tens of thousands of brilliant minds that are producing the software and hardware necessary to run our 21st century landscape.

You can lick Israeli *** as much as you like. Doesn't change facts though.

As a country, Israel is irrelevant and too small.

Their main relevance comes from their alliance with the United States.

Other than that, they are nothing more to care about.

They are a small country with small market.

Persians like you are annoying and nobody befriends them. Stop being a smart alec...

Name one major Israeli company without googling?
Israel has some serious mental issues........... what's wrong with them.......... they're way too arrogant for their own good.............. on topic, if Brazil is a 'diplomatic dwarf', then minus the US of A and it's poodle in Europe, what is Israel - a 'diplomatic lice'???? It seems it's very easy for Israel to coin punchlines, but impossible to kickstart their collective grey matter......

I hate stupidity.......... I guess, they are becoming just like rest of the Arabs............ that whole land seems to be cursed......... I mean all of those nasty nations out there.............. arrogant bastards.................
abii, you are even dumber than I thought!!! Israel contributes nothing to technology/ Israeli Hasbara spread bunch of propaganda all over the internet. Yeah Israel invents everything from computer to water!!! yeah Israel is GOD! yeah without Israel humanity is lost! HAHAH, Paid, hasbara propaganda.

Israel is nothing without US support. they have no R & D. Quick ,name two Israeli tech products? name 2 Israeli companies? ha? yeah that's what I thought!

Israel has the highest number of brain drain after Iran in the middle East. All the liberal Israelis that are the most educated ones are LEAVING Israel for Europe, America. Canada. Instead they have thousands of hardcore right-wing- crazies moving in to Israel, which means the situation will even get worse.

i'm gonna call you Mr.Ahmagh it's very fitting.

hi-tech , I think NOT.

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