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Israel bombs Baptist Hospital in Gaza murdering 1,000 Palestinians

France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium Italy and USA are guilty.

Israel first told Palestinians to go south and then shot them on the way. People trying to rescue those trapped under the rubble were shot. Ambulances were shot while they were being taken to the hospital. Some reached the hospital and were treated. Now hospitals are being hit.

And, someone is still trying to explain how civilian sensitive the IDF have. It's unbelievable. Brain-dead zombies.
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Israel first told Palestinians to go south and then shot them on the way. People trying to rescue those trapped under the rubble were shot. Ambulances were shot while they were being taken to the hospital. Some reached the hospital and were treated. Now hospitals are being hit.

And, someone is still trying to explain how civilian sensitive the IDF have. It's unbelievable. Brain-dead zombies.

These people are monsters, they should be accountable for thier war crimes.

France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium
Italy and USA are guilty.

All these countries have blood on thier hands, as they have allowed the most gruesome massacre to happen and human carnage continues without any sign of ceasefire or humanitarian aid to go through.
Maybe we should put these pics on the dinner plates of Sisi, Abdullah, Erdogan, Shabaz , Bin Salman et all.

Iran started this var via HAMAS

Go and save Palestinians or shut up
Muslims sacrificing their own kids for jihad is no news at all

And this one.

WTF is wrong with you guys - why are we putting up with these cunts?

@WebMaster time to get your thumb out and sort out your forum. It's been wank for far too long and this is taking the piss now.

These penchod are on here spreading zionist propaganda in every topic.
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What US media man? I have experience of growing up with Muslims....Muslims killed thousands of innocent kashmiri pandits...killed thousands of Hindus in Bomb blasts..they never condemn anything done by Muslims....t
Have you seen even a single muslim condemning Hamas who killed 1500 innocent Israelis( including babies) and who triggered this war..no...for muslims everything is religion religion religion..
You can't expect others to be fair with you when all you have is hate for them

There's something seriously wrong with you. I can't understand why people who post nonsense are allowed to do so uninterrupted on this forum. Did any of those babies who were killed by Israel show hate to you? Any of those men and women slaughtered by Israel's bomb on that hospital show you any hate? You're presumably an Indian who complains about Muslims killing thousands of you in India. The world doesn't see that. All that the world see is your stupidity and coldness in promoting bombs being delivered to hospitals where thousands are being killed.
Everything on that tweet is a lie

Everyone knows Hamas or Palestinian rockets don't do that kind of damage

Anyone saying otherwise is a liar and a Zionist scumbag
Here is a photo from Ashkelon after a rocket attack, it seems to be similar in level of destruction/pattern of it as well.

We also need to consider that there could have been a possible secondary explosion due to fuel on site igniting, it is pertinent to note that the hospital has running electricity via generator as per their officials so likely had stores of fuel to help keep it running. To add to this if a rocket failed it likely would have had additional fuel on it as well which would have contributed to the larger fire damage.

Most circumstantial evidence is showing a faction i.e, PIJ or Hamas rocket possibly the munition impacting the area, but I'm not going to say that it is confirmed until harder evidence comes out.
Anyways bottom line here is that we don't know who did it, so let's not treat it as confirmed and rile up people. The region is already on the edge.

Yes, although Israel did not bomb the hospital... won't be surprised if Hamas or any of it's cohorts end up bombing their own for a "higher cause".

This is a war crime, and it should be called as such. Do you have proof that Hamas did it? I have not seen convincing proof yet. Do you assume that Israeli do not lie? Only Hamas lie?

Nobody brings his kids to a hospital and expect it to be bombed.

This might sound harsh but your statement is disgusting.
This is a war crime, and it should be called as such. Do you have proof that Hamas did it? I have not seen convincing proof yet. Do you assume that Israeli do not lie? Only Hamas lie?

Nobody brings his kids to a hospital and expect it to be bombed.

This might sound harsh but your statement is disgusting.

The IDF tweeted about it's successful operation, only to back track after finding out there was backlash for the huge number of casulties.

2 died from the attack, and 498 others died in the hospital building from heart attack 😔
This is the kind of toilets we are dealing with. Look at the sentiments in the words he writes. Dirty Indian.
We must remember Indians on this forum are below cockroaches and have to be treated accordingly.
Innocent kids women doctors and nurses have perished because the Israeli carried out this horrendous act. The largest ever loss since records began. Now desperate to back track and blame Hamas.

Israel first told Palestinians to go south and then shot them on the way. People trying to rescue those trapped under the rubble were shot. Ambulances were shot while they were being taken to the hospital. Some reached the hospital and were treated. Now hospitals are being hit.

And, someone is still trying to explain how civilian sensitive the IDF have. It's unbelievable. Brain-dead zombies.
turns out, Jews are the real animals underneath human skin.

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