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Israel attack on sudan details

Audio is an insecure Indian, no matter what he says btw. Just letting you know.
Seriously do you really think Israel can take on Islamabad? :rofl:

Maybe they should prepare themselves because what Pakistan can do is what Israel can't do. Shaheen 2 and Ghauri 2 Missiles cover range as far as Israel. And thats right they all carry Nuclear warheads. With a click of a button Israel will be history.

Now quit acting smart and STFU.

Israel has never threatened Pakistan but its Pakistanis who are always after Israel.

I guess it has something to do with Pakistanis endless obsession with being Arab that they even want the same enemies as the Arabs.
Yes, anyone with half a mind can understand why Israel has never lost a single war and continues to dominate every single adversary.
Unfortunately, not every person seem such mental capabilities.
I should remind you that the Arabs attacked Israel on the holiest day in Judaism, Yom Kippur, a day of national fasting, an equivalent of a 24 hour Ramadan, and still lost miserably.

Delusions the Arabs teach themselves and their children do not change the course of history, nor reality.

Try something like this with Pakistan and you Jews will have to resort to nuclear weapons. Remember, not everybody in the neighborhood is an Arab.
Try something like this with Pakistan and you Jews will have to resort to nuclear weapons. Remember, not everybody in the neighborhood is an Arab.

Israel's neighbors.

Egypt - Arab Country
Lebanon - Arab Country
Jordan - Arab Country
Syria - Arab Country
Palestinian Territories - Arab Country.

The only non-Arab Country in the region are Iran and Turkey which are thousands of miles away.

Pakistan is in South Asia and not even in the Middle East.
I think he meant the Israelis themselves. They are not Arab.

The IDF is one of the greatest fighting machines on the planet.

It learns from its mistakes and keeps on honing its skills.

It did not perform well in 2006 War with Lebanon but learned from its mistakes and performed superbly during the Gaza War in 2009.

I don't agree with Israel's policies of settlement building, brutalizing of the Palestinian people, and the bellicose nature of Israeli politicians.

But give credit where credit is due.
Can someone please post Sir Murad's posts regarding the Israel's attack plans on Kahuta? i would greatly appreciate.

I strongly suggest you guys go through these books to learn more about Osirak strike.

1. Raid On The Sun (Rodger W. Claire)
2. Loud And Clear (Brigadier General Iftach Spector) it's his biography and very interesting read, he was flying one of the Viper's which attacked Osirak. Interestingly he discloses that he was the only pilot of the strike package who missed the target.
Dominate what? Boy you say you won 1973 war while you lost sınai which is such a strategic place and massive land is that what you call victory? Not to forget how many aircraft of aid did US send you constantly, if US helped Uganda that much they would have defeated France. Nevertheless 1967 you acted clever and was decisive victory. But even you know that Isreal wasn't the proper underdogs in the wars you was well equipped and constant aided

What? 1973, Israel was caught by surprise. But they fought back and ended up a few miles outside Cairo and Damascus in Egypt and Syria respectively. Secondly, they didnt lose Sinai. It was given back to Egypt in a peace deal. Since then Egypt has ceased being Israel's enemy. As for US helping Israel, Israel bought weapons from them. Just like the Egyptians bought from the USSR.

It never happened. I have heard this nonsense from most Arab worshipping Pakistanis.

Stop believing this delusions of grandeur that Pakistan is at the vanguard of Islamic causes and by turning Israel into an enemy of Pakistan makes Pakistan feel more Arab.

Aha! I have read about this Operation Blue Tulsi etc., But didnt know it was conspiracy theories.
Now the question to ask is whether Egypt and KSA were willing collaborators who ignored the Israeli trespassing of their airspace or they did not even know that IsAF was flying over them ?

Either way, shoddy work.
You know with only 25 F-15Es in Israeli inventory they were to conduct many deep strike operations. Imagine what an Air Force with 154 Of them will do... And even more advanced versions than the Israeli ones at that.

More than the machine, the will power to utilize the machine in the optimum way is required.

Oh, btw, Su-30MKI's (including their air-superiority capabilities) or IAF's upgraded Jaguars (sans the air-superiority role) equally good as deep penetration strike aircraft.

Are we forgetting the Su-34 ?
And in the 90s, they tried to come to Pakistan to destroy our nuclear plants. .

Thats an urban myth. Something like the scanned page in which David Ben Gurion says Pakistan is Israel's enemy.
Israel has never threatened Pakistan but its Pakistanis who are always after Israel.

I guess it has something to do with Pakistanis endless obsession with being Arab that they even want the same enemies as the Arabs.

Forgetting everything, what the fook is this for? :blink:
I've heard enough of that from Pakistani Canadians. To tell you the truth they are the stupidest people on earth. So if you don't mind, could you stop generalizing from them to make your opinion about whole of Pakistan?
Thats an urban myth. Something like the scanned page in which David Ben Gurion says Pakistan is Israel's enemy.

:blah: Please continue to make yourself happy......
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