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Israel attack on sudan details

Well some country can you beat empty chest and when came to actions they hide ,

a) Syrian Plane down, what turkey able to done that despite shouting war war war .
b) What about GAS rig in Cyprus?

Turkey should so much and do so little, one old says, barking dogs , dont bite..

Well when they enter it evident they will go some day, the timing depends on them and not on your choice. but the thing is what you could have done when they are here ? nothing

:lol: Turkish muslim rule didnt bring you back to your senses i suppse .




in a matter of days cyprus was easily taken , considering israel isnt much bigger it will take us two weeks without US.

i dont even want to tlak about syria ma friend , if we wanted we would go to damascus in 2 days max.



heading says , high tension in medditeranean
just another example

Cyprus Missile Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cyprus Missile Crisis came to worldwide media attention between early 1997 and late 1998 as a tense and rapidly escalating political standoff between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey. The confrontation was sparked by Greek Cypriot plans to install two powerful Russian-made S-300 air-defence missile sites on their territory, provoking Turkey into threatening an attack or even all-out war if the missiles were not returned to Russia. The crisis effectively ended in December 1998 with the decision of the Cypriot Government to transfer the S-300s to Crete, in exchange for alternative weapons from Greece.

On 11 January 1997, Cypriot and US media sources reported that Turkey had overtly threatened either a pre-emptive strike to prevent the arrival of the missiles, or an actual war on Cyprus as a response to the arrival of the missiles. Cypriot Government sources condemned the threats, the Greek Cypriot armed forces were placed at their highest state of alert and mobilisation since the 1974 invasion of the island by Turkey.

Over the following months leading up to June 1997, the two sides traded political rhetoric and aggressive propaganda as both attempted to justify their positions before the international community.

In September 1997, the Turkish Navy and Coastguard began to board and search vessels heading to Cyprus, including Russian-flagged vessels in international waters. The situation alarmed not only the Greek Cypriots, but their strategic military and economic partners in Athens and Moscow, evidenced by official statements in October 1997 indicating that Greece and Russia would engage in war with Turkey if Cyprus was attacked or blockaded.

so , for our interests and defence , if we go into the risk of war with russia i have nothing to say , and this is just for sale of missiles

Yom Kipper war Sound something?? Egyptian–Syrian–Jordanian , SA, PAK everyone joined yet defeated.

there was no jordan , saudi arabia or even pakistan in yom kuppur war wth you on about , are you in fantasy land?
if you meant help like money or just volunteers the biggest power US helped israel with unbeliavable support
Air strikes by Israel have been on weak countries. Try doing the same on Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan.:rolleyes: :disagree:

they destroyed egyptian airforce in 6 days war..otoh why dont the mentioned powerful countries do something against Israel rather than saying Death to Israel.Show your guts :D
they destroyed egyptian airforce in 6 days war..otoh why dont the mentioned powerful countries do something against Israel rather than saying Death to Israel.Show your guts :D

think for no more than 10 seconds and you will get your answer why there is still a country called isreal .

also its not hard very hard to destroy another countries airforce with a coward suprise attack.
think for no more than 10 seconds and you will get your answer why there is still a country called isreal .

also its not hard very hard to destroy another countries airforce with a coward suprise attack.

You should start thinking too, and i think for a little more then 10 seconds. Posts before this post are laughable, Russia now isn't the Russia as in 97'.
And for you to throw the missile "crisis" as a diplomatic or whatever victory just shows what poor mentality you have. On the other hand, you're just a little kid, so you can be excused.
I'd explain but i have no interest in spoonfeeding you with common sense.
thought for more than 10 secs and got that they deserve to be there :) Why the other country has the air force if they cannot defend their airspace?? cowardly act hell no..they do what they think unlike other countries.
they destroyed egyptian airforce in 6 days war..otoh why dont the mentioned powerful countries do something against Israel rather than saying Death to Israel.Show your guts :D

You are talking about very different Eras.

Today only countries stuck in cold war Era can the same thing happen to them. Times have changed.
You should start thinking too, and i think for a little more then 10 seconds. Posts before this post are laughable, Russia now isn't the Russia as in 97'.
And for you to throw the missile "crisis" as a diplomatic or whatever victory just shows what poor mentality you have. On the other hand, you're just a little kid, so you can be excused.
I'd explain but i have no interest in spoonfeeding you with common sense.

if i was a little kid i wouldnt be here , looking at your avatar you seem to be a western hippy still watching kid movies . or your a member of a whipped country by us and have a deep anger , maybe one of the eastern europeon countries . so you have that deep anger , embarrasment :lol:
thought for more than 10 secs and got that they deserve to be there :) Why the other country has the air force if they cannot defend their airspace?? cowardly act hell no..they do what they think unlike other countries.
welcome mam sunay phir :P
thought for more than 10 secs and got that they deserve to be there :) Why the other country has the air force if they cannot defend their airspace?? cowardly act hell no..they do what they think unlike other countries.

i guarantee you today if any country had USA behind them ( i mean real behind them- support them anyhow) , and they was enemies with india , they would even bomb your planes on a suprise attack , they might lose some but still , and then there planes will just get replaced by USA again , and again and again got it know?
think for no more than 10 seconds and you will get your answer why there is still a country called isreal .

also its not hard very hard to destroy another countries airforce with a coward suprise attack.

Its not cowardice. Its strategy. Being a very small country with a very small piece of land, it is Israel's military doctrine to always take the fight outside of its land area and always shoot first and ask questions later (preemptive attacks). Infact every country attempts that, wars are never fought on your own soil as much as possible. You always take the war to the enemy country outside your borders. This will prevent collateral damage in your land. What they did was a preemptive strike but Egypt was quite dumb to put all of its fighters in one airfield :confused: AND turned off their radars. To this day I dont understand the logic behind that.

Here is the Israel Defense Forces doctrine:

Basic points

Israel cannot afford to lose a single war
Defensive on the strategic level, no territorial ambitions
Desire to avoid war by political means and a credible deterrent posture
Preventing escalation
Determine the outcome of war quickly and decisively
Combating terrorism
Very low casualty ratio


A small standing army with an early warning capability, regular air force and navy
An efficient reserve mobilization and transportation system

Move to counterattack

Multi-arm coordination
Transferring the battle to enemy territory quickly
Quick attainment of war objectives
Just to some retards here -

Today , if lets say israel and another country attacked egypt lets supose , USA had egypts backing all the way , and it was a life or death situation , being destroyed or not , i can bet anybody here that egypt will destroy them to countries , this is the case for anyone , its not a case of israel was the underdogs , for gods sake israel had even better weapons , unconditional support and aid and people are gassing like mad

Its not cowardice. Its strategy. Being a very small country with a very small piece of land, it is Israel's military doctrine to always take the fight outside of its land area and always shoot first and ask questions later (preemptive attacks). Infact every country attempts that, wars are never fought on your own soil as much as possible. You always take the war to the enemy country outside your borders. This will prevent collateral damage in your land. What they did was a preemptive strike but Egypt was quite dumb to put all of its fighters in one airfield :confused: AND turned off their radars. To this day I dont understand the logic behind that.

Here is the Israel Defense Forces doctrine:

Basic points

Israel cannot afford to lose a single war
Defensive on the strategic level, no territorial ambitions
Desire to avoid war by political means and a credible deterrent posture
Preventing escalation
Determine the outcome of war quickly and decisively
Combating terrorism
Very low casualty ratio


A small standing army with an early warning capability, regular air force and navy
An efficient reserve mobilization and transportation system

Move to counterattack

Multi-arm coordination
Transferring the battle to enemy territory quickly
Quick attainment of war objectives

just think of the place i highlighted , ask questions later , how can they ask questions later? isit becauase they are a mighty army invicibile undestroyable or they have a somewhere to lay back to?
if i was a little kid i wouldnt be here , looking at your avatar you seem to be a western hippy still watching kid movies . or your a member of a whipped country by us and have a deep anger , maybe one of the eastern europeon countries . so you have that deep anger , embarrasment :lol:

hehe, "grand vezier" is that you?

and yes, if you are not a little kid , your mental capacity gets overloaded quite fast. I know by answering in your thread about torpedo countermeasures and carrier defense. Your thought process can be clearly seen, lol, and it's lacking.

Its also quite evident from the way you post and formulate sentences. you a dumb bijatch lol....cutting kebaps is a good career move for you imho. Careful you dont get burned though, the machine on which the meat sits is hot. roflol
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