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Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

People like you made Israel look like an unstoppable monster that controls the whole world
There are so many people in the world who are afraid of Israel because of people like you, a large proportion of those people living in the Arab world, you are the best demoralization tool Israel can have.
When immigration to Europe began and the war in Syria,All of us in Israel have said thank you to all the anti-Israeli propagandists (like you) for whom the Syrians are not trying to emigrate or to find refuge in Israel. If they knew the truth, Israel would be flooded with Syrians, but in this case you and your friends did the work for us.
You told them that we were evil and dangerous and monsters with horns and saved Israel from a demographic disaster.

You're a Turkish you do not know their mentality,
Arabs do not think, they follow the shepherd.
The shepherd is the one who shouts the loudest / the most violent.
It does not matter what is right and what is not, what they think and what they believe in, they cancel themselves and are faithful to the way of the herd.

They hate Israel, but love the good conditions
Your tone and turn of phrase is betraying you as a hasbara paid to try some rebuttal.. if I was your boss, you won't get a penny for your so stupid posts..
the Palestinians do not need your "good conditions", they want you to out of their land, isn't that clear enough with resistance movement till today..
Palestinian can be richer than your occupying zealots, just with the leviathan natural gas fields.. So who lives off the resources of the other?
Keep fantasizing about how grandiose Usrael is, we all know how low life it is..
You don't get it,don't you?
Israel is not at all grandiose as it is presented

Israel is partly to blame too. You did harm a lot of Palestinians. I have seen fake reports of cruelty done by Israelis too though, which doesn't help. You are both as bad as each other.
All the people in Israel enlist in the army, including the stupid and the violent
Of course there were times when they should not have happened, but that's rare
So why are there so many videos on the net you ask?
Propaganda, edited videos, paliwood
You don't get it,don't you?
Israel is not at all grandiose as it is presented
You do not seem to get it, I know that it is far from being grandiose, but it behaves like if it was..
Your tone and turn of phrase is betraying you as a hasbara paid to try some rebuttal.. if I was your boss, you won't get a penny for your so stupid posts..
the Palestinians do not need your "good conditions", they want you to out of their land, isn't that clear enough with resistance movement till today..
Palestinian can be richer than your occupying zealots, just with the leviathan natural gas fields.. So who lives off the resources of the other?
Didn't you understand anything again?
First of all, I wish someone would pay me to write comments in forums, no matter what purpose
Second, I am anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli. I am not here to defend the State of Israel.
Third, at the moment the "Palestinians" live on Israel, like parasites to the Israeli economy.
Fourth, the Palestinians do not like Israel and will never love Israel.
Fifth, the "Palestinians" know that right now they live in Israel so they try to enjoy the benefits of it
Sixth thing, you are the last to determine who owns the gas at sea

You do not seem to get it, I know that it is far from being grandiose, but it behaves like if it was..
when and how?
It is not hate, as most Arab nations had their own Jews who left for Usrael.. It a question of justice and principles, Usrael occupied Arab lands by force and some were taken back by force also, the rest may follow..
The Arabs can not and will not ever understand, that the same Jews whom they have defended and protected against total genocide in Spain during the inquisition, and took them as cousins and equal citizens, could one day turn against them and even impose wars on them with the help of the same people who were prosecuting them when the Muslim felt the need to protect them for humanitarian reason thought by Islam.. They just can not be trusted, as they have had repeated the same scheme throughout history for thousands of years, from Babylon to the Pharaonic Egypt to Europe and now in the Muslim world..
The only reason behind their mischiefs is most likely their perception of survivability,, as they have always tried to survive by deception.. So for them there are no morales in survival and no feelings or emotions either, today you are the strongest, i am your best friend, tomorrow you are weak , I am a best friend of your strongest enemy and his friends.. this seems the same frame of mind and thought they have followed for thousands of years.. this policy of survival by deception of theirs had backfired very negatively on the same survival of theirs by which they abide, and had jeopardized their existence many times too often in the past.. and the worst part of it, is that they still go by this deception denuded from morale or morality used externally to provide cover for the real policy they fallow..

Beautifully written. Especially how the vast majority of us viewed Jews pre-Israel contrary to what Zionists try to propagandize.

Why is this news? Does it really matter that she is Muslim? What's with this profiling thing recently ... nobody cares what her background is. She's an Israeli citizen who took up a political career. Just because we are Muslim doesn't mean we have complex relation with every other Muslim in the world.

So obviously OP created the thread to suggest Israel isn't a religious state or something else? It is a religious state if it defines itself as a nation for the Jewish people, on religious claims. So that's that. As for hating Muslims, nobody here believes Israeli's hate all Muslims. What we do believe is Israel is hell bent on colonizing the Palestinian territories and preventing a chance for Palestinian independence. Which is where our problem is. It's not about hating Jews. Palestinians and Jews, and Muslims historically have gotten along with each other. Even after 48, there were always Palestinians and Israeli Jews visiting each other and being friends together. Even Jews used to visit Gaza. Until Israeli Right Wing politics was brewing, and those right wing Jewish Americans began migrating to Israel after studying in America(Netanyahu being one) and sought to change the political and social reality.

So immature this guy, creates thread of how his nation rightfully treats Arabs, then minutes later advocates expelling them to neighboring nations.... While being an Azeri that has nothing to do with the land , lol ....

This Azeri Jew and Israeli seems to harbor a deep hatred for Arabs. I have noticed this for quite some time. In this case he is quite similar to @Solomon2 and that Ukrainian Jew. The other Jews here (one being an Arab Jew himself @DavidSling is his name if I am not wrong) are not like those.

But it is indeed telling that he praises this women's family but at the same time calls for genocide against Palestinians and general anti-Arab comments. Or that ridiculous idea of creating a Palestinian state in Sinai. Unbelievable. Also notice how a few so-called fellow Muslims (non-Arabs in this case) are trying to create a rift among Muslims here and try to paint Arabs as people accepting status quo and Palestinians as pro-Israel occupation. Or those that are busy telling the world that they would want to have relations with Israel just because a few Muslim nations have done so. Fair enough but what has this to do with the topics? It was the same in the thread about Israel bulldozing Palestinian properties in the West Bank. Strange behavior as if supporting Palestine was a burden for those people or their countries or if the Arabs and Palestinians demanded such support. Most already know that Palestinians are mostly on their own as all other respective Arabs in their respective conflicts/affairs. As are other Muslims and non-Muslims mostly.
Beautifully written. Especially how the vast majority of us viewed Jews pre-Israel contrary to what Zionists try to propagandize.

This Azeri Jew and Israeli seems to harbor a deep hatred for Arabs. I have noticed this for quite some time. In this case he is quite similar to @Solomon2 and that Ukrainian Jew. The other Jews here (one being an Arab Jew himself @DavidSling is his name if I am not wrong) are not like those.

But it is indeed telling that he praises this women's family but at the same time calls for genocide against Palestinians and general anti-Arab comments. Or that ridiculous idea of creating a Palestinian state in Sinai. Unbelievable. Also notice how a few so-called fellow Muslims (non-Arabs) are trying to create a rift among Muslims here and try to paint Arabs as people accepting status quo and and Palestinians as pro-Israel occupation.
I have never called genocide to anyone, stop writing the wrong things, I don't even hate Arabs, I didn't hate them in the past and I will not hate them in the future, neither them nor anyone else, even people without understanding like you
The anglo-hebrews are not happy about this,Not only is she muslim but also looks Black!
I bet modi fanboys are also hurt by this news like this:cry:
I have never called genocide to anyone, stop writing the wrong things, I don't even hate Arabs, I didn't hate them in the past and I will not hate them in the future, neither them nor anyone else, even people without understanding like you

You rhetoric gives your intentions away.

"personally i don't give a sh*t about how israel treats others."

I take this as a carte blanche to harm and kill Palestinians.

If one moreover looks at your idea of deporting Palestinians to create a Palestinian state in Sinai (what a ridiculous idea - the land of Sinai cannot support such a big population) it is not difficult to believe that you, if you could, would deport/kill all Palestinians.

Your past comments about Arabs and your characterization of 500 million people as sheep following the loudest/most violent shepherd also tells me that you are out of reach. In fact, I am afraid to tell you that you sound just like a Jewish Nazi!

If Jews/Israelis had not acted as they have done and prevented a Palestinian state for 70 + years, most Arabs would have little problem with Jews (especially not when 50% + of Israel's Jews originate from Arab countries) similar to how it was throughout most of history.

Not only this, we cannot believe that you of all people (Jews) can behave like this (especially the generation who lived during WW2) against innocent people (Palestinians) whose land you came and took. Today 70 years later you do not even allow them to have their own country.

How should we look at this if not negatively?

The anglo-hebrews are not happy about this,Not only is she muslim but also looks Black!
I bet modi fanboys are also hurt by this news like this:cry:

She is Afro-Arab (Arab mixed with Black African). She is not fully Black or fully Arab. She identifies as a Palestinian and an Arab and is also looked as one by Arabs. Anyway her ethnic background is not important here. There are Afro-Arabs in all Arab countries and Afro communities in all Middle Eastern countries and also in South Asia.

Jews also have Black Jews for instance Jewish Ethiopians.
You rhetoric gives your intentions away.

"personally i don't give a sh*t about how israel treats others."

I take this as a carte blanche to harm and kill Palestinians.
I don't represent the State of Israel and the State of Israel does not represent me.
My connection with the State of Israel is that I have Israeli citizenship.
That's why I don't care how Israel treats others, for the better, for the worse, for X or for Y.
If you were able to see a statement here that comes to harm the "Palestinians", then you have problems, go to the doctor,maybe you're distracted, read twice, be attentive.

If one moreover looks at your idea of deporting Palestinians to create a Palestinian state in Sinai (what a ridiculous idea - the land of Sinai cannot support such a big population) it is not difficult to believe that you, if you could, would deport/kill all Palestinians.
First of all, the fact that you don't agree with it, does not mean it's ridiculous
Second, only North Sinai alone can support a country of up to 12 million people, and this is just the coastal strip, I'm not talking about all the Sinai.
Third thing, I'm against killing
Fourth, yes, if I were prime minister, I would ask the "Palestinian" Arabs if they prefer to move to Arab countries or the West or to organize a state in northern Sinai. In any case, they do not stay in the Land of Israel.
I would transfer them anyway and I would pay them compensation

Your past comments about Arabs and your characterization of 500 million people as sheep following the loudest/most violent shepherd also tells me that you are out of reach. In fact, I am afraid to tell you that you sound just like a Jewish Nazi!
Read again I talked about the Arab mentality, that does not mean that it is true for every Arab or any Arab group.
As for the mentality, the Arabs told me this on their own, I just quote, it does not really interest me how and why Arabs are being run. By the way, this mentality also has many advantages, not just disadvantages.
Never compare Nazis to people who speak in forums, or in any other way, certainly not if the person standing before you is a Jew.

If Jews/Israelis had not acted as they have done and prevented a Palestinian state for 70 + years, most Arabs would have little problem with Jews (especially not when 50% + of Israel's Jews originate from Arab countries) similar to how it was throughout most of history.
The goal of the Jewish people is to live in the Land of Israel and establish a state there
The Jews do not have to consider what the Arabs think / want
If there is a clash, then fight, each for his own reasons, the strong will win.
The Jews do not need or expect the Arabs to love them.
As far as you are concerned, our country (the Jews) is an Arab / Muslim country, so it's pretty clear that you will fight for it. You will not like the fact that we are here.

Not only this, we cannot believe that you of all people (Jews) can behave like this (especially the generation who lived during WW2) against innocent people (Palestinians) whose land you came and took. Today 70 years later you do not even allow them to have their own country.
Innocent people do not kill, rape, bomb, drive, steal, etc., like the "Palestinians".
The lesson from the Holocaust is that you have to fight for yourself, otherwise you will not exist, and surprisingly the Jews partially learned it in the 1940s.
The Jews did not bring Arabs into gas chambers, crematoria, did not load Arabs on cattle trains, did not execute them, did not force the Arabs to dig death pits and then shot them and pushed them into the pit.
Don't be a Jew and draw the Holocaust card! (I'm a Jew, I can say that).
The "Palestinians" have never had a country, of course you will not agree and you've explained to me a long time ago your point of view but that didn't convince me.
A Palestinian state? In joy! Not in the Land of Israel.

How should we look at this if not negatively?
It's your problem
she is the Palestinian house negro. Traitors to their own kind. every race/people has them.

If any sane person can explain why a person from Belarus, Poland etc.. has a "right of return". to come to "Israel", slaughter and evict the natives who have lived there for centuries and build settlements?

Israel is a colonialist project imposed on the muslim world. its ok to accept reality.
she is the Palestinian house negro. Traitors to their own kind. every race/people has them.

If any sane person can explain why a person from Belarus, Poland etc.. has a "right of return". to come to "Israel", slaughter and evict the natives who have lived there for centuries and build settlements?

Israel is a colonialist project imposed on the muslim world. its ok to accept reality.
The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. If you are part of the Jewish people, you can (and must) live in the Land of Israel.
Of course you will not agree, but it does not change the Jewish mind and desires.
The State of Israel is not a colonialist, the State of Israel is (wanna be) a European-style state for Jews (a bad idea) in the Land of Israel, the State of Israel is not a threat to Muslim countries,
The State of Israel is a danger (to be realized in the future) for the people of Israel.
  1. >
the guy whom you are quoting is an indian not american


Chomsky says US is world's biggest terrorist

last updated:17/04/2015
Noam Chomsky is one of the superstars of the intellectual world; a prolific author and self-proclaimed anarchist, who, at the age of 86 still doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He still rails against a whole host of perceived injustices, with the West generally in his line of fire. Isabelle Kumar of Euronews interviewed him about terrorism, Cuba and the future of Europe.

the guy whom you are quoting is an indian not american
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You rhetoric gives your intentions away.

"personally i don't give a sh*t about how israel treats others."

I take this as a carte blanche to harm and kill Palestinians.

If one moreover looks at your idea of deporting Palestinians to create a Palestinian state in Sinai (what a ridiculous idea - the land of Sinai cannot support such a big population) it is not difficult to believe that you, if you could, would deport/kill all Palestinians.

Your past comments about Arabs and your characterization of 500 million people as sheep following the loudest/most violent shepherd also tells me that you are out of reach. In fact, I am afraid to tell you that you sound just like a Jewish Nazi!

If Jews/Israelis had not acted as they have done and prevented a Palestinian state for 70 + years, most Arabs would have little problem with Jews (especially not when 50% + of Israel's Jews originate from Arab countries) similar to how it was throughout most of history.

Not only this, we cannot believe that you of all people (Jews) can behave like this (especially the generation who lived during WW2) against innocent people (Palestinians) whose land you came and took. Today 70 years later you do not even allow them to have their own country.

How should we look at this if not negatively?

She is Afro-Arab (Arab mixed with Black African). She is not fully Black or fully Arab. She identifies as a Palestinian and an Arab and is also looked as one by Arabs. Anyway her ethnic background is not important here. There are Afro-Arabs in all Arab countries and Afro communities in all Middle Eastern countries and also in South Asia.

Jews also have Black Jews for instance Jewish Ethiopians.
Have you seen how black hebrews are treated in israel?
The real hebrews never called themselves jews!
israel was created by anglo imperialists for anglo imperialists!
Have you seen how black hebrews are treated in israel?
The real hebrews never called themselves jews!
israel was created by anglo imperialists for anglo imperialists!
Better then they're being treated in other places in the world?
there's a "black" jew in my job, and his position is superior to mine.
there was a "black" jew who served with me in the army.
I do agree that they have more hardship integrating into the community, and some show racism toward them, but well, nothing as a whole.
Most of the people accept them as part of the community and as equal citizens.
Toward illegal workers there's alot of hate, but I guess u know the reason for that ( most theft, taking working places, and committing other crimes cause of poorness)
Better then they're being treated in other places in the world?
there's a "black" jew in my job, and his position is superior to mine.
there was a "black" jew who served with me in the army.
I do agree that they have more hardship integrating into the community, and some show racism toward them, but well, nothing as a whole.
Most of the people accept them as part of the community and as equal citizens.
Toward illegal workers there's alot of hate, but I guess u know the reason for that ( most theft, taking working places, and committing other crimes cause of poorness)
I think he speaks on the "black hebrews" (הכושים העבריים מדימונה) and not on the ethiopian jews
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