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Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

I said the other day, the Palestinians would've fought the Israelis to death had they wanted to "be free". They are obviously happy with their "invaders" :)
Not our problem. We are not Arabs. And the Palestinians themselves do not mind being under Israeli rule.
Why are we getting involved in semitic issues for? lol
Agreed with you. This is not Pakistan's problem either.
I said the other day, the Palestinians would've fought the Israelis to death had they wanted to "be free". They are obviously happy with their "invaders" :)
Only those who are israeli citizens says "allah bless the occupation",the ones in gaza&judea,samria don't,but they prefer that israel will control them again and not fatah/hamas.
Maybe Pakistan should recognize israel. Lets face it, the trashcan zionist state is not going away.
I have brothers fighting for Quds.

Thing is. A lot of them are happy with Israel. Please try to look into it a bit more and try be more open minded. it's a complex issue. there's bound to be some Palestinians that dislike Israel, sure. wouldn't say there isn't. But, what about the other Arabs? 90% of Arabs love Israel :)

Agreed with you. This is not Pakistan's problem either.
It really isn't. Pakistan has her own problems. and so do we.
I have a feeling she won't be the last. :)
Of course, why not?
The fact that they are Arabs does not mean they can not fill senior positions in Israel, if they can be in the government, the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the police, the army, they can also be in the UN
Only those who are israeli citizens says "allah bless the occupation",the ones in gaza&judea,samria don't,but they prefer that israel will control them again and not fatah/hamas.
Do you have any videos to share on how Palestinians love being under Israeli rule? Seen a few on Youtube and forever changed my mind :)

Of course, why not?
The fact that they are Arabs does not mean they can not fill senior positions in Israel, if they can be in the government, the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the police, the army, they can also be in the UN
Like I said. I used to think the Palestinians were being tortured but it turns out to be a big fat scam.
And now we see all these Palestinians serving in the Israeli army too. lol
Thing is. A lot of them are happy with Israel. Please try to look into it a bit more and try be more open minded. it's a complex issue. there's bound to be some Palestinians that dislike Israel, sure. wouldn't say there isn't. But, what about the other Arabs? 90% of Arabs love Israel :)

It really isn't. Pakistan has her own problems. and so do we.

You have got it the other way around

The vast majority hate Israel, hate Jews, hate their occupier and hate the occupation

Its the same in Kashmir, same as any occupied territory

Its why Arabs enmass don't join the IDF because the chances of them gunning down Jews would be high

You will always have traitors, collaborators, those who accept occupation

Our singular aim towards Israel should he to hurt it and whittle away it Democratic state
Good to see her in the role, her remarks can be argued. But hey, that's politics.
She'll play her role as a Usraeli diplomat who speaks also Arabic and says "Salam Alaikum".. it is psycho-politics, and she has a psychology degree as background, so it all fits nicely and smoothly.. most Usraeli foreign spies are females with different psychology branches as background, so he we go for a novelty; an Arab-usraeli-Muslim Mossad officer with diplomatic immunity.. It is a good cover image..
Hope she won't start acting against Erdogan's government policies, 'cause with this guy, it is persona non grata on the spot..
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Chomsky says US is world's biggest terrorist

last updated:17/04/2015
Noam Chomsky is one of the superstars of the intellectual world; a prolific author and self-proclaimed anarchist, who, at the age of 86 still doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He still rails against a whole host of perceived injustices, with the West generally in his line of fire. Isabelle Kumar of Euronews interviewed him about terrorism, Cuba and the future of Europe.
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Chomsky says US is world's biggest terrorist

last updated:17/04/2015
Noam Chomsky is one of the superstars of the intellectual world; a prolific author and self-proclaimed anarchist, who, at the age of 86 still doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He still rails against a whole host of perceived injustices, with the West generally in his line of fire. Isabelle Kumar of Euronews interviewed him about terrorism, Cuba and the future of Europe.

Right but we still sanctioned you to oblivion :-). You had to bow to us in the end.
I used to think the same as you. but look at this woman and many like her. don't know what to make of it anymore.

Understand there will ALWAYS be traitors, there will always be those who sell out

If some jews can support Hitler
If some Jews can go around rounding up Jews for concentration camps
If some Jews can be prison guards for their own people

Then you can have sell out Arabs too

That's what these people are they are traitors, they have sold their souls to their occupier whilst their people suffer

They are vermin and scum

Palestinians are and were always natives of Levant.

Even your own sources say that

You cannot try to separate that fact. Israelis like to think that Palestinians were 'barbaric' Muslim Arab invaders who 'displaced' the native Jewish population and that Israelis are only taking back what is theirs.

Hebrew tribes invaded the region and took over the REAL native peoples such as Canaanites, Philistines and etc... (many of whom are ancestors to the modern Levantine people). Philistines eventually formed their own independant state in the Southern Coast of modern-day Palestine.

Palestines have more of right to the region than Israelis can ever have, that's the fact - accept it.
1.)In my response I talked about others and not everyone.
Some of the "Palestinians" are indeed from the Levant, some are not.

2.)Advice from an Israeli to someone who is not Israeli,
Do not usually trust the Israeli media, and those who follow it.
Israel is a state of elites, and the media elites are a strong player in this system
They are engaged in a quarrel with each other and with other elites and sometimes they "call for help from outside" and drags foreigners to the "battle".
If it came out of Israel in Hebrew or English, you should learn to filter out the scribbles.

3.)Almost all of the so-called "Palestinians" today have migrated to the area between the Jordan and the sea in the last hundred or two hundred years.
Not all of them are Muslims, and not all of them are Arabs.
Those Arabs did the ethnic cleansing of the native Jews (not those who migrated in the wake of Zionism). Good examples are the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Jerusalem, Hebron, and Gush Etzion.

4.)The biblical narrative says that the Israelites left Canaan for Egypt and then returned to Canaan 200-400 years later and conquered it.
Archeology and history say that the Israelites came out of the local population in Canaan and began to separate at a certain stage and settle in the mountains of Judea and Samaria and from there expanded.
The land of Canaan as a land did not belong to any people.
The peoples of Canaan lived in cities of states, and did not rule the entire land(not alone and not together).
All the Canaanite peoples migrated to Canaan from the outside at the time of the Israelites or proto-Israelis. for example..
The Jebusites are an Hittite tribe that came from Hitti, today's Turkey,
The Amorites came from northern Jordan today,
The Philistines came from Greece.
The first time this whole country belonged to one people was when the people of Israel established their kingdoms, and the land was called the Land of Israel, after the people it belonged to.

5.)"Palestines have more of right to the region than Israelis can ever have, that's the fact - accept it."
Where is the fact/s in this quote?
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