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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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Rusty mate you are not talking about me here I hope. If so I would you like to retract now .lol
i presumed you are one of the most anti-israel member on pdf i was wrong
Surely you should go tell this to your Arab brothers in Saudi. They are trying to weaken our Iranian brothers in Syria. Yet on the other thread you were stupidly supporting Saudi/Israeli/American position in Syria to weaken Iran who according to them are fighting for your Palestine.

See my friend....... You support the "traitors" that sell you out to Israel in Syria to weaken Iran. Then give us lectures on Israel/Palestine?
Get your facts straight. I support the FSA against the criminal Bashar, but I never ever supported an invasion of Syria. I never expressed any support for America or Israel in the Syrian conflict thread.
FSA aren't traitors, they're fighting that criminal called Bashar who is exterminating his people.
You're going to a completely irrelevant topic. The Syrian conflict has its own thread, and just because I have an opinion that's against yours on that topic doesn't mean that I can't explain my opinion here.
Israel has been taken to negotiations table so many times, did that solve anything?

Treaties and negotiations mean nothing. What is missing in Israeli Arab negotiations is good will and to treat humans as humans. Your country for example made a treaty with Israel that was toilet paper. It was held together by a dictator. What social interaction did Egyptians Muslims have with the Jews during that 30 years. There has to be goodwill for these things to work. Signing a piece of paper is meaningless.

We need Muslims and Jews to meet and learn we are all human beings with similar aspirations and hopes etc.
Read again: If we weren't ******* with them all the time, why would they've supported India in the first place?

We support their enemy, they support ours. Nothing personal, just business!

The ball is in our court, if we stop ***-licking our good for nothing brethren who gave us nothing but radical / militant Islam as a gift, why would they put their hand in the snake pit?

But now all this is done.

They are against us it is irreversible now.
Okay I'm off to eating 'Chicken Boneless Handi' with 'Kastoori Kebab' and a warm crispy 'Roghni Naan' - Ayeee haaai...haaai ! So I'd make this short :

1) On recognizing Israel : I don't like the idea of a bunch of European Jews coming back to Palestine with an Bible in one hand and an Ak-47 in another exclaiming that this is their 'Promised Land' ! Having said that, countries don't exist because they have a right too...they just do exist or they don't. Period. Israel does exist and recognizing that fact isn't going to legitimize its existence just as refusing to recognize it isn't going to de-legitimize it - its there ! So recognize that just as Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and others have done so but make that recognition conditional to a final settlement of the Israel-Palestine issue much like what we've done with Kashmir - We recognized China's sovereignty over the Aksai Chin but we added a condition to the document/treaty (whatever its called !) that 'we recognize it pending the final solution of the Kashmir conflict' or something to the effect but I'm sure you get an idea of what I'm trying to say.

2) Should we have close relations with Israel ? No...there is state of an apartheid imposed by Israel against the Palestinians and we condemn it in the strongest sense of the word. So no...no close relations for me but yes trade with them and have a consulate over there and perhaps even try to help towards a final settlement of the Palestine-Israel conflict by using whatever diplomacy we can.

3) Why should we show solidarity with the Palestinians ? We're not Arabs ? - I wasn't expecting a Pakistani of all nationalities to be saying that ! Why should I give a foOk about Pukhtoons dying in KP and FATA ? I'm not a Pukhtoon ! Why should they - the Pukhtoons give a wooden nickel about the Kashmiris, allegedly, suffering in IOK ? They're certainly not Kashmiris ! Why should any ethnicity from Pakistan care about the trials and tribulations of any other ethnicity in Pakistan ? Because we got this country under the banner of 'Muslim Nationalism', because 'Pan-Islamism' is widely practised in Pakistan thats why a Pukhtoon despite a different language, culture, ethnicity and history embraces a Punjabi as his brother and vice versa because this is what Iqbal taught us, this is what Jinnah taught us ! Consequently we must apply the same to the Arabs ! If you've got any issues with their Government fine...! I don't like the decadence or the corruption of the Royals either but let us not write-off an entire race of People due to the actions of a few individuals and a few events, I'm sure there is much in Pakistan's history that we've done and have had individuals that we're genuinely ashamed off ! Let us then extend the same courtesy to the Arabs ! Let us at least try to transcend these petty differences and even its not entirely reciprocated by the other side that is why we have 'ideals' that we aspire for !

Okay...I'm off for 'Paiiiiit Pooja', I'll see you guys in around 2 hours ! :woot:
Whatttttt :) white man wannabeessss ??? You lost soul... You need to come back to planet earth... How is the smell up the arab ***?

Bro??? Are you wearing a dishdasha? Maybe you need to be deported to your beloved motherland along with rest of the terrorists. You're a pathetic little miskeen for them... You need to go and serve them.

Man stop this bollacks. Stop fighting I am asking for meaningful discussions between us. Rusty and I have a lot of common ground as well and I know where he is coming from.

We need to manage expectations here and be mature and grown up
Nothing is irreversible in International politics and strategy.. It's all about national interests. Brother one day enemy the other and vice versa.

As long as you have one distinct national identity.... nothing else matters. Everything which is static can be moved, nothing is etched in stone!
But now all this is done.

They are against us it is irreversible now.
well , there is just a simple answer : the israel just attacked palestine about 60 years go and captured their arena and now their are just reducing the land that palestine people live in it , as our president said, if israel leave those lands and just choosed a land that wasn't in use of some people , even iran would have relation with them but now because of this thing we will be the enemies ....
*** something funny: the second country that accepted israel was iran during shah time but after the revolution things changed ....

and something else: even if palestine people accept them we again will be their enemies because they started their zionist regime by murdering , capturing other countries land etc ,,,,

Ok well let me ask you how do you feel when Arabs eg Saudis asks America to nuke Tehran. How can we Iranians and Pakistanis take up the flag of Arabs.

You can take a horse to water. You cannot force the horse to drink water
The only effect your post had on me was that it made me hungry!!! Grrrr.... Now where in hell do I find Pakistani food? :(((((
Okay I'm off to eating 'Chicken Boneless Handi' with 'Kastoori Kebab' and a warm crispy 'Roghni Naan' - Ayeee haaai...haaai ! So I'd make this short :

1) On recognizing Israel : I don't like the idea of a bunch of European Jews coming back to Palestine with an Bible in one hand and an Ak-47 in another exclaiming that this is their 'Promised Land' ! Having said that, countries don't exist because they have a right too...they just do exist or they don't. Period. Israel does exist and recognizing that fact isn't going to legitimize its existence just as refusing to recognize it isn't going to de-legitimize it - its there ! So recognize that just as Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and others have done so but make that recognition conditional to a final settlement of the Israel-Palestine issue much like what we've done with Kashmir - We recognized China's sovereignty over the Aksai Chin but we added a condition to the document/treaty (whatever its called !) that 'we recognize it pending the final solution of the Kashmir conflict' or something to the effect but I'm sure you get an idea of what I'm trying to say.

2) Should we have close relations with Israel ? No...there is state of an apartheid imposed by Israel against the Palestinians and we condemn it in the strongest sense of the word. So no...no close relations for me but yes trade with them and have a consulate over there and perhaps even try to help towards a final settlement of the Palestine-Israel conflict by using whatever diplomacy we can.

3) Why should we show solidarity with the Palestinians ? We're not Arabs ? - I wasn't expecting a Pakistani of all nationalities to be saying that ! Why should I give a foOk about Pukhtoons dying in KP and FATA ? I'm not a Pukhtoon ! Why should they - the Pukhtoons give a wooden nickel about the Kashmiris, allegedly, suffering in IOK ? They're certainly not Kashmiris ! Why should any ethnicity from Pakistan care about the trials and tribulations of any other ethnicity in Pakistan ? Because we got this country under the banner of 'Muslim Nationalism', because 'Pan-Islamism' is widely practised in Pakistan thats why a Pukhtoon despite a different language, culture, ethnicity and history embraces a Punjabi as his brother and vice versa because this is what Iqbal taught us, this is what Jinnah taught us ! Consequently we must apply the same to the Arabs ! If you've got any issues with their Government fine...! I don't like the decadence or the corruption of the Royals either but let us not write-off an entire race of People due to the actions of a few individuals and a few events, I'm sure there is much in Pakistan's history that we've done and have had individuals that we're genuinely ashamed off ! Let us then extend the same courtesy to the Arabs ! Let us at least try to transcend these petty differences and even its not entirely reciprocated by the other side that is why we have 'ideals' that we aspire for !

Okay...I'm off for 'Paiiiiit Pooja', I'll see you guys in around 2 hours ! :woot:
Surely you should go tell this to your Arab brothers in Saudi. They are trying to weaken our Iranian brothers in Syria. Yet on the other thread you were stupidly supporting Saudi/Israeli/American position in Syria to weaken Iran who according to them are fighting for your Palestine.

See my friend....... You support the "traitors" that sell you out to Israel in Syria to weaken Iran. Then give us lectures on Israel/Palestine?

saudi saudi saudi . . . . etc

u really make me lunch , not feel tired and you're talking about KSA every day !!?

generally this is not surprising , your defense of Iran has become clear to me that you are shia , anyway i want give u some advice stay away from politics, you are not doing good, i do not know of laughed to you and make ​​you feel that you are good writer
. .
I am saying Israel has no intentions for peace.
They hold all the power and if they wanted to, they could solve this issue in 10 minuets.
But they don't want to, they want to continue to torture and persecute innocent Palestinians.

But they face Anti Antisemitism and hatred from some of our people too. It is almost like some Jews do not recognise Muslims as humans and some Muslims do not recognise Jews as humans. We need to move on guys..
Treaties and negotiations mean nothing. What is missing in Israeli Arab negotiations is good will and to treat humans as humans. Your country for example made a treaty with Israel that was toilet paper. It was held together by a dictator. What social interaction did Egyptians Muslims have with the Jews during that 30 years. There has to be goodwill for these things to work. Signing a piece of paper is meaningless.

We need Muslims and Jews to meet and learn we are all human beings with similar aspirations and hopes etc.
Israel is the one which lacks good will and treating humans as humans. Our treaty wasn't toilet paper, we never violated them unlike them who killed our soldiers on the border.
Nothing can force us Egyptians to have interaction with Israelis, the Palestinian killers. Or you're going to now be double-faced and forget how much you criticized the Israeli killing of Palestinians?
I am not a Genius like you my dear fellow members below is my humble comments.

what makes the Israel so powerful. Hitler had killed over 6 million Jews in the 2nd world war.
Think what are the causes behind the strength of the Israel.
Arabs are no doubt against us.

But israelis are even worse. We should not recognize their state it will create problems for Pakistan. They are totally against us.

Israelis are against us so we have no relations with them. Arabs are against us? Why do we see Arabs as brothers then? Are we idiots??

first of all check the precious page to know why iran is enemy of israel and then :
aryan more arab than arab is super arab ! how many times should we tell you this? :D :pop:

:rofl: This is good Arabs are calling me Aran B, and now Iranians are calling me super Arab :no:
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