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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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I'm sorry but I don't buy this for a second.

if I argued
"Lets stop policing because there will always be crime and injustice, so no point in having a police system"
Would you agree with me?

Just because Pakistan has it's own problem (almost all of which are caused by bad governance) does not mean that it gives us a free pass to become complicit in other peoples genocide.

There is some logic and it is suggested in academic circle that there is no point in making a law that is not enforceable. the net result of making a law that is unenforceable brings into question laws that are enforceable
I wll suggest not to accept israel because of the genocide of palestinian people.

But no problem with biggest champion of Palestinians rights to be in bed with Israel? Right?

Genocide of Palestinians? wow....

Hey, is that a name for Pallywood action thriller series?

yes yes for Israel Pakistan full and close relations...:yahoo:

Plz go for it, we got a headache from this...:cry:

You mean:



In 1996 the two nations signed a trade treaty. As part of the agreement, Israel assisted in establishing a modern medical center in Amman.
Since the beginning of 2010 and the discovery of uranium under Jordan's soil, the government of Jordan had been seeking permission from international governments to produce nuclear fuel for use in Jordanian power plants. The government of Israel made clear to Washington its objection to Jordan's nuclear energy program citing the unstable political nature of the Middle East. In light of Israeli objection the request for United States approval was denied.
This is a very clear message to those Pakistani's who are more Arab than Arabs

This is not an Arab vs non Arab issue.
This is a human right and human morality issue.

Even Indian never committed genocide to the extend of Isreal.
India never forced the Kashmiri people to leave their homeland while it imported Hindus into Kashmir.

Arabs having relations with India is not a big deal, even Pakistan will have a relation with it once our problems are sorted out.

On the other hand, how can you look at the state of Palestinians and say "I don't care that your child was murdered, your sister raped, and your father is being tortured in Jail"
We both have relations with Israel. We can't tell them not to. When it was when an Arab leader showed any kind of support to Kashmir? Tell me when? Although it's occupied as the same way as Palestine. Pakistan should do the same.

thank you for seeing the logic. Once again I invite Pakistani Parabians to look at this.
Did you notice something? You're ALL alone on this thread in protecting the Palestinian cause.
This is not an Arab vs non Arab issue.
This is a human right and human morality issue.

Even Indian never committed genocide to the extend of Isreal.
India never forced the Kashmiri people to leave their homeland while it imported Hindus into Kashmir.

Arabs having relations with India is not a big deal, even Pakistan will have a relation with it once our problems are sorted out.

On the other hand, how can you look at the state of Palestinians and say "I don't care that your child was murdered, your sister raped, and your father is being tortured in Jail"
On the other hand, how can you look at the state of Palestinians and say "I don't care that your child was murdered, your sister raped, and your father is being tortured in Jail"

The same way:

From 1999 onwards, Iraq and India began to work towards a stronger relationship. Iraq had supported India's right to conduct nuclear tests following its tests of five nuclear weapons on May 11 and May 13, 1998.[4] In 2000, the then-Vice President of Iraq Taha Yassin Ramadan visited India, and on August 6, 2002 President Saddam Hussein conveyed Iraq's "unwavering support" to India over the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan.[4][6] India and Iraq established joint ministerial committees and trade delegations to promote extensive bilateral cooperation.
Arabs are no doubt against us.

But israelis are even worse. We should not recognize their state it will create problems for Pakistan. They are totally against us.
Arabs are against Pakistan?!!
Aryan, I respect you quite a bit
but seriously?
are you that naive?
You do know that those governments are puppets and are doing so against the will of their people.
We already saw what happened to one puppet, and inshallah the rest will face the same fate.

Thank you Rusty. But following your argument we should support Arab people. We should not support families who name some Arab countries after their families. I mean if we are consistent and followed your logic we should not have ties with Saudis. Yet we have a small number of Pakistanis who support Saudis who are complicit with Israel.

I mean why have strong links with Sauds and no links with Israel. After all Saudis Americans are now working closely in ME.
Arabs are no doubt against us.

But israelis are even worse. We should not recognize their state it will create problems for Pakistan. They are totally against us.

MA MANNNNNN..... Enemy of my enemy is my best friend. You always deal from a position of strength and then leverage this LEVERAGE to get cookies..

I say join Israel. Bash a few million more heads. When arabs come to their senses reach a solution. At the moment we are miskeen for the A-Rabs and irrelevant for the Israelis.

So what do you think???

The same way:

From 1999 onwards, Iraq and India began to work towards a stronger relationship. Iraq had supported India's right to conduct nuclear tests following its tests of five nuclear weapons on May 11 and May 13, 1998.[4] In 2000, the then-Vice President of Iraq Taha Yassin Ramadan visited India, and on August 6, 2002 President Saddam Hussein conveyed Iraq's "unwavering support" to India over the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan.[4][6] India and Iraq established joint ministerial committees and trade delegations to promote extensive bilateral cooperation.
Don't forget to mention all the "FLIGHTS" by Yasser Arafat and the band of thieves to India over Pakistani airspace in solidarity with India...

Man.... There is only one solution. And I think Israelis are right... Arbi bhai saray ka saray to the ghettoes!!!!
Israel has been taken to negotiations table so many times, did that solve anything? They solved 0 things, and we already told them as precondition for solving the crisis that they must stop settling and taking lands from the Palestinian people, did they commit?! No they didn't, and they still build settlements again and again.
Their conditions for a Palestinian state are really unbelievable, they want it demilitarized, they want control over air space, navy, TV, radio and other conditions that makes Palestine an Israeli colony! Besides, they still occupy Golan Heights.

Surely you should go tell this to your Arab brothers in Saudi. They are trying to weaken our Iranian brothers in Syria. Yet on the other thread you were stupidly supporting Saudi/Israeli/American position in Syria to weaken Iran who according to them are fighting for your Palestine.

See my friend....... You support the "traitors" that sell you out to Israel in Syria to weaken Iran. Then give us lectures on Israel/Palestine?
MA MANNNNNN..... Enemy of my enemy is my best friend. You always deal from a position of strength and then leverage this LEVERAGE to get cookies..

I say join Israel. Bash a few million more heads. When arabs come to their senses reach a solution. At the moment we are miskeen for the A-Rabs and irrelevant for the Israelis.

So what do you think???

I don't want Pakistan to accept israel just because they are are against us.

Remember their support to india in kargil and a failed attempt to destroy Pakistani nuclear sites.
Ignore him bro, hes clearly a troll

Vast majority of Pakistanis are with Palestine
Only a few liberal fascist and white man wannabes support this idea.

Rusty mate you are not talking about me here I hope. If so I would you like to retract now .lol
I don't want Pakistan to accept israel just because they are are against us.

Remember their support to india in kargil and a failed attempt to destroy Pakistani nuclear sites.
Read again: If we weren't ******* with them all the time, why would they've supported India in the first place?

We support their enemy, they support ours. Nothing personal, just business!

The ball is in our court, if we stop ***-licking our good for nothing brethren who gave us nothing but radical / militant Islam as a gift, why would they put their hand in the snake pit?

Rusty mate you are not talking about me here I hope. If so I would you like to retract now .lol
No he is dabbling to step on me. I am ignoring him at the moment :)

He should first enlighten himself about my previous posts and then beg for god's guidance and courage to encounter me :D
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