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Israeal, A knife in muslim world.

A M Qureshi


New Recruit

Aug 11, 2006
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Isreal is a knife in our muslim region, from Turkey to Indonesia. And today we are so weak that we can not resist to Israeal, we Pakistanis are nuclear power but our goverment is weak and dont know what will happen next. If we resist them them then our gov. took part in UK TERROR PLOT DRAMA. Why is that... UR opinions are welcome.

Have a nice day,
A M Qureshi.
What do you suggest, a joint strike against Israel to eliminate it?

Israel is there to stay, only solution is to accept it within the 1967 boundries, i.e. return of Golan, WesT Bank and Gaza.

Best we can do for our brothers there is to help them develop their countries and gain full economic independance form Israel!

Just my $0.02.
Neo said:
What do you suggest, a joint strike against Israel to eliminate it?

Israel is there to stay, only solution is to accept it within the 1967 boundries, i.e. return of Golan, WesT Bank and Gaza.

Best we can do for our brothers there is to help them develop their countries and gain full economic independance form Israel!

Just my $0.02.


only in principle.

because israel is not here to stay, but rather to expand.

but that's another question.
wadawada said:

only in principle.

because israel is not here to stay, but rather to expand.

but that's another question.

I have read many conspiracy theories including the 'Greater Israel' but its all hogwash.

Imho problem is not Israel, its our own policies. After six decades of bloody wars Israel has only grown stronger, become more stable today its an establishment, something I can't say about Syria, Jordan, Lebanon or Egypt.

Israel will only be able to expand if neighboring countries fail to develop, there's not a single stable regime in any of the countries I mentioned except for Israel.
Neo said:
1-I have read many conspiracy theories including the 'Greater Israel' but its all hogwash.

2-Imho problem is not Israel, its our own policies. After six decades of bloody wars Israel has only grown stronger, become more stable today its an establishment, something I can't say about Syria, Jordan, Lebanon or Egypt.

3-Israel will only be able to expand if neighboring countries fail to develop, there's not a single stable regime in any of the countries I mentioned except for Israel.

1-the labelling of "conspiracy" does not mean necessary that it is false of crazy.

failing to study different scenarios is a monumetal error, that lead us, muslims, to this situation.

nothing proofs that israel won't try to expand further. in fact, israel needs that to have a viable "vital space".

if israel was built on religious claims, then those religious claims talk about "from nile to euphrate". how insane are the israelis ? just see that pacifists and rational zionists are labelled traitors to see that it is mainly a religious society, adding to that that it is an agressive one.

theodor hertzel himself talked about the greater israel. and other important personalities.

what i'm tryong to say here is not that israel will necessary expand, but rather that for a RATIONAL muslims, NO scenario should be eliminated a priori.

2- true. sirael is not strong. we are weak. why ? corrupt pseudo-elite. AND stupid opposition. just a remark : those two muslims problems are "protected" by usa and g.b, two (strangly) unconditionnal pro-israelis.

3-100% . israel deserves to be the super power.
wadawada said:
1-the labelling of "conspiracy" does not mean necessary that it is false of crazy.

failing to study different scenarios is a monumetal error, that lead us, muslims, to this situation.
Being irraelistic is another, also a monumental fault that has led us to current situaltion.

nothing proofs that israel won't try to expand further. in fact, israel needs that to have a viable "vital space".
No, Israeli interest in occupied territories is merely restricted to Golan, rest of the territories are kept to keep muslims to negociating table.
Golan generetes for more than 80% of Water that flows into Israel.

if israel was built on religious claims, then those religious claims talk about "from nile to euphrate". how insane are the israelis ? just see that pacifists and rational zionists are labelled traitors to see that it is mainly a religious society, adding to that that it is an agressive one.
Wrong again, the 'Promised Land' to Abram contained Kana'an which streches from southern Lebanon to Sinai and from the banks of Jordan to the Med. See.

theodor hertzel himself talked about the greater israel. and other important personalities.
Another conspiracy theory?

what i'm tryong to say here is not that israel will necessary expand, but rather that for a RATIONAL muslims, NO scenario should be eliminated a priori.
Agreed on this!
wadawada said:
2- true. sirael is not strong. we are weak. why ? corrupt pseudo-elite. AND stupid opposition. just a remark : those two muslims problems are "protected" by usa and g.b, two (strangly) unconditionnal pro-israelis.
Interesting pov, please elaborate!

3-100% . israel deserves to be the super power.
Its THE regional power and serving USA very well.
Israel is there to stay, only solution is to accept it within the 1967 boundries, i.e. return of Golan, WesT Bank and Gaza.

Ridiculous. They will never abide by international law which requires them to give back the occupied territories, where they dont even recognize the geneva conventions. They've made this clear at several occasions, 67 will never be established according to them.

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."

-- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

And the fact that they've constructed a wall that's been condemned by the World Court and international law, which takes over the most fertile land in West Bank shows that they're only interested in the land. The only reason they went out of Gaza was because of demographics, they need to keep the territory zionist jewish, and once they cleared out their illegal settlements they bombed the crap out of it. Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian disaster.

theodor hertzel himself talked about the greater israel. and other important personalities.
Another conspiracy theory?

No, remember in the last election the labour motto was, labour for greater israel. in this case they were referring to occupied territories and not all the way to the euphrates which jewish fundamentalists want.
Neo said:

Being irraelistic is another, also a monumental fault that has led us to current situaltion.

No, Israeli interest in occupied territories is merely restricted to Golan, rest of the territories are kept to keep muslims to negociating table.
Golan generetes for more than 80% of Water that flows into Israel.

Wrong again, the 'Promised Land' to Abram contained Kana'an which streches from southern Lebanon to Sinai and from the banks of Jordan to the Med. See.

Another conspiracy theory?

Agreed on this!

so we agree on the most important points :D

-being irrealistic : sure. studying and preparing for different scenarios does not means that they will all happen.

As you said, the best way is to have the most autonomous and prosperous States.

-golan: yes. sheb'a farms also are water-strategic.
there is gaz in Gaza.
also, israel want to diversify its petrol, especially with its kurdish allies. the kirkuk-haifa pipeline is 100 yrears old. but to reactivate it, israel must control directly or indirectly syria.

for the negociations table: agreed. just let's not forget : for a nation, when we talk about sovreignty, we think territoryn, and that's a very limlited definition. territory can be expande to image, force, negociation power... (in fact, israel as an example have a broader definition than that)

so, strategically, even when we regain "territory", we still lose territory, politically or economically (opening markets to israel means the end !) or other...

-kan'aan : there are many phases of the old israel and many "israels". the strict definition of kan'aan itself is a great loss. let's suppose that we give this land to the jews (remember: torah itself states clearly that these lands were NOT jewish in origin, and that the jew's god ordered them to take them from the pagans. the myth of the land of palestine without a people is basically founded on the myth of an ethnic arab origin of palestinians, while ethnology and recently genetics have shown that a huge part of palestinian pop. is autochtonous, that is can'aanite in origin !)

-theodoz hertzl said many things, that are not certified to be real projects or just propaganda for jews and british empire. however, he said that. and in another occasion, he said that israel have no frontiers. sorry i have no more the sources. so, yes, you oculd consider it as a fake :D but jusit look at the israeli actions and method...

I have another "conspiracy" : do you know that jews declared war to germany since the bgining of the 30's ? it's printed of and old edition of new york times ;) i'll try to find the image...

anyway, as you said, real progress is the key. the problem is that we arabs have no clear lucid vision. too much rant and utopia, no respectable model, and this arabic arrogance prevents us to learn from countries like iran, pakistan, malysia,...
Neo said:
"true. sirael is not strong. we are weak. why ? corrupt pseudo-elite. AND stupid opposition. just a remark : those two muslims problems are "protected" by usa and g.b, two (strangly) unconditionnal pro-israelis."

Interesting pov, please elaborate!

Its THE regional power and serving USA very well.

1-we have 3 type of failed elites :

a) puppet elites. completly at the service of foreign interests. ex: saudia. we could add syria (serving iran's interests).
b) non concerned, "surviving dinosaures" elite. ex: jordan.
c) concerned elite under heavy pressure. obliged to play by the masters interests. ex: gulf states (emirates, quatar, lebanon), egypt....

we have 3 types of oppostion:

a) anarchic destructive crazy movements. islamo-imperialists. takfiryines. anti-nationalists....
support: the democracies (usa, gb, france), who use pressure to "let them expresse themselves".

b) "old faschionned" modernist politicians : leftists who rarely understand something, rightists who are as nationalists as international merchants themselves.
suport: the democracies who give them credit and whose left or right parties support them and give them legitimacy, as if they were competent or useful.

c) utopic or irrealist nationalists: too much dreams, generally morally viable and sincere. however, suffered and suffer from direct state oppression, covered by the democracies. who "forgot them". they tend to developp later irrationality and utopia...

2- israel is not serving usa interests. uinless usa interests are to have 1.5 billion ennemies.

but at the contrary ; usa is serving israel interests very well. with its image, money, tech, soldiers, veto...

For you peole who know how to hate israel and wish it could die donot realize that israel thrives on war. That is the only thing holding it and the jews together.

Israel at peace with its neighbours would be an oxymoron. There are different sects amongst the jews and they have as much hatred and dislike for each other as the sunni and shia'a muslims have for each other in iraq. So peace and israel----miracles may happen.
MastanKhan said:

For you peole who know how to hate israel and wish it could die donot realize that israel thrives on war. That is the only thing holding it and the jews together.

Israel at peace with its neighbours would be an oxymoron. There are different sects amongst the jews and they have as much hatred and dislike for each other as the sunni and shia'a muslims have for each other in iraq. So peace and israel----miracles may happen.

one of the first and most important laws in judaism is inter-jewish solidarity at any price, whatever the differences are.

don't believe the comedy of jew vs. jew. sure there are frictions and disagreeement, but not to the point of disintegration.

also, it is not a question of hate/love of israel. it is only a cold statement: israels neighboyrs have to be the most powerful and fircly nationalists if they want to have a chance to survive in the future.

also, the shi'aa sunni hatered is a stupido n,e, fuelled by foreign interests, especially since the expansion of saudi wahabism. this problem have to be solved the sooner possible.
Hi Wadawada,

Are you just writing what you read about the laws of judaism or you have some significant information about the people and their unity.
If there was peace, they would be at each others throats. The financial aid would dry out. The subsidies would be taken away. Their internal rifts, which are very obvious now, would come out with a greater force. The white russian jews are a very rascist people---. It is not neccessary that they would go on a killing spree of their other sects, like muslims do or the catholics and protestants did it in ireland, but there will be visible lines that would divide them.

Now, at this stage, with peace, israel will not fall apart, because over the last 30 plus years they have realized the hatred that the middle easterns have for them----their guard has been up for too long----their trust level has waned out completely----now it would have been a different story if there was peace after the 73 war. Israel and Palestine recognizing each other. Syria just another neighbour------israel would have been an open country----the jews would have made investments in the muslim countries----a lot of migration of mind, men and money.

This shia sunni hatred has not been fueled by the wahabism but was started by Khomeini. Saddam didnot need wahabis to persecute shia's.
Its just the Jeruselum they are after, otherwise what the hell are they gonna do with that barren desert. There are so many other islands or places in this planet earth where they can go. So there is never ever gonna be peace over there, because of that holy place. Muslims on the other hand cant leave it either.
MastanKhan said:
Hi Wadawada,

Are you just writing what you read about the laws of judaism or you have some significant information about the people and their unity.

there are laws in torah and especially in talmud about absolute solidarity.

the history of jews have made these laws almost as absolute as the choseness idea.

these laws are confirmed and protected effectivly by the special nature of judaism: an ethnical religion. as you probably know, you are a jew if your mother is a jew. practicing or not have no single importance. conversion is rare, far from beign universally accepted and converts are seen generally with suscpicion.

the ethno-religious nature of judaims means that beign a jew is mostly belonging to a people, and a religion made FOR this people.

the other religions make distinction based on "cultural" principles : "kaffir" and heretic both mean unbeliever. but for jews, goyim is NON jew (some traslations say less than human = beni adam, some say impure etc... but the most important here is that it is an ethnical disticntion above all). this distinction is confirmed in the jewish laws that make difference between laws between jew, laws betwee, jews and goyims, and laws between goyims.

this is why jewish solidarity is multi-level, religious, ethno-nationalist and based on interests (mutual support and help).

this is why it is one of the strongest (which have its positive sides and negative sides) ethno-religious communities.

If there was peace, they would be at each others throats.

there are deep diffenrece and a healthy POV diversirt in jewish communities. but in 99% of the cases, jews agree on the objectives and principles. the ONLY disagreements are on the methods to achieve them : diplomacy ? war ? pressure ? ...

The financial aid would dry out. The subsidies would be taken away. Their internal rifts, which are very obvious now, would come out with a greater force. The white russian jews are a very rascist people---. It is not neccessary that they would go on a killing spree of their other sects, like muslims do or the catholics and protestants did it in ireland, but there will be visible lines that would divide them.

sorry, but you are deeply wrong. financial aidn they would still have it. just recently, israel said that germany had to pay -again- 300 BILLIONS $$$. just the last month, an court in usa ruled -again- that some jews have the rioght to sue german companies to be "dedomaged". israel receives all kind of help, of which $$$ is only the apparent tip of the icebeg. don't be mistaken and confuse economy and finance : finance COULD shrink, but economy would still be heavily supported. simply because OUTSIDE israel, jewish community is healthy, and there are many great/rich/influent entrepreneurs....

Now, at this stage, with peace, israel will not fall apart, because over the last 30 plus years they have realized the hatred that the middle easterns have for them----their guard has been up for too long----their trust level has waned out completely----now it would have been a different story if there was peace after the 73 war. Israel and Palestine recognizing each other. Syria just another neighbour------israel would have been an open country----the jews would have made investments in the muslim countries----a lot of migration of mind, men and money.

first that was impossible. just imagine that jews invade pakistan because "their" god told them they have this right in "their" religious book. and tell me then if you would be a pacifist for teh next 50 years.

this scenario, based on impossible bases, can only give impossible results :

basically, it says, if israel was not thretened (rememebr : the jewish trerorism before the declaration of israel, Betar, Irgun, and other organisation taht are still alive in and outside israel (look in wikip); the coopeation of uisrael with anti arab imperialist forces (france, uk). now how wuld you see that kind of country ?) israelis woudl never have nbeen agressive.

problem : israel is NOW the 4th piolitary super power. an untouchable political and mediatic power. NOW isrzel coudl give back everything stolen and not only no one woudl have athe jujstification nor the means nor the support to attack israel, but also israel would achiove 100% sympathy of the usa and especially europe. why israelis are not doing that ? because they must in all the time. they're their god chosen and cannot accept to "lose". how can you deal with an agressive entity ? only with more agression... you have no choice. eitehr that, or be submitted, like a goyim...

This shia sunni hatred has not been fueled by the wahabism but was started by Khomeini. Saddam didnot need wahabis to persecute shia's.

man, the shiaa sunni hatred is as old as islam, and then took an ethno-civilisational aspect. but in recent history, the panrabists, who we secualr, but belonged to the sunni "civilisations" have since the 20's forced kurds, persians, turkomen, armenians and assyrians of iraq and syria to "convert" to arabism. the were great persian and assyrian minorites, but now iraq is fully arab because of that. the wahabism, as an extreme mixture between arabism and sunnism, is the continuation of that. khomeini himself is not full shiaa, because he tried to make a "soft" shiaa, very influenced by sunnism indeed. in fact, this was mixture of problems, because wahabis were extremely pro americans (and vice versa, agaisnt iran, and soviets, and panrabists/secular nationalists/anti-israelis leftists...), and tragically, it happened that iran, after all the sh***t that G.B and USA have did to it, was extremely anti american. and here everybody falling in the eternal stupid trap "the ennemy of my ennemy is mu ally, and the ally of my ennemy is my ennemy"...

however i'm not attacking nor defending anybody. and the best and ONLY viable solution for islam is inter-solidarity (not to be confused with uniformity or unity).

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