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ISPR saying Indians FM radio along Pak/Afgan border


Aug 15, 2009
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India has started FM radio along Pak/Afgan border for there propganda or what ever they are trying to do.

I was hearing on GEO NEWS crisis cell for 30 mins ago:cheers:
If this is indeed true then this would not be the first time radio transmissions by Pakistan's neighbours are used to strir up trouble in NWFP.

In 1964-65 also both india and and afghanistan were busy kissing each others behinds ( just like they are these days ).

that afghan faggot daud khan was busy in his pashtunistan propaganda and all india radio (AIR) was regurgitating the same garbage.

should americans deny this, well at least of the past such events there are US embassy's own documents that confrim that indeed both india and afghanistan were flaming pashtunistan related unrest in Pakistan.
India is taking full advantage of this present scenario and pumping money and support to any faction who is working against Pakistan. Indian work very silently, and they never come front. Exact same tactics, they adopted to train Bangladeshi Mukti Bani. Pump money and weapon among Bangla nationalist. Right now they are taking full advantage of Afghan turmoil and Northern Alliance. India greatest wish is to break Pakistan into pieces.
India is taking full advantage of this present scenario and pumping money and support to any faction who is working against Pakistan. Indian work very silently, and they never come front. Exact same tactics, they adopted to train Bangladeshi Mukti Bani. Pump money and weapon among Bangla nationalist. Right now they are taking full advantage of Afghan turmoil and Northern Alliance. India greatest wish is to break Pakistan into pieces.

Its not just india , reading other forums, one can see that there is assortment of clowns from different parts of the world that hold this ill will against our country. The very existance of Pakistan seems be like a dagger in the hearts of its enemies.
If this is indeed true then this would not be the first time radio transmissions by Pakistan's neighbours are used to strir up trouble in NWFP.

In 1964-65 also both india and and afghanistan were busy kissing each others behinds ( just like they are these days ).

that afghan faggot daud khan was busy in his pashtunistan propaganda and all india radio (AIR) was regurgitating the same garbage.

should americans deny this, well at least of the past such events there are US embassy's own documents that confrim that indeed both india and afghanistan were flaming pashtunistan related unrest in Pakistan.

the retort was in a bad taste.

back to topic-
btw, is there a neutral link that can confirm this?? what was being broadcast?? any idea??
Its not just india , reading other forums, one can see that there is assortment of clowns from different parts of the world that hold this ill will against our country.

Do you ever wonder why? Or do you just assume its some sort of conspiracy rather than looking into what Pakistan has done to build such ill will.

You have a nation ful of promise that can't quite seem to figure out that it is its own worst enemy. You have nukes, but millions live in poverty. Whole regions of your country were left outside of government control. Designs on Kashmir and parts of Afghanistan, an intelligence service that is at least occasionally rouge/ acting against common sense, blaming everyone else for your failures, endless coups, exporting nuclear secrets, providing sanctuary to terrorists, funding terrorist ops in India, giving the wahabist the ability to set up jihadist madrassas.

For every ill done Pakistan, the wider world can point at two done to it. Fixing Pakistan's problems, really fixing them requires your nation to turn introspective. You need a new national story that isn't focused on the myth of greatness denied. Stress education, not cruise missiles, build the economy not tanks, brig the country under federal control and build a national identity that is first before religion and tribe. Stress and demand accountable government that views peace as a as a victory in itself. These are the type of things Pakistan needs to do to win itself from itself.
I think that the radio station is the least of our worries, Operations in Bajaur, Swat and Waziristan have lifted the curtain off an elaborate Covert Operation by India.
Following are some of the most important finds from operational areas:
Bajaur: Four tonnes of Indian medicines recovered from militant storage bunker.
Swat: Over 5000 parcels of plastic explosives like RDX, C4, Semtex, etc recovered all stamped "Made In India".
Waziristan: Huge cache of arms and ammunition recovered (amount currently unspecified) all stamped "Made In India" and made in 2007.
This kind of stuff in this quantity isn't available at your local arms dealer or chemist.
Do you ever wonder why? Or do you just assume its some sort of conspiracy rather than looking into what Pakistan has done to build such ill will.

You have a nation ful of promise that can't quite seem to figure out that it is its own worst enemy. You have nukes, but millions live in poverty. Whole regions of your country were left outside of government control. Designs on Kashmir and parts of Afghanistan, an intelligence service that is at least occasionally rouge/ acting against common sense, blaming everyone else for your failures, endless coups, exporting nuclear secrets, providing sanctuary to terrorists, funding terrorist ops in India, giving the wahabist the ability to set up jihadist madrassas.

For every ill done Pakistan, the wider world can point at two done to it. Fixing Pakistan's problems, really fixing them requires your nation to turn introspective. You need a new national story that isn't focused on the myth of greatness denied. Stress education, not cruise missiles, build the economy not tanks, brig the country under federal control and build a national identity that is first before religion and tribe. Stress and demand accountable government that views peace as a as a victory in itself. These are the type of things Pakistan needs to do to win itself from itself.
Even though you don't boast a flag I can tell that you are Indian from your arguments.
To start with, You guys also have nukes but the largest part of your population lives under the poverty line.
Secondly, we have no designs against Afghanistan, on the contrary, they (Afghanistan) eye our territory (NWFP) as being rightfully theirs.
Thirdly, the ISI is not "ROUGE", thats what India wants us to think.
Quatro, If we organize terrorist activities in India, you guys are not too far behind, if you stopped funding the Taliban, they would cease to exist, no terrorists, no terrorism.
You talk about disarmament, why doesn't India set an example for us to follow, tell you what, you have problem with Tanks and Cruise Missiles ? No problem, You scrap yours and we will follow suit.
Pretty fair deal i think..........................:pakistan:
we should ask our neighbours to start showing bollywood movies also. this may make the taliban watch the movies and stop fighting,
ha ha ha
I can't find this news on ISPR website or any other news website. Can someone post the link if there's any?
the retort was in a bad taste.

back to topic-
btw, is there a neutral link that can confirm this?? what was being broadcast?? any idea??

ISPRI Spoksman isnt good enough for u ? Why would any other media tell that ? Hilary clinton did not denied about NATO removed troops from border. She said she will look into that ... ya sure
He said on Crisis cell on GEO NEWS ( UK ) yesterday.
I remeber when i was in school i used to tune into All India Radio though i did not know much about politics but it was realy shocking and strange that in between music programmes, the Indians used to broadcast Propaganda programmes about Pakistan and Kashmir, knowing very well that most of the listeners would have been glued to their radio sets for listening Indian songs. So it was the best time to force the Indian propaganda down their heads.

So i see no excuse that Indians are not doing the same through this FM radio along the border.

Those who thinks Indians are so worried for boredom of soliders there well i dont think so.

why dont they start one for their own soldiers in Manupur or NE or Held Kashmir along LoC.

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