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ISPR saying Indians FM radio along Pak/Afgan border

Even though you don't boast a flag I can tell that you are Indian from your arguments.

Wow, did not know Arkansas is in India.

To start with, You guys also have nukes but the largest part of your population lives under the poverty line.

We (USA) do have nukes, but largest part of our population lives a better life than any such large group in history. We have nearly a 1/3 of billion people living in conditions only rivaled by much smaller European nations

Secondly, we have no designs against Afghanistan, on the contrary, they (Afghanistan) eye our territory (NWFP) as being rightfully theirs.

I said designs, not territorial ambitions,a d your country is hip deep in Intenral Afghan politics.

Thirdly, the ISI is not "ROUGE", thats what India wants us to think.

Fine, then on your word that its not rouge, next time its fingers are found in the cookie jar I'll assume its acting on behalf of the GoP and the Pakistani people.

Quatro, If we organize terrorist activities in India, you guys are not too far behind, if you stopped funding the Taliban, they would cease to exist, no terrorists, no terrorism.

If you honestly think India a nation just sort of a billion Hindus is behind a Pashtun/Wahabist rebellion I have a bridge to sell you.

You talk about disarmament, why doesn't India set an example for us to follow, tell you what, you have problem with Tanks and Cruise Missiles ? No problem, You scrap yours and we will follow suit.
Pretty fair deal i think..........................:pakistan:

My Nation and USSR were able to disarm peacefully and pull the hands of the clock away from midnight.

However dealing with India- how many times has Indian soil, or in disputed areas lacking a defined international border- Indian controlled areas been invaded vs how many times has India been the invader? You've bought your government propaganda- hook line and sinker.

Blame India, blame the USA blame anyone but ourselves does not fix Pakistan's problems. If your government hadn't cut a deal with the devil in the tribal regions in the first place none of this would be happening. If your nation had stressed accountable government rather than warloards err Generals none of this would have happened.
Do you ever wonder why? Or do you just assume its some sort of conspiracy rather than looking into what Pakistan has done to build such ill will.

You have a nation ful of promise that can't quite seem to figure out that it is its own worst enemy. You have nukes, but millions live in poverty. Whole regions of your country were left outside of government control. Designs on Kashmir and parts of Afghanistan, an intelligence service that is at least occasionally rouge/ acting against common sense, blaming everyone else for your failures, endless coups, exporting nuclear secrets, providing sanctuary to terrorists, funding terrorist ops in India, giving the wahabist the ability to set up jihadist madrassas.

For every ill done Pakistan, the wider world can point at two done to it. Fixing Pakistan's problems, really fixing them requires your nation to turn introspective. You need a new national story that isn't focused on the myth of greatness denied. Stress education, not cruise missiles, build the economy not tanks, brig the country under federal control and build a national identity that is first before religion and tribe. Stress and demand accountable government that views peace as a as a victory in itself. These are the type of things Pakistan needs to do to win itself from itself.

Now shut up and read every line below:

Pakistan have not done anything out of the ordinary and every one else have done the same things.

Where do you think Israel got its nuclear designs from?

Who financed and supported the Mujahideens?

Where did Saddam got his chemical weapons from?

Who left their posts during the South Waziristan operation?

Who support all corrupt politicians and military rulers around the globe?

It is not Pakistan who is trying to control the flow of Chenab.

Pakistan has not done anything out of the ordinary which others have not done before.

The only issue with Pakistan is that it is a Muslim majority country with nukes.

Yes there are plans out there to take Pakistan's nukes out and yes there are plans for breaking Pakistan, to top it off, I don't have an iota of an evidence BUT I know it is true because actions of the US, India and everyone else is an evidence in itself.

Countries work against Pakistan to create these issues to give more justification to their plans.

Why did Pakistan faced Pressler alone when India had tested their weapon in the 70s?

So spare us your BS and spend time in comparing the first 60 years of Pakistan with those of the USA to see similarities.

We are in trouble but we will survive and thrive insha-Allah!
Now shut up and read every line below:

I read and comprehend, you seem to be missing the second part.

Pakistan have not done anything out of the ordinary and every one else have done the same things.

Really, I was not aware that the PRC a Pakistani ally was giving shelter to the most wanted terrorist mastermind of all time. Again sticking with the PRC becuase; 1.you said everyone 2. its a country often on the other side of the issue compared to my country 3. it s a major nuclear power. 4. It is a pakistani ally. China didn't cost hundreds of lost lives and thousands or wounds to pull off a giant noogie in Kargil. China is building its economy not its list of grievances.

Where do you think Israel got its nuclear designs from?

Initially- France and alter some help form the US seems almost certain. But the large superbly educated Jewish intelligence had more to do with it.

Who financed and supported the Mujahideens?

ISI, the US came on board later and always remained the arsenal while the ISI remained the handler.

Where did Saddam got his chemical weapons from?

The bulk of the precursor chemicals came from Europe.

Who left their posts during the South Waziristan operation?


Who support all corrupt politicians and military rulers around the globe?

countries with vested interest there who find it easier to deal with things as they are, not as they would have them be.

It is not Pakistan who is trying to control the flow of Chenab.

Really, then why the emphasis on gaining control of Kashmir?

Pakistan has not done anything out of the ordinary which others have not done before.

The only issue with Pakistan is that it is a Muslim majority country with nukes.

No the issue is Pakistan was the corridor that allowed deranged jihadis to declare war on the world. Those jihadis are now embedded with the Pashtuns who seem to have missed the message that in 1947 they became part of Pakistan. Together they are now waging war on Pakistan and if they win those nukes- fall to them. It is in India, the US and the worlds interest to A- see that Pakistan doesn't fall, 2- if it does fall keep those nukes away from anyone who thinks using them is in anyway divinely OK. The problem of course is that until recently the Pakistani Army see to get which sid eit should be on confused, and many run of the mill Pakistani still think US/NATO/India et al is the enemy instead of the TTP/ISI/jihadist movement.

Yes there are plans out there to take Pakistan's nukes out and yes there are plans for breaking Pakistan, to top it off, I don't have an iota of an evidence BUT I know it is true because actions of the US, India and everyone else is an evidence in itself.

billions in aid and weapons is proof the US is out to get Pakistan?

Countries work against Pakistan to create these issues to give more justification to their plans.

take off the tinfoil hat.

Why did Pakistan faced Pressler alone when India had tested their weapon in the 70s?

US contact with India was virtually nil, they were a de facto client state of the USSR. Pakistan wasn't and chose to flip the US the bird and go chest chumping with India. That is not the way patronage works- it works lie this- you want our money and equipment you toe our line.

Pakistan chose to end that relationship knowing full well it would end all to pop a couple of fizzles. Pakistan should have ignored the nuclear test and acted unimpressed.

So spare us your BS and spend time in comparing the first 60 years of Pakistan with those of the USA to see similarities.

Its not BS

We are in trouble but we will survive and thrive insha-Allah!

I remeber when i was in school i used to tune into All India Radio though i did not know much about politics but it was realy shocking and strange that in between music programmes, the Indians used to broadcast Propaganda programmes about Pakistan and Kashmir, knowing very well that most of the listeners would have been glued to their radio sets for listening Indian songs. So it was the best time to force the Indian propaganda down their heads.
Seriously :rofl:
For a senior member, your posting of such claims is utterly disgusting. Sorry to burst your bubble, but AIR broadcasts important government news and such. Pakistan many have been mentioned in lieu of the prevailing situation of the day! How do I know this? I too grew up listening to radio along with my dad, listening to VOA, AIR, Radio Ceylon etc!! Dont post unverifiable bollocks when most members have nary a clue about the subject and neither can they verify it!
Best time to "force Indian propaganda down their heads"? Seriously? What about present day Indian TV channels which have gained popularity not only in the subcontinent but the world over? What about Internet, you know, that series of tubes? And forgot Bollywood? Overrated?
Those who thinks Indians are so worried for boredom of soliders there well i dont think so.
why dont they start one for their own soldiers in Manupur or NE or Held Kashmir along LoC.
Of course we do, but I presume they are too spicy to be palatable for conservative minded people.
Really, I was not aware that the PRC a Pakistani ally was giving shelter to the most wanted terrorist mastermind of all time. Again sticking with the PRC becuase; 1.you said everyone 2. its a country often on the other side of the issue compared to my country 3. it s a major nuclear power. 4. It is a pakistani ally. China didn't cost hundreds of lost lives and thousands or wounds to pull off a giant noogie in Kargil. China is building its economy not its list of grievances.

PRC supported and still supports regimes like North Korea, Burma and the demage done by OBL is at the same level as the damage done by the Koreans. You will never understand this because you are too focussed on the problems of the USA.

Kargil brought Kashmir to the international stage again so the goal was achieved. It is still better than the adventures in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Initially- France and alter some help form the US seems almost certain. But the large superbly educated Jewish intelligence had more to do with it..

So your support is only initial and limited. Your country proliferated nuclear technology much before Pakistan did so set your house in order first before preaching. How many sancvtions you have put on France and Israel? Don't act so innocent, your democracy and sanctions are all selective. Your VP go and kisses teh King of Saudi Arabia when he is elected by tribal chief at the same time you doubt the results of elections in Iran!

ISI, the US came on board later and always remained the arsenal while the ISI remained the handler.

Oh pleeeease don't even go there. CIA trained the Mujahideens and the ISI agents to fight the USSR. Your president Regan called the Mujahideen 'his boys'. You shouldn't even argue this point.

In the end you left Afghanistan and Pakistan alone to face all the troubles and now complain why we odn't trust you.

The bulk of the precursor chemicals came from Europe.

Where are the sanctions on EU. How about your role during the Iraq-Iran war? Why did you turn a blind eye to teh use of chemical weapons then? I expect to see more excuses.

Posts on the border of Afghanistan right when we started the operation.

countries with vested interest there who find it easier to deal with things as they are, not as they would have them be.

No, US with vested interest supports all of the unpopular and corrupt govts. in Pakistan and around the world. After that it comes back and preach about democracy.

Really, then why the emphasis on gaining control of Kashmir?.

Kashmiris have the right to choose their future because they are human beings and Pakistan will continue to support their rights. We are nmot teh USA who only try to gain control of oil and other resources around the world.

No the issue is Pakistan was the corridor that allowed deranged jihadis to declare war on the world. Those jihadis are now embedded with the Pashtuns who seem to have missed the message that in 1947 they became part of Pakistan. Together they are now waging war on Pakistan and if they win those nukes- fall to them. It is in India, the US and the worlds interest to A- see that Pakistan doesn't fall, 2- if it does fall keep those nukes away from anyone who thinks using them is in anyway divinely OK. The problem of course is that until recently the Pakistani Army see to get which sid eit should be on confused, and many run of the mill Pakistani still think US/NATO/India et al is the enemy instead of the TTP/ISI/jihadist movement.

Did you just finish high school? no seriously, you are part of the military think tank group and you think that Pakistan's nuclear assets will fall into jihadists' hands.

I would ask the staff at Pak defence and the web master to check zraver's credentials again. I seriously doubt that he has anything to with military.

You are completly confused mate. Majority in Pakistan think that TTP, India and the US are the enemy number one. Majority hates the US because t firmly believes that both other enemies are supported by an uncontrolled CIA and the US govt.

billions in aid and weapons is proof the US is out to get Pakistan?.

that money goes back to the companies in the US. How many hospitals have you made in Pakistan?

US only gives weapons when it is in the US' favour and not in Pakistan's favour so it is in your own benefit. The only benefit for Pakistan is that we have achieved self reliance on quite a few platforms.

US contact with India was virtually nil, they were a de facto client state of the USSR. Pakistan wasn't and chose to flip the US the bird and go chest chumping with India. That is not the way patronage works- it works lie this- you want our money and equipment you toe our line.

Go and sit in a library and see the level of US investment in India from 1990 till date then come and argue with me. Your money and your weapons can stay ion the US. I have stated this before and will state it again - Pakistan will survive without your help and friendship as we didi the entire 90s.
Seriously :rofl:
For a senior member, your posting of such claims is utterly disgusting. Sorry to burst your bubble, but AIR broadcasts important government news and such. Pakistan many have been mentioned in lieu of the prevailing situation of the day! How do I know this? I too grew up listening to radio along with my dad, listening to VOA, AIR, Radio Ceylon etc!! Dont post unverifiable bollocks when most members have nary a clue about the subject and neither can they verify it!
Best time to "force Indian propaganda down their heads"? Seriously? What about present day Indian TV channels which have gained popularity not only in the subcontinent but the world over? What about Internet, you know, that series of tubes? And forgot Bollywood? Overrated?

Of course we do, but I presume they are too spicy to be palatable for conservative minded people.

All india radio (AIR) was regurgitating the same rubbish that Kabul radio was doing on the Pashtunistan issue. Here is the proof ( taken from de-calssified US Embassy docs )

All india radio (AIR) was regurgitating the same rubbish that Kabul radio was doing on the Pashtunistan issue. Here is the proof ( taken from de-calssified US Embassy docs )

You are right. Nice find.
SO AIR got the news from Kabul radio and regurgitated it. Whats wrong with that?
But you also got to remember that AIR was/is a government mouthpiece and will air government news and such. As to my comment, I said AIR didn't only air Pakistan related news, they aired all the relevant news of the day!
PRC supported and still supports regimes like North Korea, Burma and the demage done by OBL is at the same level as the damage done by the Koreans. You will never understand this because you are too focussed on the problems of the USA.

The damage done by OBL is at the same level as done by the Koreans.... really care to cite that?

Kargil brought Kashmir to the international stage again so the goal was achieved. It is still better than the adventures in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

All kargil did was cost a lot of very brave men their lives.

So your support is only initial and limited. Your country proliferated nuclear technology much before Pakistan did so set your house in order first before preaching.

We did set out house in order. Its called the NPT.

How many sancvtions you have put on France and Israel?

None, it wasn't illegal then. Your still missing the point, Pakistan knew about the Pressler Amendment and chose to pop off the nukes anyway. America didn't abandon Pakistan so much as Pakistan slammed the door in our face.

Don't act so innocent, your democracy and sanctions are all selective. Your VP go and kisses teh King of Saudi Arabia when he is elected by tribal chief at the same time you doubt the results of elections in Iran!

Biden like the rest of the Obama administration is a fool.

Oh pleeeease don't even go there. CIA trained the Mujahideens and the ISI agents to fight the USSR. Your president Regan called the Mujahideen 'his boys'. You shouldn't even argue this point.

The ISI was involved first.

In the end you left Afghanistan and Pakistan alone to face all the troubles and now complain why we odn't trust you.

Cleaning up the mess wasn't our job. We were invited in to help defeat the Soviets, we did that. We were never on the ground in those areas, it was an all ISI run show among the locals and the Muhajadeen.

Where are the sanctions on EU. How about your role during the Iraq-Iran war? Why did you turn a blind eye to teh use of chemical weapons then? I expect to see more excuses.

A number of people who violated export control laws went to jail.

Posts on the border of Afghanistan right when we started the operation.


No, US with vested interest supports all of the unpopular and corrupt govts. in Pakistan and around the world. After that it comes back and preach about democracy.

All governments either deal with things as they are, or don't deal.

Kashmiris have the right to choose their future because they are human beings and Pakistan will continue to support their rights. We are nmot teh USA who only try to gain control of oil and other resources around the world.

Your not supporting their rights. Lets stop the BS propaganda. Pakistan flooded the area with fighters and border crossers. Would you accept a pleblicite open only to those who were alive and living oin Kashmir in 1946? I don't think so.

Did you just finish high school? no seriously, you are part of the military think tank group and you think that Pakistan's nuclear assets will fall into jihadists' hands.

If a full fledged civil war breaks out that is a concern. Making light of it does not remove the danger. Right now the nukes are safe, but right now is not tomorrow of some point down the road.

I would ask the staff at Pak defence and the web master to check zraver's credentials again. I seriously doubt that he has anything to with military.

They are welcome to.

You are completly confused mate. Majority in Pakistan think that TTP, India and the US are the enemy number one.

Which goes back to my point about the GoP blaming everyone but the real culprits- a Pakistani system that does not work.

Majority hates the US because t firmly believes that both other enemies are supported by an uncontrolled CIA and the US govt.

see above.

that money goes back to the companies in the US. How many hospitals have you made in Pakistan?

You didn't ask for hospitals, you asked for F-16's. However since 2002 USAID (non-military humanitarian aid) has totalled 3.2 billion

US only gives weapons when it is in the US' favour and not in Pakistan's favour so it is in your own benefit.

well duh, do you really expect us to do things that do not favor us?

The only benefit for Pakistan is that we have achieved self reliance on quite a few platforms.

Actually you traded one master for another. Your economy and education system don't allow you to truly stand on your own feet.

Go and sit in a library and see the level of US investment in India from 1990 till date then come and argue with me. Your money and your weapons can stay ion the US. I have stated this before and will state it again - Pakistan will survive without your help and friendship as we didi the entire 90s.

Pakistan in its current form will survive only as long as the US, PRC and other donor countries prop it up.
All kargil did was cost a lot of very brave men their lives..

and also brought the Kashmir issue to lime light which was the ultimate goal of the mission.

None, it wasn't illegal then. Your still missing the point, Pakistan knew about the Pressler Amendment and chose to pop off the nukes anyway. America didn't abandon Pakistan so much as Pakistan slammed the door in our face..

No mate you are the one who is lost here, Pakistan's security comes first and it was proven to you. Pressler Amend was designed to target Pakistan, plan was to allow India to have nukes and then pressurize Pakistan by Pressler amend, glad I didn't work.

Biden like the rest of the Obama administration is a fool..

That seems to be the criteria for White House, first Bush and Obama.

The ISI was involved first..

Keep reciting this mantra and you may gain some knowledge.

Cleaning up the mess wasn't our job. We were invited in to help defeat the Soviets, we did that. We were never on the ground in those areas, it was an all ISI run show among the locals and the Muhajadeen.

Honestly, what is your job or role in this world? Your sec of state agrees that screwed up in Afg after USSR left, your President agrees and apologized for leaving Pakistan alone to face the out come, therefore, I will take their word over yours.

Google it

All governments either deal with things as they are, or don't deal..

Wrong again .. instead of promoting your own agenda look at the role of the US State dept and its policies first.

Your not supporting their rights. Lets stop the BS propaganda. Pakistan flooded the area with fighters and border crossers. Would you accept a pleblicite open only to those who were alive and living oin Kashmir in 1946? I don't think so..

and this is why Kashmiris in the Ocupppied Kashmir celeberate 14th of Augu? Or this is why people burn indian flags on 15th of August.

Are you from India, living in the US?

If a full fledged civil war breaks out that is a concern. Making light of it does not remove the danger. Right now the nukes are safe, but right now is not tomorrow of some point down the road..

Thank you kindly for your certificate ... we really care about it ...

Which goes back to my point about the GoP blaming everyone but the real culprits- a Pakistani system that does not work.

System doesn't work in SA and even if it works it is not to your likening so for you no system is right.

You didn't ask for hospitals, you asked for F-16's. However since 2002 USAID (non-military humanitarian aid) has totalled 3.2 billion.

you need to write a disclaimer in your signature: [UI will pull stuff out of thin air and my comments have nothing to do with US policy[/U] Please see details of all aid bills and then once you have realized what your govt offered and what was actually delivered then feel free to come and chat.

well duh, do you really expect us to do things that do not favor us?.

then don't expect that from Pakistan, a major non-NATO ally, which wil;l see its interest before yours. Once you understand that, your complains will reduce.

Actually you traded one master for another. Your economy and education system don't allow you to truly stand on your own feet..

Master? Really, look at the 90s again and see how we survived also it is the uS which comes and begs for help and not the other way around. FYI - your sec of state was in Pakistan going bonkers over questions from Pakistanis.

Pakistan in its current form will survive only as long as the US, PRC and other donor countries prop it up.

Childish arguement or the arguement we see at BR, no country can survive on its own BUT Pakistan can certainly survive without help from the USA!
Wow, did not know Arkansas is in India.

We (USA) do have nukes, but largest part of our population lives a better life than any such large group in history. We have nearly a 1/3 of billion people living in conditions only rivaled by much smaller European nations

I said designs, not territorial ambitions,a d your country is hip deep in Intenral Afghan politics.

Fine, then on your word that its not rouge, next time its fingers are found in the cookie jar I'll assume its acting on behalf of the GoP and the Pakistani people.

If you honestly think India a nation just sort of a billion Hindus is behind a Pashtun/Wahabist rebellion I have a bridge to sell you.

My Nation and USSR were able to disarm peacefully and pull the hands of the clock away from midnight.

However dealing with India- how many times has Indian soil, or in disputed areas lacking a defined international border- Indian controlled areas been invaded vs how many times has India been the invader? You've bought your government propaganda- hook line and sinker.

Blame India, blame the USA blame anyone but ourselves does not fix Pakistan's problems. If your government hadn't cut a deal with the devil in the tribal regions in the first place none of this would be happening. If your nation had stressed accountable government rather than warloards err Generals none of this would have happened.

you should focus more on afghanistan wich could be another vietnam.instead of coming here and give us leactures on our problems.
you need to write a disclaimer in your signature: [UI will pull stuff out of thin air and my comments have nothing to do with US policy[/U] Please see details of all aid bills and then once you have realized what your govt offered and what was actually delivered then feel free to come and chat.

The goal of U.S. assistance to Pakistan is to tangibly improve the well-being of Pakistanis through partnerships with the government, non-governmental groups, the private sector, and the people of Pakistan in fulfilling their vision of a democratic and prosperous country. The U.S. government re-opened the USAID mission in Islamabad in 2002. Since then, USAID has provided more than $3.4 billion (including Emergency Economic Assistance) to support economic growth, education, health, good governance, earthquake reconstruction assistance, as well as humanitarian assistance.

USAID Asia - Countries - Pakistan

That is not military assistance.
you should focus more on afghanistan wich could be another vietnam.instead of coming here and give us leactures on our problems.

Pakistan is a key part of the war in Afghanistan. If you don't want lectures on your problems, then fix them so they stop killing my countrymen.
The goal of U.S. assistance to Pakistan is to tangibly improve the well-being of Pakistanis through partnerships with the government, non-governmental groups, the private sector, and the people of Pakistan in fulfilling their vision of a democratic and prosperous country. The U.S. government re-opened the USAID mission in Islamabad in 2002. Since then, USAID has provided more than $3.4 billion (including Emergency Economic Assistance) to support economic growth, education, health, good governance, earthquake reconstruction assistance, as well as humanitarian assistance.

USAID Asia - Countries - Pakistan

That is not military assistance.


I think that the radio station is the least of our worries, Operations in Bajaur, Swat and Waziristan have lifted the curtain off an elaborate Covert Operation by India.
Following are some of the most important finds from operational areas:
Bajaur: Four tonnes of Indian medicines recovered from militant storage bunker.
Swat: Over 5000 parcels of plastic explosives like RDX, C4, Semtex, etc recovered all stamped "Made In India".
Waziristan: Huge cache of arms and ammunition recovered (amount currently unspecified) all stamped "Made In India"
and made in 2007.
This kind of stuff in this quantity isn't available at your local arms dealer or chemist.

Can you give any proof to your claims ??? Any valid source or link?

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