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ISPR press conference

If the Madrassa was an actual target that the IAF missed, it would reflect poorly on India, authorizing a strike on what is essentially a school with children in it, even if it was run by the JeM.

Unless there were training camps in the forests/mountainside (we'll wait to see additional information confirming any such presence of militants), I don't see the point of striking around Balakot.

That was the target.


Now we will know on 28th Feb , once cloud cover over Balakot clears and satellites can take pictures of the area, wether this camp survives or not.
Yes, it's a weak decision, but I don't think we should start acting like Indians. We should remain our calm, otherwise we are psychologically setting ourselves up for an upset. Take a few chill pills, and take your time, time will tell if our Defense forces redeem themselves or not through retaliation.
I'm chilled just want to clear few things

Waiting for the surprise response DG ISPR Said in his speech
If the Madrassa was an actual target that the IAF missed, it would reflect poorly on India, authorizing a strike on what is essentially a school with children in it, even if it was run by the JeM.

Unless there were training camps in the forests/mountainside (we'll wait to see additional information confirming any such presence of militants), I don't see the point of striking around Balakot.
We need to consider the possibility that they hit a real target (not a Madrassa), and the PA is covering it up. Also possible that the images DG ISPR floated might have of a single weapon failing to hit its target.

It makes sense, because if Pakistan accepts that a target was hit, then Pakistan loses its narrative.
We need to consider the possibility that they hit a real target (not a Madrassa), and the PA is covering it up. Also possible that the images DG ISPR floated might have of a single weapon failing to hit its target.

It makes sense, because if Pakistan accepts that a target was hit, then Pakistan loses its narrative.

Exactly why they have invited journalists, both domestic and international, to freely visit the site and show them where these 200 - 300 terrorists are, where this demolished camps are.

Also, recent video footage released by locals showed that the bombs were dropped in an open area, it showed 4 craters, it was close to a residential house and only one person got injured. You can clearly tell the 4 craters and see there is nothing nearby.
Exactly why they have invited journalists, both domestic and international, to freely visit the site and show them where these 200 - 300 terrorists are, where this demolished camps are.

Also, recent video footage released by locals showed that the bombs were dropped in an open area, it showed 4 craters, it was close to a residential house and only one person got injured. You can clearly tell the 4 craters and see there is nothing nearby.
A rational mind considers all possibilities until the picture is clear.
So Indians tried to enter from 3 sides, ran away from 2 sides but at loc they managed to enter for 4 kms before ran away.

Pakistan will now response - ispr

Dude Turks only attacked when they knew Russian pattern as Russian jets were constantly violating turkish airspace until that point.
And, that too after the rules of engagement got compromised....
DG ISPR's relevant remarks:
1. IAF intended to intrude at Lahore/Sialkot and Bahawalpur/Okarasectors simultaneously, met by CAP units on the Pakistani side of the border. However no intrusions took place in those sectors.
2. A third, larger formation approached from Tangdhar and intruded over the Muzaffarabad sector, 4-5NM across LoC. Upon being challenged, they released their weapons payload (4x) on a trajectory, which landed in an unpopulated forested area close to Jabba.
3. During this episode, it was difficult to assess damage and hence engage the enemy. The IAF did not engage PAF and retreated, therefore was not engaged.
4. The forces on ground later assessed what happened exactly. We will retaliate against this act of aggression.

Suggests that diversion tactics were employed to lure the CAP units away, however it seems was met by enough amount of PAF interceptors. The IAF strategy seems to be a repeat of the 2008 intrusions after Mumbai attacks (over Lahore/Sialkot and Kashmir sectors), implying that a well-rehearsed strike was to be executed. It is also possible that IAF intruded on more than one locations over Muzaffarabad sector. The strike formation allegedly flew from Gwalior AFB (home of IAF Mirage-2000s). The payload ejection story checks out, as the point of impact seems to be 18NM further ahead of the intrusion distance (4-5NM from LoC). Claims of hundreds of causalities have been denied, and media has been encouraged to verify the on-ground facts independently. A 'surprise' has been promised.

Personal views:
On PAF's immediate response: It is important to realize the reality of the situation. It is not possible to have entire squadrons up for CAP all the time. The closest PAF bases (Chaklala, Kamra) are a good 100km away, and it takes time (8-10 mins at best) for the CAP unit to arrive if the one already in air has been diverted. The IAF knew that and timed the intrusions quite well. Moreover, the IAF strike package probably remained below radar horizon behind the mountains, flying very low over the Kashmir Valley and popping up 20NM away from LoC, allowing for the intrusion to occur without being intercepted.

On independent verification of events: Military and civilian satellites from different nations will take images of the said region soon, and independent & neutral third parties will verify what happened at the impact point(s). 2000lbs LGBs are no joke, expect visible damage regardless of the presence of any infrastructure. If a IAF hit something (i.e. a JeM camp), it will be clearly visible. If not, then craters in the hillsides (as shown by DG ISPR) will also be visible. This is a very risky gamble for any party who is lying here.

On Pakistani retaliation options:
Regardless of any damage, violating Pakistani airspace and releasing explosive payload on Pakistani soil is considered an act of aggression. However, the retaliatory options for Pakistan are somewhat limited. Since Pakistan denies anybody or anything being hit, its hard to decide a careful response. The options can be theoretically as follows:
-No significant response, since nothing was hit. Military retaliation by PA using artillery across LoC. Diplomatic retaliation for the act of releasing bombs over Pakistani soil.
-Covert response, of a larger scale via Kashmiri militants.
-Proportionate response, i.e. intrusion over Indian airspace, with no intention of engagement unless challenged.
-Escalatory response, by targeting the closest IAF base (e.g. Awantipora), using standoff weapons. The entire armed forces will have to be mobilized before such an event, including the SFCs.

On expected escalation and nuclear-standoff: Deterrence remains effective only if strike options have been well exercised and available to be executed. Both nations have the same relative operational capability in this regard. If the situation escalates, expect Pakistan to mobilize the conventional and nuclear forces. The SFCs might hold missile drills as the escalation continues, and a similar response should be expected from Indian SFCs.

All being said, sanity MUST prevail. The prospects nuclear war between the two countries must not be taken lightly. Millions of people will perish for no reason if things go south.

Possible IAF strike package's flight path:


YELLOW: Probable that IAF exploited valleys and airspace in the cover of mountains to remain undetected until the final pop-up, which seems to have occurred close to LoC. The specific point of crossing is Tangdhar (as told by DG ISPR)

RED: The probable path over which IAF violated Pakistani airspace (up to 5NM = 9km)
WHITE: Path taken by the payloads (2000lbs LGBs or 2000lbs SPICE munitions) (up to 20 NM = 37km)
GREEN: Area of impact (Jaba, as stated by DG ISPR).
BLUE: Retreat path.

So far this illustration satisfies both versions of the story, except what exactly the weapons hit, in addition to forest area.
Policy of having this statement and thy statement won't bring anything it's time to match fire with fire, not to keep just tweet tweet game so my humble request to ispr is keep quite and give a string military answer to the eneny
Indian planes were spotted and intercepted? Why didn't PAF shoot IAF planes even after spotting and intercepting in Pakistan's Airspace???

Because u need to be in the range of 60 km to get a kill head to head and 2 km range in chase, Thats why...

PAF is shit scared of direct fight with any potent airforce in recent past....See how they shamed the nation in salala,abatabod and Kargil...They use the same excuse if we react it will broke into all out war.....Pahala nawaz na mana kra phir zardari na and now they will have another bahana...
Remember what Indian did with Atlantique plane...

I believe in ISPR when he says: "our response will be at at time and place of our choise"....

So just wait dont make any knee jerk reaktion
Because u need to be in the range of 60 km to get a kill head to head and 2 km range in chase, Thats why...

I believe in ISPR when he says: "our response will be at at time and place of our choise"....

So just wait dont make any knee jerk reaktion

What?? 60 KM in head and 2 KM in chase? Are you smoking something
India tried at sialkot lahore but was intercepted.
second cap team intercepted them at bahawalpur.
I challenge u to stay for 21 minutes in our airspace.
3rd cap team tried to enter muzafarabad but was challenged successfully.They ran away.
All indian teams successfully spotted and intercepted.
ISPR shared all details. They just entered 4-5 Knot mile. They just jettisoned their payload. 4 bombs fell on jabba due to jettison on no man's land.
Even indian media is welcome to see their government lies by themselves. ISPR.
PM had ordered everyone to ready. ISPR.
Now it is time for india to wait and get ready for our surprise. Time and place had been chosen already. So get ready for our surprises.
He told that targets have been already selected and we will strike them.
4 nautical miles are 7.8 Kms
Policy of having this statement and thy statement won't bring anything it's time to match fire with fire, not to keep just tweet tweet game so my humble request to ispr is keep quite and give a string military answer to the eneny
If 700K IA forces remain bogged down inside the IOK by <1K Mujahidin isn't it a response in its own weight and right? And, consider the introduction of IED as a icing in the cake...
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