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Isolating President Musharraf, new campaign

In the OIC the speech by the so called-President no Ministery was present what humiliation infront of the world, he is to leave Pakistan on 10th to China maybe this is departure time, he will stay out of Pakistan for ten days.

So I am guessing the way to get him out is by hijacking his plane again.
I think that his days are numbered. Even the COAS has now distanced himself. He has replaced Musharraf's relative(Sehba's) Lt gen Mian nadeem Ejaz as the DG MI. He also replaced two pro Musharraf core Commanders on 24 March. Today he gave a briefing to the politicians and mush was nowhere

This is false perception being created by media that COAS distanced himself from the President.

Kiyani twice went to meet Musharraf, when he had to give briefing to PM Gillani.... once before going to brief the PM and once after coming back from that briefing. I know the spokesman has said that he didn't go.... but he did go atleast once (confirmed source)

This posture that COAS kiyani has taken, is Musharraf's personal guidance and both kiyani and Musharraf are one and same. They army will re-act when there is any danger to Musharraf, and not before. These new tactics were designed by Musharraf and kiyani is implementing them intelligently. Both are intelligent and know what to do and when to do, for betterment of country.

Musharraf kept his uniform till Nov 2007, just to make General Kiyani the COAS. Otherwise, ex-VCOAS General Ahsan Saleem Hyatt would have been promoted to the post of Army General, and never kiyani.

Why hasn't PPP tried re-storing the judges? Why are they now saying that "giving the Parliament 30 days, is like threatening the parliament"

Ever wonder? Why was zardari let off free some 1.5 years back.... though his cases were not disposed off, without ZAMANAT? Those cases are being disposed off now, every day. Why was there a need for zardari to adopt a make-over and take classes in USA for persoanality grooming & eloquent communication? Why was Zardari not thrown in jail when he came back? Who is guiding Zardari to forcefully persuade Nawaz to join coalition govt? Who told Zardari to reconcile with MQM? On whose directives are cases of Zardari being struck-off???? Keep wondering.....:azn:

Musharraf does not want anyone to accuse him for not alllowing the PPP govt to run, therefore on surface he does not want to give impression of meddling.

But, make no mistake! The army is totally behind Musharraf! Changing the core commanders does not matter. This is better tactic that they keep changing... or the media will keep tagging them with accusations and labelling them as pro-musharraf.

The army knows what it is doing! The media can only speculate falsely! Pakistan Army Zindabad!
In the OIC the speech by the so called-President no Ministery was present what humiliation infront of the world, he is to leave Pakistan on 10th to China maybe this is departure time, he will stay out of Pakistan for ten days.


He is still President of Pakistan. Whether you disagree with his policies or not, extend him that respect as a Pakistani. There are not many here who care for the incoming government, but most will not use derogatory or demeaning language to refer to our Prime Minister and the other political office holders, though perhaps in the context of their policies they might.

Until he is removed by parliament or the Supreme Court, he is not a "so called" President, he is the President of Pakistan.
So I am guessing the way to get him out is by hijacking his plane again.

Where did this come from.

When did anybody Hijack his plane? Give some intel on this I have never heard of this.

What is true is that Musharraf Hijacked Nawaz's government illegaly and unconsitutionaly.

He is still President of Pakistan. Whether you disagree with his policies or not, extend him that respect as a Pakistani. There are not many here who care for the incoming government, but most will not use derogatory or demeaning language to refer to our Prime Minister and the other political office holders, though perhaps in the context of their policies they might.

Until he is removed by parliament or the Supreme Court, he is not a "so called" President, he is the President of Pakistan.

Well than I want an explanation about the past Propoganda posted by our members that Zardari will be the next PM why was this exceptable why are our political leaders called thiefs don't they have a status, I feel that what I have said is well know, this comes from the people, the lawyers community the democratic forces, if memebers are allowed to say anti democratic statements than I should be allowed to say pro-democratic statement.
When did anybody Hijack his plane? Give some intel on this I have never heard of this
What is true is that Musharraf Hijacked Nawaz's government illegaly and unconsitutionaly.

Well I was refering the Nawaz hijacking General Musharraf's plane when he was comming back from Sri Lanka on October 12, 1999.
As far as the illegal and the unconstitutionality of the act it was infact legal because the Supreme Court approved of it. The PPP was handing out sweats the day of the coup.
Well I was refering the Nawaz hijacking General Musharraf's plane when he was comming back from Sri Lanka on October 12, 1999.
As far as the illegal and the unconstitutionality of the act it was infact legal because the Supreme Court approved of it. The PPP was handing out sweats the day of the coup.

No I think you need to read what happened when he came back from Sri Lanka, the PPP created the Restoration of Democracy movement for the Nawaz Party which also joined and later signed a declaration of restoration of democracy.

You are really misinformed that Musharraf's plane got Hijacked, his plane didn't get hijacked but he wasn't allowed to land or so they say, it was all staged up for a coup.
Well than I want an explanation about the past Propoganda posted by our members that Zardari will be the next PM why was this exceptable why are our political leaders called thiefs don't they have a status, I feel that what I have said is well know, this comes from the people, the lawyers community the democratic forces, if memebers are allowed to say anti democratic statements than I should be allowed to say pro-democratic statement.

Interceptor, you are misunderstanding my argument. If some one else becomes president of pakistan, they are still due the respect of that position, as is whoever is Prime Minister. And this is not official forum policy (from what I know), I am merely requesting you to extend the President of Pakistan the respect due his office, not limit your criticism of his policies or his character.

You can call Musharraf a "usurper", but he is still President of Pakistan, not the "so called" President.
No I think you need to read what happened when he came back from Sri Lanka, the PPP created the Restoration of Democracy movement for the Nawaz Party which also joined and later signed a declaration of restoration of democracy.
You are really misinformed that Musharraf's plane got Hijacked, his plane didn't get hijacked but he wasn't allowed to land or so they say, it was all staged up for a coup.

You see you have proved my theory on our political parties right. They only want power. The PPP thought that they were going to get the government and when they didn't they revolted. Our political parties only want power, and this includes all political parties and all of our political individuals, including President Mushrraf,, Nawaz, Zardari, Benazir and etc.
As far as the coup is concerned, on what grounds did Nawaz try to remove General Musharraf. He wanted the plane out of Pakistan and it would of landed in India. Now imagine, the Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army in the hands of India, what that would of done for our defence. You claim President Musharraf is corrupt, lets assume he is corrupt, so when he would of landed in India he would of talked and talked, revealed all of our secrets.
Interceptor, you are misunderstanding my argument. If some one else becomes president of pakistan, they are still due the respect of that position, as is whoever is Prime Minister. And this is not official forum policy (from what I know), I am merely requesting you to extend the President of Pakistan the respect due his office, not limit your criticism of his policies or his character.
You can call Musharraf a "usurper", but he is still President of Pakistan, not the "so called" President.

You are 100% percent right and so is Interceptor. If we want President Musharraf to get respect we must extend the same respect back. I know I am guilty of whatever Interceptor has said of members calling our politicians theives. This type of talk must and should stop. Lets wipe the slate clean and start all over again.
So much for "isolating Musharraf":
Benazir wanted to go along with Musharraf: Mukhtar

News Desk

RAWALPINDI: President Pervez Musharraf is a saleable commodity and can help bring money to the country, said Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar while quoting late PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said Benazir had a broad vision and they must utilize Musharraf’s role in accordance with their late leader’s assessment. He said President Pervez Musharraf’s role can be of great help in fight against terrorism and in ensuring country’s security.

He said President Pervez Musharraf is a national asset and they would work jointly with him. He said the army briefing to the government was very important and beneficial. He said army is achieving its target and it considers war with extremists as a last option. He said the government would check its defence spending and in this connection they would not make comparisons with India.
ISLAMABAD: A PPP minister has been going around meeting some of the deposed judges in Islamabad’s Judges Enclave to seek assurances that once restored they would not re-open cases against President Musharraf, it is learnt...

Is PPP trying to protect Musharraf?

I think that other than stubborn ideologues such as Aitzaz Ahsan, most people realize that there is not much to be gained from going on a witch hunt against Musharraf. The power to dismiss parliament, even if not repealed, does not carry much weight in the sense that popular support is with the new government, and new elections will only solidify their position.

Iftikhar Chaudhry is reportedly being offered the Governorship of Balochistan, and any one analyzing the situation honestly (bar Aitzaz Ahsan) realizes that he is completely compromised as a "neutral Judge".

Lets move on and run the country and solve its problems.
Which is fine but let him finish his 5 years. If beyond article 52B repeal, they still go for his head then its nothing but revenge of the gunja. There would be a negative reaction to the Musharraf head hunting from the Army.

Blain bro.......... 5 Years :) Come on that last assemble that was not more then a rubber stamp elected a dictator twice for 5 years, Do you think he is eligible to work as a president, why dont you guys admit that what he has done is wrong and he must step down at once
This is the last chance for our elected members to do some good for the country

This is a TIT for TAT action

So much for "isolating Musharraf":

I think that other than stubborn ideologues such as Aitzaz Ahsan, most people realize that there is not much to be gained from going on a witch hunt against Musharraf. The power to dismiss parliament, even if not repealed, does not carry much weight in the sense that popular support is with the new government, and new elections will only solidify their position.

Iftikhar Chaudhry is reportedly being offered the Governorship of Balochistan, and any one analyzing the situation honestly (bar Aitzaz Ahsan) realizes that he is completely compromised as a "neutral Judge".

Pakistan Supreme Court staff on Saturday raided the house of deposed apex court Justice Khalilur Rahman Ramday and took away some important files and documents.

Sources told the Dawn that the staff also collected household articles and dumped them in a room.

Late in the night, Prime Minister Gilani ordered the restoration of the house to justice Ramday and asked his home affairs adviser to conduct an investigation.

Athar Minallah, a senior lawyer, told the paper that the raid was conducted on the orders of Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar.

Two officials of the Supreme Court — a deputy registrar and an additional registrar who were accompanied by a PWD caretaker — arrived at the Justice Ramday’s house in the Judicial Colony between 6:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m., he said, adding that they asked the two house servants to let them enter the house.

When they refused to open the gates, they broke the locks and entered the house, he said.

Minallah said that they combed the house and collected some papers.

He said that Rehman Malik, adviser to prime minister on interior and narcotics, had told him on phone that an inquiry had been ordered and the investigation would be completed within 24 hours.

In Lahore, Justice Ramday said he had kept the record and the verdict of an important case at his Islamabad residence.

The President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Aitzaz Ahsan, said that the material that Justice Ramday was talking about “might be his detailed judgment in the case concerning the reinstatement of the Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry”.

Justice Ramday described the ransacking of his home in Islamabad as “an inappropriate and uncivilised action, aimed at sabotaging the process of the restoration of judges started by the prime minister’s order to release them.”

Information Secretary of the PPP, Sherry Rehman, said late on Saturday neither was the prime minister’s house aware of the incident nor the government had anything to do with it.

Malik has been asked to submit a report to the prime minister by Sunday. (ANI)

Pakistan Supreme Court justice’s house ransacked, Gilani orders inquiry | Top News
^^^^Interseptor you have given a link to a site regarding the investigation of the ransacking of the Juctices Houses. Honestly I do believe their should be an investigation on this we must find out who is behind this. Now as you are well aware of Prime Minister Gillani has also said that the National Assembly will apologize for the hanging of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and if possible hold and inquiry into the matter.
All of these investigations and apologies I have no problem with. But while we are at it dont you think we should also have an inquiry into the attack on the Supreme Court by Nawaz? Where his goons ransacked the Supreme Court and beat up the justices. An inquiry should be held, and the those responsible should either apologize before the nation or be held accountable for their action.
^^^^Interseptor you have given a link to a site regarding the investigation of the ransacking of the Juctices Houses. Honestly I do believe their should be an investigation on this we must find out who is behind this. Now as you are well aware of Prime Minister Gillani has also said that the National Assembly will apologize for the hanging of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and if possible hold and inquiry into the matter.
All of these investigations and apologies I have no problem with. But while we are at it dont you think we should also have an inquiry into the attack on the Supreme Court by Nawaz? Where his goons ransacked the Supreme Court and beat up the justices. An inquiry should be held, and the those responsible should either apologize before the nation or be held accountable for their action.

I agree with you, however, you are misinformed unfortunatly, the Parliment can not start inquiry however it can essemble a commitee in this matter that would inquire. But the real instution that inquires is the Judiciary and a free judiciary does not need the PM's decisions, accept a aproval from them to start an enquiry without a free judiciary there are no checks or balances on the government.

Bhutto enquiry I want to see it happen and read its details(maybe in the future when democracy is strong), his family was close friends of Jinnah family, when Pakistan was created and when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto returned to Pakistan Fatima Jinnah use to have regular visits to Bhutto house. She said he will be a great leader for this nation and it happened.
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