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Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.


he can same about you, its just that you are too afraid to even think that your holy scriptures might be wrong & you have blind faith in what your being told:)
Maulvi sahiba,

how it becomes a holy script if its wrong? there has never been even a single verse of the Holy Qur'an that was technically proven wrong.

That is why it is HOLY. I am not talking about Ahadees....... as whatever difference of opinions and sects we Muslims have are because of Ahadees and not the Holy Qur'an

Peoples should never doubt about their holy scriptures and if they does.......... what kind of religion are they following where they themself are doubtful? and you are exempted from this as your contribution towards this religion is only bashing and abusing Islam and followers of Islam.

I wish one day i read something good about Islam from your post. At least admire one good thing about this religion?
Let's not just blame Westerns - After all if Jews do something like this in your country - Not that we have - They would be executed or lynched in streets.The Streets would be full of blood of non muslims.




I feel a deep sense embarrassment when I look at these pictures.

I am lost for words and I think this image will be able to express how I feel.


The UK jihadis are aplenty and very aggressive, this whole facade has to be stopped.
Did Australian changed with mass Chinese/indian migration..
did aussies become buddhist.;) Read my previous post about Germany, it would have been a jewish or Mulsim State by now, you don't get it do you.

So No, It's not the same with people in europe, Failed Attempt.
I feel a deep sense embarrassment when I look at these pictures.

I am lost for words and I think this image will be able to express how I feel.
me too :cry: - i agree with you
I feel a deep sense embarrassment when I look at these pictures.

I am lost for words and I think this image will be able to express how I feel.

The UK jihadis are aplenty and very aggressive, this whole facade has to be stopped.
These so called fake Jihadis (In reality they are socially depressed and can't fit in UK Society) are biggest enemies of Muslims.Honestly if Jews or Christians or Hindus start protests like this in Pakistan - What would happen to them?They would be bombed or massacred.These people are abusing western hospitality.Imagine Pakistani Hindus insulting Pakistan Army Soldiers after a war between India and Pakistan. The hindus would be lynched by Pakistanis.
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You are correct, in Sharia-dominant countries, those who leave Islam are killed. But, you've taken it all wrong. Elsewhere, such as in Pakistan, India, Egypt, Indonesia, countries where Sharia does not dominate politics, you won't see the government killing people because they left Islam. Why? Because thats not their job. They are confident that there are plenty of peaceful imams out there to discuss with them and suggest that they reconsider. (i'm not talking about wahabbi militants such as taliban).

In Pakistan blasphemy laws can be used against minorities right?..Egypt is ruled by a dictator who cares only for his regime the true test will come when Mubarak dies and the Islamic brotherhood takes over, India is more than 85% Hindu/non muslim so cannot be counted in this discussion...so the only Islamic country in your list who has a moderate form of Islam is Indonesia.
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im not intrested in knowing what ure personal opinions are.
whether in countries like india pakistan , indonesia sharia dominate politics or not is irrelevant to what i said.
im not talking about what ure country's constitution talks about apostasy , im talking about what islamic law or sharia talks about apostasy.
are u getting the point ?

i can prove each and every word of what i wrote with ure authentic scriptures.
its just that im avoiding to put verces here , or ill be banned rightaway.

you are allowed to do so..
hey mod plz allow him....
Indonesia, if you recall, was a Dutch colony and many Dutch like its people (and their cuisine!) That may be the reason why the Dutch impression of Muslims was originally so favorable.
There are some questions for which no one has answers :agree:

he can same about you, its just that you are too afraid to even think that your holy scriptures might be wrong & you have blind faith in what your being told:)

i dont have any doubt about my faith, knowledge and deen...
If you have then its your problem..
i read quran in arabic, urdu and english and understands as per my knowledge and thinking...
Afraid of what???
la illaha illalah mohamadur RAsullulah......I believed in it so no point of thought whether it is wrong or right..
It is right and believed in it.
You have an issue with Islam so you really need consultation with some knowledgeable scholars...
If you dont want to consult and still want to live in a cage then plz dont doubt on others faith..

I can answer those questions who are authentic and available in Quran or may be in Ahadees,, but cant give that to some mind made philosophies of illiterate ignorant who have every reasons to demonize islam for her personal satisfaction or politics..
gosh.... im a poor man. i was hired by jews to demonize islam.
haah... do i lose the debate now..???
does this mean islam is true ???

No Islam is bad for you....
I hope you feel gr8 now..
If you have debatable questions regarding islam and any issue regarding any quotes from quran or Ahadees then i will here for you but plz learn some history about muslims first...
You can paste your previous questions now...
i m available here..
In Pakistan blasphemy laws can be used against minorities right?..Egypt is ruled by a dictator who cares only for his regime the true test will come when Mubarak dies and the Islamic brotherhood takes over, India is more than 85% Hindu/non muslim so cannot be counted in this discussion...so the only Islamic country in your list who has a moderate form of Islam is Indonesia.

law is not the issue but implementing that law to the innocent is the problem..
Using bad words to any prophet is good...
But can not allow to talk any thing about holocaust is right????
thats a hypocrisy...

Husni mubarak is a dictator but he is a slave of imperialist so its f9 but democratic iran is an evil cause its not an imperialistic society..

dont allow women to wear niqab in west is secularism????
It is good to see that women wears half naked clothes but its not
good to wear hijab,,hmmm...

Cheers to you and all.
I am no expert in Islamic law..but maybe some other knowledgeable posters here can answer. What is the first loyalty of a Muslim..is it to the nation or to the ummah. Because if it is to the ummah then there is a huge problem in every country where Muslims are in a minority because it goes against the whole idea of the nation state.

I'll let you know this has been an unclear issue for me ever since I recently heard that the concept of love for the watan (homeland, birthplace) exists in Islam too. But I'll give you the established answer:

As a Muslim I do not believe in race or nationhood. I was put on this planet as a human. Say for a moment the world identifies me as a Saudi Arabian. But I'll have no affiliation to Saudi Arabia, except that circumstances force me to stay within a framework (the Saudi Arabian constitution) and I...acquiesce. And not plot against Saudi Arabia (at least, the at-most part is fuzzy in my mind).

Other than this, I won't adhere to the idea of a nation-state. And yes, this is as you say, a problem. Not huge though, since at worst I'd only remain neutral and not engage in the affairs of my country/state.

All this said, the above is the utopian picture, and almost nobody is able to absolve themselves of the shackles of race, nationality, colour etc. But they don't try either!

Been nice talking philosophy Sir.
Using bad words to any prophet is good...
But can not allow to talk any thing about holocaust is right????
thats a hypocrisy...
The Holocaust is not "holy" to Jews, but an act of mass murder that fell on the Jewish people. The Dutch ban on Holocaust Denial doesn't exist because of pressure from the Jewish community, but as a Dutch expression of freedom from a tyranny that would deny its own crimes in an attempt to drown out the voice of truth.

Do you stand with tyrants, mikkix?
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