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Islamisation fears at top Pakistan university

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''At Quaid-i-Azam University there are four mosques, but still no bookshop"

Islamisation fears at top Pakistan university - Yahoo News

No offense intended - but I have a few questions.

i. Why is it a problem if there is Islamization in an Islamic country?
ii. Why is Islamization a "threat" when all the students are Muslims?
iii. If the students wear hijab, don't mingle with each other(assuming there has been no serious opposition to the customs other than occasional newspaper articles), then what can you actually do? :blink:

Most importantly - correct me if I am wrong - How come it is a university if there is no bookshop? :what:
Indians consider Pakistani UNI grads a risk in international job market, they want to oust them by hook or crook.
Hence they mull this story and use Pakistanis with misplaced loyalties to propagate falsification and in return the writer has been promised either US or UK passport and free cinema tickets for bollywood movies.
Sorry bro our gov. is too busy looting the mango people. They dont have time to come up with such good ideas.
You didn't get the point....a University is a place of learning....it is specifically built to teach people.....a bookstore is a must for a university.....a mosque is not a must....let alone four of them....when it is the other way round in a university(not your house) you know something is not right!
i was being sarcastic
Let the quaidian Speak:

well I started to read the thread with curiosity and joy, after a few lines, i realized the writer is not fair enough, though he is fair but not enough.
I will say, jeans, mingling and segregation things are wrong. Visit the university and see it ur selves. you can see hundreds of couple setting exclusively reading, working even in romance. girls and boys are not shy of each others, many girls participate in campus activities. the most delightful activity at the campus was funfairs, though they have lost their charms and appeal today, I agree, but even few years back, there used to be Miss Campus and Mr Campus competitions, love jails and a lot of other fun stuff.

Mosque numbers is increasing, no offense: everyone has right to practice his religion, writer is true when he says there is no book shop...... because as a nation we dont buy books do we?
quality is compromised that is true, that is not related to religion but it is due to intra university politics and grouping.
Fresh PhD are coming in large numbers and things are improving.

intellectual enthusiasm? what writer means i could not get it.

Technically researchers and students can solve any scientific problem here just like universities of rest of the world , but every one knows their talent is going to be wasted because no R&D is needed by Pakistani industry or defense...

socially this university has a unique mosaic where u can enjoy all pakistani cultures adn traditions. Baluchi, sindhi Pakhtoon , Kashmiri ..

students here are mostly from middle and low income groups, so they have their issues as well if you compare it with GIKI, NUST, FAST.

If any one want to see the real colours of QAU, he should visit Huts and Points, these places well be enough to know its culture. For intellectual strength, just see presence of Quaidians in Defense sectors.

PS: nation as a whole is Islamized since Zia era, we have to do the basics to get it back on RIGHT TRACK.
If there will be girls wearing shorts or tight jeans......and even kissing in the compound....nobody will talk about that....everybody will say right of freedom.....but when there are mosque built......some western mind peoples have objections..:p:

The problem may arise if a girl is seen kissing four different boys. Shouldn't one be enough?

"At Quaid-i-Azam University there are four mosques, but still no bookshop," says Pervez Hoodbhoy, a nuclear physicist and one of Pakistan's most prominent academics who used to teach there.

P. Hoodhboy should think twice before opening his mouth in the land of religious fanatics.

A confused nation ,
seduced by the promise of sugarland , none has ever seen
There are pigs , there are horses , there are donkeys , there are goats
All have united against humans and working hard to get them out of the farm
when they succeed , the pigs will be the rulers
and when pigs will rule , then all of them will miss the humans !!

Marx said religion is opiate of the masses
He was wrong
opium is sedative
Mullah Islam acts like Cocaine
A stimulant
we need some alcohol for some sort of balance
But again alcohol is HARAM , but Mullah Islam is not !!

whatever we do in life is the outcome of frustration being produced inside us
there should be enough outlets always
if production rate exceeds the outlet capacity
we get depressed
we are a depressed nation
first we gained independence from hindus
now we will have to gain independence from self claimed muslims

a civil war , in a shape unpredictable as yet , is inevitable
As a muslim we need to follow what islam says . asking Muslim to follow the islamic code of life like keeping beards saying prayer five time a day asking woman to have hijab is not a bad thing . but we have to make it tactfully so that it doesn't make the regular muslim think islam is hard follow .
Very hard to imagine a coed school with all girls wearing hijab , or people walking out on University leactures.

In anyways , the University can easily plan for Day and Night lecture class schedule if you miss day time class you can cover up in the night class. University just should not have classes during prayer time.

The schedule should be as follow

Morning 7 am - 8am - Class 1 (1 Lecture)
Morning 8 am - 9am - Class 2 (1 Lecture)
Morning 9 am - 10 am - Class 3 (1 Lecture)
Morning 10 am - 12 am - Class 4 (1 Lecture)
University Break (1 Hour break) , Lunch , Prayer , Pondi
12 am - 1pm
1:00 pm - 2 pm - Class 5 (1 Lecture)
2:00 pm - 3 pm - Class 6 (1 Lecture)
3:00 pm - 4pm - Class 7 (1 Lecture)
Unversity Break (2 hours break ) Tea/Snack , Prayer , Hair combing
6:00 - 7:00 pm - Class 8 (1 Lecture)
Unversity Break (1 hour break ) Dinner , Prayer , Gym
8:00 - 10 pm - Class 9 (1 Lecture)

Most world universities run moring to night

There should be no hijab etc at university its really a saudi creation, plus its anti natural means to meet your wedding partner , most people meet someone in university life in same course or class

Its unnatural as seggregated classes

University is a place to learn mingle and exchange ideas and socialize with every one

Normally if you come late the doors are closed !!! But in general if proper planning is done by course organizers they can easily incorporate breaks to keep every one happy
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JI Youth wing per lakh bar be lanat behjo to kam hain. I remember in my youth when one of their "leaders" killed a bright young scholarship student from Atchison over a cricket match argument. Bastard animal dogs!
Very hard to imagine a coed school with all girls wearing hijab , or people walking out on University leactures.

In anyways , the University can easily plan for Day and Night lecture class schedule if you miss day time class you can cover up in the night class. University just should not have classes during prayer time.

The schedule should be as follow

Morning 7 am - 8am - Class 1 (1 Lecture)
Morning 8 am - 9am - Class 2 (1 Lecture)
Morning 9 am - 10 am - Class 3 (1 Lecture)
Morning 10 am - 12 am - Class 4 (1 Lecture)
University Break (1 Hour break) , Lunch , Prayer , Pondi
12 am - 1pm
1:00 pm - 2 pm - Class 5 (1 Lecture)
2:00 pm - 3 pm - Class 6 (1 Lecture)
3:00 pm - 4pm - Class 7 (1 Lecture)
Unversity Break (2 hours break ) Tea/Snack , Prayer , Hair combing
6:00 - 7:00 pm - Class 8 (1 Lecture)
Unversity Break (1 hour break ) Dinner , Prayer , Gym
8:00 - 10 pm - Class 9 (1 Lecture)

Most world universities run moring to night

There should be no hijab etc at university its really a saudi creation, plus its anti natural means to meet your wedding partner , most people meet someone in university life in same course or class

Its unnatural as seggregated classes

University is a place to learn mingle and exchange ideas and socialize with every one

Normally if you come late the doors are closed !!! But in general if proper planning is done by course organizers they can easily incorporate breaks to keep every one happy
Hijab is not a saudi creation its an order of Islam Mr ALLAH has ordered to cover her whole body Mr in front of na mehram men before Islam their was not concept of Pardah in Arabia infact they were famous for doing tawaf of kabah naked
Did the Burqa clad ladies or the Masjid going lads stop the University Administration from building one ?
Lame administration, seen enough of it.

Why is it a problem if there is Islamization in an Islamic country?

There is no problem as long as moderation is kept in mind, i mean every thing is supposed to be done in well-balanced and moderate way as per the teachings of Islam. Islamization shouldn't mean that a University be turned into a Madrassa, both are important and have their own importance, but distinction should be there.

Why is Islamization a "threat" when all the students are Muslims?

It can be a threat if students are paying more heed towards "imposing" Islam rather than paying attention to their studies.

If the students wear hijab, don't mingle with each other(assuming there has been no serious opposition to the customs other than occasional newspaper articles), then what can you actually do?
Students can wear Hijab if they want to, no issues.

Most importantly - correct me if I am wrong - How come it is a university if there is no bookshop?
It's not, it's a laughing stock if you ask, actually even worse as it is supposed to be one of our good Universities.
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