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Islamisation fears at top Pakistan university

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No , it makes sense when one connect the dots and sees the underlying message . It isn't certainly the prayer or the mosques that is the problem here . The article is written poorly but that doesn't make it untrue .

The opposing mindset that wants to impose itself , Armstrong .

I can't see the underlying message here ! :unsure:

What opposite mindset is one talking about ?

If a bunch of hijab wearing girls emotionally blackmailing other girls to wear the hijab is radical then how is that different than a bunch of girls wearing skimpy dresses emotionally blackmailing other girls to not wear the hijab because its a sign of oppression ?

This article is little more than a sign of hysteria that pervades Pakistan - Anything that doesn't fit one's world view is 'baaaaaad' either being labelled as a Yahooodii Saaazish where they poor, unsuspecting Jew gets pinned with every bloody thing under the sun to his head or its gets labelled as a growing sign of Radicalization as if any person with a beard or an excessive desire towards punctuality in his/her religious observance or his stances on a myriad societal things gets labelled as a 'Terrorist just waiting to be Baptized' !
@LoveIcon I think he has an identity crisis and is not sure which side of the border he should be in or maybe dreams of becoming a Pakistani to help? :rolleyes:

When i see his type of saffron chaddis doing jhinga lala in their lungis in every other thread, i seriously think that counter force like batman, razpak, desertfighter and shan etc. is fully justified.
This article is little more than a sign of hysteria that pervades Pakistan - Anything that doesn't fit one's world view is 'baaaaaad' either being labelled as a Yahooodii Saaazish where they poor, unsuspecting Jew gets pinned with every bloody thing under the sun to his head or its gets labelled as a growing sign of Radicalization as if any person with a beard or an excessive desire towards punctuality in his/her religious observance or his stances on a myriad societal things gets labelled as a 'Terrorist just waiting to be Baptized' !

How is it my fault that you cant see the underlying message here ? :D

I understand the " fears " on both extremes . Just answer me one thing , who is the dominant group here ? The liberal or the religious crowd ?

They say increased Islamisation in Pakistan's top teaching institutes and among the growing middle classes is helping to dumb down academic standards and restrict students' social life.

Last year a private school in Lahore dropped human reproduction from the biology syllabus after an outcry in the conservative Urdu-language press claiming it was "obscene".

Hasan Askari, a former professor at Punjab University, said students are becoming increasingly attached to religion and drifting away from rational thinking.

"The increasing Islamisation has affected quality of education as today, teachers stress more on conspiracy theories than logic," he said.

One of them, entitled "Put an end to obscenity" has pictures of a computer, CD player and a drum set on its cover with a red cross on top of each.

"This phenomenon of Islamisation has been there for three decades, you cannot reverse it in one year -- it will take decades to do so."

Check a few selected quotes , we will talk about them later . Let me go to the Dreamland now , for I have a few practicals to attend tomorrow at University and " no one should operate heavy machinery " whilst being sleep deprived :D
Yes , its not something made up and being propagated by the West , we can see it here happening as we speak , you cant shy away from reality any longer . @Talon PDF is no real representative of the Pakistani population or the society and certainly not something to be cited as an example . The article is poorly written , let there be no doubt , but that doesn't make all its points false .
I said very very tiny representative....Not a representative as a whole....

The article was written with a particular mindset and hence is a poor understanding of what is going on....in fact it is more biased than necessary! And hence making most of its points relatively false!
I said very very tiny representative....Not a representative as a whole....

The article was written with a particular mindset and hence is a poor understanding of what is going on....in fact it is more biased than necessary! And hence making most of its points relatively false!

I know its Islamophobic , its contradictory , its biased , its selective , its factually incorrect at different places but then yet again I know for one , that some of these things - the points stated and the underlying message are really happening in society on a large scale . The radicalization is as true as it gets so is the disdain for anything modern or western at places .
How is it my fault that you cant see the underlying message here ? :D

Scotoma - the mind sees what it chooses to see ! :whistle:

I understand the " fears " on both extremes . Just answer me one thing , who is the dominant group here ? The liberal or the religious crowd ?

I don't think there is a question of whose the dominant group here because whereas both the so-called religious & liberal crowds are self-righteous & condescending to the point of nausea, the vast majority of either isn't anymore or any less authoritarian than the other one & neither one of them is certainly as assertive & authoritarian, without any civilized recourse, as the radicals are whether they use religion as an intensifier or whether they use something secular like ethnicity or even back-dooring their world-view as being liberal & pluralistic through the most illiberal & non pluralistic means available !

Check a few selected quotes , we will talk about them later . Let me go to the Dreamland now , for I have a few practicals to attend tomorrow at University and " no one should operate heavy machinery " whilst being sleep deprived :D

Be safe ! :)
I know its Islamophobic , its contradictory , its biased , its selective , its factually incorrect at different places but then yet again I know for one , that some of these things - the points stated and the underlying message are really happening in society on a large scale . The radicalization is as true as it gets so is the disdain for anything modern or western at places .
Dont know how much Mullaism is going on as none of my direct circles are affected...but I guess to some degree yes though I see more hatred of Islam day by day thanks to Talibunnies!

Scotoma - the mind sees what it chooses to see ! :whistle:

I don't think there is a question of whose the dominant group here because whereas both the so-called religious & liberal crowds as self-righteous & condescending to the point of nausea, the vast majority of either isn't anymore or any less authoritarian than the other one & neither one of them is certainly as assertive & authoritarian, without any civilized recourse, as the radicals are whether they use religion as an intensifier or whether they use something secular like ethnicity or even back-dooring their world-view as being liberal & pluralistic through the most illiberal & non pluralistic means available !
I don't think there is a question of whose the dominant group here because whereas both the so-called religious & liberal crowds as self-righteous & condescending to the point of nausea, the vast majority of either isn't anymore or any less authoritarian than the other one & neither one of them is certainly as assertive & authoritarian, without any civilized recourse, as the radicals are whether they use religion as an intensifier or whether they use something secular like ethnicity or even back-dooring their world-view as being liberal & pluralistic through the most illiberal & non pluralistic means available !

What group is then more likely to kill the other or impose by force , if it doesn't fall in line ? Who has harmed you more as a nation ? What can mobilize and cause people to haywire much faster and with effectiveness ? Doesn't the faith always seem to triumph over reason , mate ? Frequency and being dominant and actions do matter , mate . You have far more of people supporting ( even if silently or selectively ) the actions of terrorist , propagating " conspiracy theories " and speaking against the " modernity " and " western influence and culture " whilst being religiously extremist in their approach than the ones on the other side . Isn't it in your city where a convicted murderer was carried on shoulders by a vast crowd of religiously seduced students for he acted ( what if it was wrong ? ) against an alleged blasphemer ? Do we need to remember again that the houses did get burned by an organized group of people again on the same false charges ?

Ever seen the liberal extremists do that maybe shove ethanol down your throat ? :D
What group is then more likely to kill the other or impose by force , if it doesn't fall in line ? Who has harmed you more as a nation ? What can mobilize and cause people to haywire much faster and with effectiveness ? Doesn't the faith always seem to triumph over reason , mate ? Frequency and being dominant and actions do matter , mate . You have far more of people supporting ( even if silently or selectively ) the actions of terrorist , propagating " conspiracy theories " and speaking against the " modernity " and " western influence and culture " whilst being religiously extremist in their approach than the ones on the other side . Isn't it in your city where a convicted murderer was carried on shoulders by a vast crowd of religiously seduced students for he acted ( what if it was wrong ? ) against an alleged blasphemer ? Do we need to remember again that the houses did get burned by an organized group of people again on the same false charges ?

Ever seen the liberal extremists do that maybe shove ethanol down your throat ? :D
That is nothing to do with Islamization or radical Islam...same scenario was relived when Benazir died!

As for the injustice...it was there even before Islam and that was called Wadayra system....where the Wadera chose what punishment to give and was the law and order ,...now this Wadera wants to call his law and order Islam...
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