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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

i think ISIS should be killed in a way that it becomes an example for the whole World :angry::angry:
R.I.P to the reporter

She was not a reporter. She was a supporter of rebel forces who had gone into Syria to help rebels to overthrow the Syrian government.
Here you go: Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

The same forces you are defending here, and Iran has been fighting against since 1990's have declared a war on you. A religious one, nonetheless. Now, defend them more and continue apologizing on their behalf.

I'm not efending anybody ... But than again Iran itself was supporting warlords in Afghanistan in the 90s... And even today you are supporting the "peace negotiations"... Ironic.
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She was not a reporter. She was a supporter of rebel forces who had gone into Syria to help rebels to overthrow the Syrian government.
whatever she was i don't really care but the way she is treated by the dog, that should be done to him, to be an example for others
I'm but defending anybody ... But than again Iran itself was supporting warlords in Afghanistan in the 90s... And even today you are supporting the "peace negotiations"...

Yes. The question is which war lords. Not the crazy Takfiri ones. The ones which are now in power in Kabul. Which side, the Takfir mindset supported? Taliban, Alaqaida, Isis type groups.

Iran is always for peace, but not at the price of allowing Takfiris monopolizing Islam. This will never happen. Iran stood up even when its consulate staff were murdered in Afghanistan by forces supported by Pakistan (despite Pakistani government assurances of their safety).

As for peace negotiations, my personal take is that they wont work. Pakistan does not have the complete control it once had on Taliban. As the recent fiasco showed, the Taliban leadership sitting inside Pakistan is not in control of the units in Afghanistan. In essence, Pakistan is betting on an empty hand. Bluffing. Afghans might buy it for a while but they will soon realize, that there is no benefit in negotiating with Takfiri mindset. Since it will be like negotiating with cancer.

Even Pakistan itself stopped negotiating and went for bombing Takfiris. Expecting Afghans to negotiate with the same mindset is rather hypocritical. Pakistan should help Afghans eliminate this mindset. Completely.
Really? Well if they were "Syicide bombers", so are the Syrians who are being killed. You see, trying to make one side angel and the other evil does not work anymore.

SAA or Asad hardly represent the Syrian people.. rather their own clan.. A dictatorship... And both SAA and rebels have committed war crimes... So no I don't give a sheet about rebels or SAA ...

Dude, get your act together. There is no difference when a PGM is falling on you or a barrel. Both kill. No one can differentiate between non-combatants and the combatants from 30 thousand feet. If Pakistan military killing the rebels is a good thing, so is the Syrian military doing the same.

Sure .. But a PGM assisted with the latest Sniper Pod targeting a cave or house used by Terrorists in an remote area evacuated of civilian population is God damn different from a barrel bomb exploding in a populated urban center ?

Every year hundreds if not thousands of Shias are killed in Pakistan. Some of them the cream of Pakistani shia society, doctors and engineers. Have some shame when you are defending the same forces and the same mindset which is doing these killings. Whether in Syria or in Iraq or in Pakistan or in Yemen or in Turkey or etc etc.

You are the ones who are shameless not us... But you and Saudis... Both playing dirty games of dividing communities for your own benefit .. It was you who were responsible for all that carnage... Also you don't represent Shia's... You represent the Secterian state of iran and ksa..

I'm a shia myself .. So don't give me that BS... Come back when you elect a sunni president of PM or even an army chief... You people like the Saudis are hard wired by secterianism..

Truth will not need your personal support. It will sustain on itself. Whether you will sustain on lies is another matter.
yeah right.
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SAA or Asad hardly represent the Syrian people.. rather their own clan.. A dictatorship... And both SAA and rebels have committed war crimes... So no I don't give a sheet about rebels or SAA ...

so you didn't read my long post to you and bratva.
SAA or Asad hardly represent the Syrian people.. rather their own clan.. A dictatorship... And both SAA and rebels have committed war crimes... So no I don't give a sheet about rebels or SAA ...

Sure .. But a PGM assisted with the latest Sniper Pod targeting a cave or house used by Terrorists in an remote area evacuated of civilian population is God damn different from a barrel vombing exploding in a populated urban center ?

You are the ones who are shameless not us... But you and Saudis... Both playing dirty games of dividing communities for your own benefit .. It was you who were responsible for all that carnage... Also you don't represent Shia's... You represent the Secterian state of iran and ksa..

I'm a shia myself .. So don't give me that BS... Come back when you elect a sunni president of PM or even an army chief... You people like the Saudis are hard wired by secterianism..

yeah right.

It does not matter. I am sure Pakistani military is not also elected in Balochistan or FATA or PATA. But it does what is necessary to keep the nation together.

They hypocrisy that you are bringing in here is astounding. You want the same Takfiri mindset to be in power in Afghanistan or Syria but not in Pakistan. That is the most vile hypocritical attitude I have ever seen. Who elected these Takfiri mindsets to represent Syria or Afghanistan?

At any rate, you should not forget that Pakistan also has alot of blood on its hand by concocting the strategic depth polices which tore down the fabric of Afghan state causing millions of deaths and unspeakable amount of suffering. So when you raise your finger against Iran, know fully well that four fingers are pointing at yourself.

Now go on and justify the killing of next Shia doctor or professor and apologize on behalf of them. Nothing else is expected of you. It is obvious that you can not bring yourself to accept the truth that there is something sicking about this mindset. You rather prefer to shut your eyes and blame Iran and Syria while not seeing the fires in your own country set alight by the same mindset you are defending so vehemently in Afghanistan or Syria.

Good day.
Yes. The question is which war lords. Not the crazy Takfiri ones. The ones which are now in power in Kabul. Which side, the Takfir mindset supported? Taliban, Alaqaida, Isis type groups.

You supported the likes of dostum,Massoud who were accused of massacres and mass rapes .. Remember?

Iran is always for peace, but not at the price of allowing Takfiris monopolizing Islam. This will never happen. Iran stood up even when its consulate staff were murdered in Afghanistan by forces supported by Pakistan (despite Pakistani government assurances of their safety).

As if we had a choice? Did you expect Pak to keep quiet and don't interfere in a civil war that could engulf us? As for us giving you assurances .., sounds like BS.. We never controlled them.. Had we had that dirtbag influence there would have been no US invasion if Afghanistan.

As for peace negotiations, my personal take is that they wont work. Pakistan does not have the complete control it once had on Taliban. As the recent fiasco showed, the Taliban leadership sitting inside Pakistan is not in control of the units in Afghanistan. In essence, Pakistan is betting on an empty hand. Bluffing. Afghans might buy it for a while but they will soon realize, that there is no benefit in negotiating with Takfiri mindset. Since it will be like negotiating with cancer.
Afghanistan is returning back to the 90s era... I bet after US forces leaves ...another civil war between will start....

Even Pakistan itself stopped negotiating and went for bombing Takfiris. Expecting Afghans to negotiate with the same mindset is rather hypocritical. Pakistan should help Afghans eliminate this mindset. Completely.
Wevsre fighting them because we can... Unlike afghanistan which doesn't... It's still a divided country... No governance,no professional army (with 4000 per month desertion rate,corrupt to the cure,addicts and criminals in uniforms) and with still a large segment of afghan population supporting the insurgency Afghanistan has no other choice... NATO has already failed... So whatever smart thing to do here? Negotiations ..
And in which high tech. mountain cave this self made Bahghdadi bastard is hiding?
What Mulla Sadar or US army are not searching for him? After all, it shouldn't be more difficult to find than Saddam Hussein !!!
Trusting CIA's public report, its a militia of 1000 foreign men, mostly from US jails.
It does not matter. I am sure Pakistani military is not also elected in Balochistan or FATA or PATA. But it does what is necessary to keep the nation together.

How di you elect a military in hard areas? and what dies that have to do with indiscrimiinate killings of civilian population like in Syria?

At any rate, you should not forget that Pakistan also has alot of blood on its hand by concocting the strategic depth polices which tore down the fabric of Afghan state causing millions of deaths and unspeakable amount of suffering. So when you raise your finger against Iran, know fully well that four fingers are pointing at yourself.
We don't care.. They can keep killing eachother for sects through Iranjan and Saudi support...

Now go on and justify the killing of next Shia doctor or professor and apologize on behalf of them. Nothing else is expected of you. It is obvious that you can not bring yourself to accept the truth that there is something sicking about this mindset. You rather prefer to shut your eyes and blame Iran and Syria while not seeing the fires in your own country set alight by the same mindset you are defending so vehemently in Afghanistan or Syria.
Good day.
Why should I justify killings ? Unlike you we aren't a secterian country .. And the operation against saudi sodomites like LEJ has already begun ... Leaders getting whacked like insects... I'm not blaming Syria ., but assholez like Azad and baghdadi supporter by Iran and KSA...

so you didn't read my long post to you and bratva.
Not interested in usual commie rants...
You supported the likes of dostum,Massoud who were accused of massacres and mass rapes .. Remember?

As if we had a choice? Did you expect Pak to keep quiet and don't interfere in a civil war that could engulf us? As for us giving you assurances .., sounds like BS.. We never controlled them.. Had we had that dirtbag influence there would have been no US invasion if Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is returning back to the 90s era... I bet after US forces leaves ...another civil war between will start....

Wevsre fighting them because we can... Unlike afghanistan which doesn't... It's still a divided country... No governance,no professional army (with 4000 per month desertion rate,corrupt to the cure,addicts and criminals in uniforms) and with still a large segment of afghan population supporting the insurgency Afghanistan has no other choice... NATO has already failed... So whatever smart thing to do here? Negotiations ..

Get atleast your history right.

It was not Iran that started to support these vile forces. It was Pakistan's insistence to overthrow the government of Dr Najib. When Pakistan succeeded to dismantle the last stable Afghan government, then Iran had no choice but to take sides since Pakistan at the time was hell bent to put in a puppet Taliban government in Kabul.

But then look what happened. 9/11 and all the rest. Who lost? Pakistan. Who lost? Afghan nation. Who suffered? Both Afghan and Pakistani nation.

This is what happens when one is doing vile things in the name of strategic depth.

Pakistan could have stayed aside after Russians pulled out of Afghanistan instead of going full zombie against the government of Dr Najib.

It does not matter whether you are on an individual level a Shia or not. There are Sunnis who agree with me and there are Shias who are themselves apologizing on behalf of Takfiris. It proves nothing.

Now please go on and keep apologizing on behalf of this murderous mindset because it suits your, how shall I put it, mmmm, "patriotism". :lol:

It is very shameful for you to wish civil war in another country. It only shows to the lows you have fallen.

You should rather offer Afghanistan full support to defeat these vile mindset. If this mindset is not good for Pakistan, then it is not good for Syria or Afghanistan either. Stop your hypocrisy.

Unlike you we aren't a secterian country ...

So rich. Coming from a country in which minorities are regularly massacred on streets. Have some shame, please.
More then likely he would end up getting killed in an air strike but yeah I really do hope he is captured alive by Iraqi army, trust me they would know what to do with this scum. it would be million times better if the Kurds get their hand on this piece of turd though.

I would not put so much trust on Iraqi army but there are 2 more armies of the world, who are bosted as most deadly... aka Iran revolution Guards and US marines. I hope soon they sarround these piggy bunch in desert and decide to deny them weapon supply, electricity, food, and petrol.
Remember, how we dealt with TTP in NW.. which was hilly train and open borders and supply from other side, while in Iraq it should be child's play to capture each of them alive.
Unfortunately, Ajit davol can hold meetings with Baghdadi but no military could save the poor girl.
Not interested in usual commie rants...

i am tired of your aggressive posturing.

are you carlos the jackal to have the right to talk in aggressive manner?? no, he was a a real man who would have been charming, while you are a lawyer who must have fired a few guns and then came up with a aggressive user-name on pdf and this you think makes you respectable.

grow some dignified language please.
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Get atleast your history right.

It was not Iran that started to support these vile forces. It was Pakistan's insistence to overthrow the government of Dr Najib. When Pakistan succeeded to dismantle the last stable Afghan government, then Iran had no choice but to take sides since Pakistan at the time was hell bent to put in a puppet Taliban government in Kabul.

So Najib a former KHAD boy .. A PDPA commie accused of killings and todtures .. The massacre of dauds family... Was overthrown by vile PAKISTAN?:lol:

He was dragged in the streets by Afghans!

But then look what happened. 9/11 and all the rest. Who lost? Pakistan. Who lost? Afghan nation. Who suffered? Both Afghan and Pakistani nation.
BS again... It was Pak that was asking mullah Omar to hand over Osama who refused... That's why Pak even asked prince Turkey of KSA to convince mullah Omar but that was not to be!

This is what happens when one is doing vile things in the name of strategic depth.
Pray tell what strategic depth means? To us ur means a non hostile afghanistan,.

Pakistan could have stayed aside after Russians pulled out of Afghanistan instead of going full zombie against the government of Dr Najib.

Lmao... Pak did that,.. At the times mujahideen were killing eachother .. And than mullah Omar rose and gained followrs after he executed a warlord who raped 2 girls... Pak could have either be one the enemy or tolerate them.. We were involved throughout the afghan jihad..we had millions of afghan refugees and a large population of Pashtuns!and an unstable war torn country !
That left us with little choice..

It does not matter whether you are on an individual level a Shia or not. There are Sunnis who agree with me and there are Shias who are themselves apologizing on behalf of Takfiris. It proves nothing.

Truth hurts you doesnt it!

You and Saudis ...

Now please go on and keep apologizing on behalf of this murderous mindset because it suits your, how shall I put it, mmmm, "patriotism". :lol:
Quote me apologising on their behalf ? Or remain quiet!

It is very shameful for you to wish civil war in another country. It only shows to the lows you have fallen.
There is a BIG FUKIN difference between predicting an oncoming shitstirm and "wishing" one... Bad comprehension skills?

You should rather offer Afghanistan full support to defeat these vile mindset. If this mindset is not good for Pakistan, then it is not good for Syria or Afghanistan either. Stop your hypocrisy.

We are offering support to Afghanistan.. And that support us being appreciated and encouraged by iran Aswell... Seems you too have a vile mindset?:lol:

So rich. Coming from a country in which minorities are regularly massacred on streets. Have some shame, please.
coming from a country which institutionalised secterianism and pushing minority sets to the wall is also quiet rich... Now go you have to cheer for Asshead and let the arabs cheer for Al nusra or baghdadi.

i am tired of your aggressive posturing.

are you carlos the jackal to have the right to talk in aggressive manner?? no, he was a a real man who would have been charming, while you are a lawyer who must have fired a few guns and then came up with a aggressive user-name on pdf and this you think makes you respectable.

grow some dignified language please.

Listen guy.. I find you really weird... You talk about commies and Gaddafi 24/7 ... It seems more comical than communistic... And trust me after a while .. Your posts become annoying.. Alway glorifying Gaddafi or communism.. If you talk like this in real life... I bet people laugh at you... We have this guy in our class (at univ)... He was pretty much like you .. He though if himself as a secular intellectual ... Yet people laughed at him... They mocked him... Called him names like "professor battery's,doctor and philosopher ...

But seriously you need to get out of this phase ... It's just ..... Ah well.... Forget it.
So Najib a former KHAD boy .. A PDPA commie accused of killings and todtures .. The massacre of dauds family... Was overthrown by vile PAKISTAN?:lol:

He was dragged in the streets by Afghans!

BS again... It was Pak that was asking mullah Omar to hand over Osama who refused... That's why Pak even asked prince Turkey of KSA to convince mullah Omar but that was not to be!

Pray tell what strategic depth means? To us ur means a non hostile afghanistan,.

Lmao... Pak did that,.. At the times mujahideen were killing eachother .. And than mullah Omar rose and gained followrs after he executed a warlord who raped 2 girls... Pak could have either be one the enemy or tolerate them.. We were involved throughout the afghan jihad..we had millions of afghan refugees and a large population of Pashtuns!and an unstable war torn country !
That left us with little choice..

Truth hurts you doesnt it!

You and Saudis ...

Quote me apologising on their behalf ? Or remain quiet!

There is a BIG FUKIN difference between predicting an oncoming shitstirm and "wishing" one... Bad comprehension skills?

We are offering support to Afghanistan.. And that support us being appreciated and encouraged by iran Aswell... Seems you too have a vile mindset?:lol:

coming from a country which institutionalised secterianism and pushing minority sets to the wall is also quiet rich... Now go you have to cheer for Asshead and let the arabs cheer for Al nusra or baghdadi.

Listen guy.. I find you really weird... You talk about commies and Gaddafi 24/7 ... It seems more comical than communistic... And trust me after a while .. Your posts become annoying.. Alway glorifying Gaddafi or communism.. If you talk like this in real life... I bet people laugh at you... We have this guy in our class (at univ)... He was pretty much like you .. He though if himself as a secular intellectual ... Yet people laughed at him... They mocked him... Called him names like "professor battery's,doctor and philosopher ...

But seriously you need to get out of this phase ... It's just ..... Ah well.... Forget it.

You are obviously ignorant even about your own country. You do not even know that it was Pakistan who kick off the civil war in Afghanistan by starting the Jalalabad battle: Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–92) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it is ok. I do not want to waste my time with an apologist of Takfiris who live off the blood of Shias and all other minorities as well as many countries.

I will answer to God on my time and you on yours. Only God can decide between us. Now you go to my ignore list.
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