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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

and i saw once in that hell-hole thread, "syrian civil war" ( what a name :lol: ), a vid showing the "democracy-bringing rebels" firing a "hell cannon" shell into a apartment building where some army soldiers or militia might have been present.

see, when this international war started in 2011, there was one well known incident which many may have chosen to forget... there was one sniper in a building in i think damascus shooting randomly at civilians... he was soon caught by civilians and giving a beating... at first, people thought he might be israeli or a american mercenary, and then i think he turned out to be a turk.

@Daneshmand , do you remember that??


@fakhre mirpur

there is the anna news agency ( abkhazian network news agency ) - russian language - whose reporters have been in syria since 2012 at least and they roam with the syrian army and broadcast the real truth.

below is a anna reporter shot by the fsa "moderate rebels"...


below is a anna footage from a syrian army tank as it patrols darraya city and engages in battle...


in 2012, maya nasser, a syrian reporter for press tv and going about with syrian army, was purposely targeted by fsa or one of those terrorist groups because he showed the truth that bbc, al-jazeera etc wanted to hide.
oh i qlso got vids buddy but they are way too graphic
This could well be propaganda but you would only believe in Netanyahu's propoganda?:lol: You also seem to be personally offended, is Goat al Bakri a distant relative of yours?

You don't find it ludicrous that the leader of a group that is being hunted by fighters in the sky nearly daily (fighters that according to some reports already almost killed his ***) would go out of his way to put himself in harms way just so he could personally rape a kidnapped person who has received widespread media exposure? Especially since he already has so many other sex slaves according to the same said media.

The info is based off of testimony from escaped ISIS rape slaves.

from USA Today

Reminds me of all those babies that were thrown out of incubators. I am sure Baghdadi has raped many women during this conflict but I highly doubt this one was really among them.
oh i qlso got vids buddy but they are way too graphic

Dude, in Pakistan the Pakistani military when fighting in Karachi or in north, kill people. I also have seen videos of how Pakistani military killing pregnant women and children, gunning them down while they were raising their hands up, begging for mercy. I guess it was in Balochistan.

It happens every where. Even in US, the police kills people. Completely innocent people. This does not provide excuse for other nations and people to support terror groups against a legitimate government. This does not provide excuse to start a civil war. If it is justified for Pakistani military to fight against these same Takfiri elements that are fighting in Syria under different names (Taliban, Isis or whatever name), so is legitimate for Syrian military.

Stop your hypocrisy.
First video might get you banned.


there is that fear but i hope not... if mods ask me, i will quote a vid in the "syria civil war" thread of a "rebel" attack on a saa post and the trapped saa soldier being grenaded.

If Taliban is bad to take over Islamabad and this gives Pakistani military excuse to bomb the hell out of areas in Pakistan, then the same is true for Syria.

exactly !!
Dude, in Pakistan the Pakistani military when fighting in Karachi or in north, kill people. I also have seen videos of how Pakistani military killing pregnant women and children, gunning them down while they were raising their hands up, begging for mercy. I guess it was in Balochistan.

It happens every where. Even in US, the police kills people. Completely innocent people. This does not provide excuse for other nations and people to support terror groups against a legitimate government. This does not provide excuse to start a civil war. If it is justified for Pakistani military to fight against these same Takfiri elements that are fighting in Syria under different names (Taliban, Isis or whatever name), so is legitimate for Syrian military.

Stop your hypocrisy.

Bull shit, post said video.
Dude, in Pakistan the Pakistani military when fighting in Karachi or in north, kill people. I also have seen videos of how Pakistani military killing pregnant women and children, gunning them down while they were raising their hands up, begging for mercy. I guess it was in Balochistan.

It happens every where. Even in US, the police kills people. Completely innocent people. This does not provide excuse for other nations and people to support terror groups against a legitimate government. This does not provide excuse to start a civil war. If it is justified for Pakistani military to fight against these same Takfiri elements that are fighting in Syria under different names (Taliban, Isis or whatever name), so is legitimate for Syrian military.

Stop your hypocrisy.
Fsa and deash are two different things
Fsa and deash are two different things

They are all the same. Do you differentiate between different stripes of Taliban? No. They are all the same.

Bull shit, post said video.

You are a deluded person. First you threaten a poster here about "graphic nature" of a video he posted and then you challenge me to post a graphic video.

Talk about being irrational.

But the video exists and a simple search on internet will provide you the link.

Even wikipedia has an entry for it: Kharotabad Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is another one: 2011 Sindh Rangers shooting incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am sure there must be even more such examples.
They are all the same. Do you differentiate between different stripes of Taliban? No. They are all the same.

You are a deluded person. First you threaten a poster here about "graphic nature" of a video he posted and then you challenge me to post a graphic video.

Talk about being irrational.

But the video exists and a simple search on internet will provide you the link.

Even wikipedia has an entry for it: Kharotabad Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dw about mods I think they would be interested in said video as well.
Dw about mods I think they would be interested in said video as well.

Google the name of the incident for video and you will see. I am sure you can do as much and have enough computer skills for this simple job.
Google the name of the incident for video and you will see. I am sure you can do as much and have enough computer skills for this simple job.

Found some pictures of the dead but no video. Even ******** has no such video. If such a video had existed there would be no controversy behind their deaths since the shooters would have been jailed. Also the people who engaged those 5 were not Pakistani military, in fact there is no Pakistani military inside Baluchistan atm. There is only FC Baluchistan made up of ethnic Baluch and Pashtuns who live in the area. So do not try and cast a bad light on the PA just to justify your dear friend Assad's indiscriminate targeting of civilians. @DESERT FIGHTER
Found some pictures of the dead but no video. Even ******** has no such video. If such a video had existed there would be no controversy behind their deaths since the shooters would have been jailed. Also the people who engaged those 5 were not Pakistani military, in fact there is no Pakistani military inside Baluchistan atm. There is only FC Baluchistan made up of ethnic Baluch and Pashtuns who live in the area. So do not try and cast a bad light on the PA just to justify your dear friend Assad's indiscriminate targeting of civilians. @DESERT FIGHTER

Stop lying. The video exists and in fact the version I have seen was a recording from a broadcast of a Pakistani TV channel (express news?).

There was a cover up after the incident. Even the surgeon who had done postmortem examination was later on killed in order to keep things quite.

These things happen all the time every where. Even in US, police does kill innocent people. This does not give excuse to Takifiris to go on and start a civil war and bring down a government and replace it with Isis. Whether with American help or without.

FC or PC or PL or whatever. I used the term Pakistani military. I am sure whatever the name or whatever the languate they speak, they all are Pakistani military. That is why it is called military. Because they are a military force.

indeed... simple as that.

Yes, the problem with these kind is, if they do it, then it is all good and excellent. But if someone else is doing the same then it is evil. Hypocrites.
Let's stick to the topic guys.

i wouldn't be surprised the story is true. we already seen such monster actions from these retards
(story of the topic i mean)
Let's stick to the topic guys.

i wouldn't be surprised the story is true. we already seen such monster actions from these retards
(story of the topic i mean)

The story is of course true. Let's not even cast a small doubt on what these creatures are capable of.

But what we were discussing was the fact that her tragic fate does not justify what she was doing there, aka, helping these creatures to bring down a legitimate government. In other words, she suffered and died at the hands of the same creatures, she was nurturing.

Moral of the story: Do not play with fire.
i wouldn't be surprised the story is true. we already seen such monster actions from these retards
(story of the topic i mean)

google for "rape british female journalist ntc libya"

there is video evidence of that.

it is from 2012.
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