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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

You are obviously ignorant even about your own country. You do not even know that it was Pakistan who kick off the civil war in Afghanistan by starting the Jalalabad battle: Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–92) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it is ok. I do not want to waste my time with an apologist of Takfiris who live off the blood of Shias and all other minorities as well as many countries.

I will answer to God on my time and you on yours. Only God can decide between us. Now you go to my ignore list.

Erm you do know @DESERT FIGHTER is shia right?
So Najib a former KHAD boy .. A PDPA commie accused of killings and todtures .. The massacre of dauds family... Was overthrown by vile PAKISTAN?:lol:

He was dragged in the streets by Afghans!

i am sure you would have laughed at najibullah if you had been there during his youth and he had come to pakistan to be in your university.

bhai sahaab, jageh aur waqt ki baat hai.

you should read fatima bhutto's book "songs of blood and sword" where she describes the work of her father and uncle.

as for the murder of dr. najibullah, the taliban were children of mainly cia and partly isi... undeniable... i doubt you were young enough to be around during those events... saying that those who dragged najibullah were afghans is same as saying those who attacked your kamra airbase were brave and patriotic pakistanis.

2017 will be the 100th anniversary of the russian revolution, a event that is among the most influential in world history... you should be more careful about choosing words.
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Erm you do know @DESERT FIGHTER is shia right?

So? It means nothing. He brought it up and I told him that there are Sunnis who agree with what I am saying, and there are Shias who are apologists of Takfiri mindset. Personal faith does not matter. Some one can be an atheist or a Jew or a Bhuddist and still accept the truth and stand up for it. He was apologizing on behalf of the dark forces. I have little time or patience for such people who even don't have a backbone (and have to even borrow their pride and backbone from Takfiri mindset).
i am sure you would have laughed at najibullah if you had been there during his youth and he had come to pakistan to be in your university.

bhai sahaab, jageh aur waqt ki baat hai.

you should read fatima bhutto's book "songs of blood and sword" where she describes the work of her father and uncle.

as for the murder of dr. najibullah, the taliban were children of mainly cia and partly isi... undeniable... i doubt you were young enough to be around during those events... saying that those who dragged najibullah were afghans is same as saying those who attacked your kamra airbase were brave and patriotic pakistanis.

2017 will be the 100th anniversary of the russian revolution, a event that is among the most influential in world history... you should be more careful about choosing words.
Please shut up... You don't know jack about Najib the soviet puppet and he was dragged by mujahideen and the average afghans,.. The taliban rose much later...

Najib was notorious for being an arsehole.... He was former KHAD ... Soviet backed commit swine... PDPA or parchamis chose him after massacring Daud Khan and his entire family and ither afghan govt officials and loyalists.

Now go cheerlead for commies & dead dictators across the globe .

So? It means nothing. He brought it up and I told him that there are Sunnis who agree with what I am saying, and there are Shias who are apologists of Takfiri mindset. Personal faith does not matter. Some one can be an atheist or a Jew or a Bhuddist and still accept the truth and stand up for it. He was apologizing on behalf of the dark forces. I have little time or patience for such people who even don't have a backbone (and have to even borrow their pride and backbone from Takfiri mindset).

As I said before .... point out a my posts which proves me "takfiri" just because I have God given sense to point out BS don't make me a takfiri... If we were to point out takfiris.. Irani and saudi mullahs would take the cake.

Erm you do know @DESERT FIGHTER is shia right?
Nope... I'm an evil takfiri .. Meanwhile people like him and those arabis who are actually involved in dividing the Islamic World are angels in their own perverted minds.

You are obviously ignorant even about your own country. You do not even know that it was Pakistan who kick off the civil war in Afghanistan by starting the Jalalabad battle: Civil war in Afghanistan (1989–92) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it is ok. I do not want to waste my time with an apologist of Takfiris who live off the blood of Shias and all other minorities as well as many countries.

I will answer to God on my time and you on yours. Only God can decide between us. Now you go to my ignore list.

Please shut up... You are so ignorant it isn't even funny...

P.S; you takfiris were also on it... You were later supporting northern alliance...
There were rumors that she was 'sold' to IS by rebels accompanying her in a deal between 2 sides, of course I don't think we'll ever get to know the reality of what happened.
I wont be surprised due to the cross over between FSA and Daesh terrorists is well known
but please quote any source or more details if you know more about this unfortunate case/
he was dragged by mujahideen and the average afghans,.. The taliban rose much later...

huzoor, are you from a parallel universe??

and ghanta mujahideen !! calling those cia-supported mullahs by the name "mujahideen" is shameful !!

and when did taliban rise, sir??

He was former KHAD

oh !!

hamid gul was not former isi. :D
I loled hard when i heard this "report". Obama's propaganda is such a joke.

Are you really israeli? Because so far some of your comments i have seen trying to cover or question anything related to ISIS/Al nusra and other syrian islamist terror groups so far has been rather surprising to me. Got me scratching my head. :undecided::sick:
huzoor, are you from a parallel universe??

and ghanta mujahideen !! calling those cia-supported mullahs by the name "mujahideen" is shameful !!

and when did taliban rise, sir??

and what are you the soviet clown? Mujahideen including the irans beloved warlords also got finance money and weapons from CIA... Against commie fuks.
oh !!

hamid gul was not former isi. :D
Hamid Gul was the head of ISI back than.., but he wasn't a crazy commie accused of war crimes and terrorism like Najib the soviet bitxh.
and what are you the soviet clown?

no, i am the teacher you refuse.

Mujahideen including the irans beloved warlords also got finance money and weapons from CIA


Hamid Gul was the head of ISI back than..,but he wasn't a crazy commie accused of war crimes and terrorism like Najib the soviet bitxh.

if you are so in love with the cia-puppet "mujahideen" mullahs, you should demand for one of their currently alive leaders, abdul rasul sayyaf the terrorist, to become president of pakistan... i think you know that he was a candidate in the last presidential elections in afghanistan.

Abdul Sayyaf's influence in the convention was felt further when his ally Fazal Hadi Shinwari was appointed by Hamid Karzai as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in violation of the constitution, as Fazal was over the age limit and trained only in religious, not secular, law. Shinwari packed the Supreme Court with sympathetic mullahs, called for Taliban-style punishments and renewed Taliban's dreaded Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, renamed the Ministry of Haj and Religious Affairs.

you will be in highly intellectual company... lal masjid++.
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I wont be surprised due to the cross over between FSA and Daesh terrorists is well known
but please quote any source or more details if you know more about this unfortunate case/

I saw them nearly 6 month ago, around the same time that she was confirmed to be killed. and it was being circulated by some people on Twitter. I did a small search days ago and couldn't find them. That's why I said it's rumors and that we perhaps will never get to know the reality.

But nothing is impossible with these terrorists. Remember when Nusra terrorists abducted 12 nuns 1.5 years ago, only for a bargaining chip to receive money and release of some prisoners? There is nothing preventing them from striking the same deal with IS, receiving something (perhaps on condition that IS don't attack their positions in some areas) and giving the American hostage to them.

If they can do it once, they can do it again. But it's all rumors and not proven till now.

How the Maaloula nuns were freed - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
no, i am the teacher you refuse.


nah, you are just a childish and naive commie wannabe !

if you are so in love with the cia-puppet "mujahideen" mullahs, you should demand for one of their currently alive leaders, abdul rasul sayyaf the terrorist, to become president of pakistan... i think you know that he was a candidate in the last presidential elections in afghanistan.

you will be in highly intellectual company... lal masjid++.
none of the mujahideen had anything to do with CIA... CIA was only the supplier of arms and finance through ISI..

Unlike Najib the terrorist and murderer... The commie puppey who after soviet withdrawal (watching his puppet govt crumbling) actually asked for forgiveness,going to mosques and denouncing Soviets but it was too late... The man who murdered innocents,lead the massacre of Daud Khan,his family and his officials at his palace was killed like a dog and his corpse hanged in public.. He shared the same fate as Mosalini..

Najib was a scumbag who killed innocent... Who was supported by invading soviets who killed millions of Afghans... He never had a "stable govt" heck even his military wasn't "stable" with mass desertions,fratricides etc... The KHAD dog gut what he deserved!
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Are you really israeli? Because so far some of your comments i have seen trying to cover or question anything related to ISIS/Al nusra and other syrian islamist terror groups so far has been rather surprising to me. Got me scratching my head. :undecided::sick:
Why should a buy this ridiculous propaganda?

Obama needs to explain his people why he is spending billions to fight ISIS and in same time doing nothing and even helping genocidal maniac Assad who's crimes are 100 times more than ISIS. Thats why he invades these ridiculous stories.
nah, you are just a childish and naive commie wannabe !

don't worry about me... you should worry where your aggression and big mouth is taking you... you are not progressive leader material, man... nor are you a progressive follower.

none of the mujahideen had anything to do with CIA

you are right... they never have.

and one of their organizers, bin laden, was never trained by sas... nevah !!

CIA was only the supplier of arms and finance through ISI..

even so, without cia weaponary, your "holy warriors" would have been full of holes. :lol:

and even helping genocidal maniac Assad who's crimes are 100 times more than ISIS.

what sorcery is this??
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