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Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force


Oct 3, 2005
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United States

All the discussions and updates here on the progress of the air force.
i have to say that iran has very interesting air force...
many tupes of airplanes f-4, f-5, f-14, f-1 mirage, f-7, su-24, su-25 mig-29
but... does it makes any logistic problem???
I would probably guess the F-5. Its the one they fly the most, maintain the most.. and can manufacture from scratch.

What does say about the Iranian Military Aviation Industry ?

I've heard some scathing reviews about it by others & deep skepticism is usually conspicuous in whatever I've read about the Iranian Military Aviation Industry in particular & their Military Industry in General ?

So, mate, how are they really ?
What does say about the Iranian Military Aviation Industry ?

I've heard some scathing reviews about it by others & deep skepticism is usually conspicuous in whatever I've read about the Iranian Military Aviation Industry in particular & their Military Industry in General ?

So, mate, how are they really ?

Cant really say, a lot of their claims dont seem to be backed up by actual work(although the same could be said about Pakistan if only press released and public links are to be believed).
But quite a bit of their work seems to be still stuck in trying to make 70's and 80's tech relevant today.
They have a lot of infrastructure and skilled tech left over from the Shah era.. including complete engine manufacturing abilities(albeit the metallurgy is no better than sub-standard). After all, they were authorized and equipped to completely overhaul and self sustain to a great extent their F-4 and F-5 fleets.

A lot of their diverse hardware is a result of the Iraqi escapees in desert storm.. otherwise their prime equipment was always F-4s and F-5s. So whatever they have is a mix and match of what they learnt from those sources.
Being an international paraih has them devoid of most knowledge sources from western countries so whatever they learn is from Russia or otherwise.

If you see most of the products coming out of Iran are simply just improved 70's hardware..
Whether its the attack helicopters or the Saeqeh(nothing more than a F-5F with canted twin tails)..even their UCAV was nothing more than a target drone with bombs.
So I would not give them too much credit..

Their actual strength lies in ballistic missile design where they really have invested a lot.
i will make a thread about all major aviation industries with information and pictures Immediately right after they choose a mod for the section.

i have collected very useful information.
Iranian Air force has been suffering since the revolution , especially after the sanctions . When a country like Iran lacks a good and powerful Air force then it has to work on air defense systems which is kinda well done however its not the ideal way and can't replace Air force .

I hope these fuc'king political problems end as soon as possible ( however its impossible as the wolves never sleep and still dreaming for Iran's wealth ) cos unlike those stupid Arabian countries that spend their whole life and money on western weapons , Iranian regular people need the money on society , educational system and industry than military stuffs . Iranians don't need Air force , they need safe cars and appropriate roads in order not to lose 27000 people per year .
, They need industry and employment in order not to have millions of educated unemployed and in order not to have poverty and in order not to see prostitution .
Mass producing Saeghe :









well ... more pics :




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