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Islamic Eschatology - Strategic importance!

imposed a ban on staying in war without wife for more than 4 months.

The wisdom behind that is practicality. An islamic nikkah is null and void after 3 cycles if contact cannot be proven.

Thats why i keep saying to the tableeghi. Pehle ghar me huqooq poray karo phir bahar walon ki socho
The wisdom behind that is practicality. An islamic nikkah is null and void after 3 cycles if contact cannot be proven.

Thats why i keep saying to the tableeghi. Pehle ghar me huqooq poray karo phir bahar walon ki socho

Yes but the reason I mentioned this event here is that @I.R.A was rejecting Sahih Bukhari based on a hadith in Sahih Bukhari about Hazoor SAW visiting all her wives (RA) in one particular night. He was of the view that such a personal information can't be shared with others therefore Sahih Bukhari is not correct.

On the contrary, a father asked even a more private question from her daughter and wife of Prophet SAW directly and the question is part of history and is undeniable.
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Yes but the reason I mentioned this event here is that @I.R.A was rejecting Sahih Bukhari based on a hadith in Sahih Bukhari about Hazoor SAW visiting all her wives (RA) in one particular night. He was of the view that such a personal information can't be shared with others therefore Sahih Bukhari is correct.

On the contrary, a father asked even a more private question from her daughter and wife of Prophet SAW directly and the question is part of history and is undeniable.

That is harsh from him.
How many sects are there already?

Does Quran allow sects?

Do you think anyone, I mean anyone can dissolve these sects and bring unity the Khilafah? How many Muslims have died at the hands of Muslims themselves? Did this whole scale killing of Muslims ever awake any of the Muslim country or their leader to press for unity, make an all inclusive alliance, drop the sectarian and historical differences, mend our ways ........... do you really think Saudis and Iranians will be willing to share their oil with rest of us Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Somalians, Bosnian etc? These lazy rears can't even agree on one single thing and you think they will all agree on a person called Mahdi (if he ever appears). Palestine, Bosnia, Kashmir, Myanmar, Timour, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq ....... millions killed, millions left orphan, millions left widows, millions tortured, millions left homeless ........ and all these 50 plus Muslim countries remained insensitive and indifferent.

And how many times Mahdi has already appeared?

The prophecies that were supposed to be conveyed are already mentioned in Quran buddy, there is nothing out of Quran, Messenger Muhammad whenever he was asked about the judgement day, always replied something like "I am a mortal man like you, I don't Know, only ALLAH knows, wait for it as I am waiting"

Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him was a Messenger who was given the most advanced divine message, the final one ....... as long as His followers remained stead fast and kept following Quran, they remained united and unbeaten ....... the cunning enemy realizing this constructed a parallel religion for them to render them incapable, and the enemy has been successful ..........

You can call me wrong I don't mind, but can you deny the current state of Muslims?

I meant you're wrong about not believing in one of the prophecies, like the Mahdi's rule in end times and Prophet Isa's(AS) coming, it's true brother and everything you said moved me, believe me, in our time all we have right now is patience and faith in Allah(SWT). Have no doubt this will come to happen in our lifetime's inshallah. There is no sects, there is one Islam(Sunni) and the rest are Muslims but minherfeen or deviated. How these will be dissolved, they won't be, but inside the last Khilifah there will be no conditions enabled to allow for the perservance of these sects. As for state of Muslims, you're correct it's a sorry state. Too many people want to follow their own thoughts and the problem is they are given freedom to do so and slight authority.

Anyway picture is not black and white, there were disputes at time of Sahaba(RAA). Keep in mind Mahdi's purpose will not be about uniting Muslims or political objectives, although those will be results of following the right path Allah(SWT). The whole point is establishing the truth again(following Islam properly and understanding what life is about, and more), and because he is rightly guided and has rule over us at that time, he will fulfill his obligations as a Muslim leader towards the people. Such as providing security for muslims and so on.

But, don't look forward to that time strictly because we want to see different political situation. He's not going to give Muslims what they want, prosperity like the West and political dominance(or be proud and strong again) for the sake of being glorious or having attachment to this world. Whomever expects that will be highly disappointed. He will establish the truth on earth and guide Muslims back to it, and will fiercely implement it, so yes indeed we may be stronger at that time, but for the sake of allowing Muslims to worship Allah(SWT) and not because we are looking to be prestigious. By worship I mean all forms of worship, no one is preventing us from Salah, but we are being prevented from other forms of worship to Allah(SWT) because of rampant moral corruption. Everything Muslims will be doing at that time will be worship, if done with the right intention. Example: Bring Muslims security/better quality of life which will make it possible for Muslims to live in a Khilifah and live by Islam without economic or political consequences is an example of an act of worship .
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I meant you're wrong about not believing in one of the prophecies, like the Mahdi's rule in end times and Prophet Isa's(AS) coming, it's true brother and everything you said moved me, believe me, in our time all we have right now is patience and faith in Allah(SWT). Have no doubt this will come to happen in our lifetime's inshallah. There is no sects, there is one Islam(Sunni) and the rest are Muslims but minherfeen or deviated. How these will be dissolved, they won't be, but inside the last Khilifah there will be no conditions enabled to allow for the perservance of these sects. As for state of Muslims, you're correct it's a sorry state. Too many people want to follow their own thoughts and the problem is they are given freedom to do so and slight authority.

Anyway picture is not black and white, there were disputes at time of Sahaba(RAA). Keep in mind Mahdi's purpose will not be about uniting Muslims or political objectives, although those will be results of following the right path Allah(SWT). The whole point is establishing the truth again(following Islam properly and understanding what life is about, and more), and because he is rightly guided and has rule over us at that time, he will fulfill his obligations as a Muslim leader towards the people. Such as providing security for muslims and so on.

Chances are Muslims will kill each other to the last and then Finally agree on a cause and system and Go full nelson.

That next caliphate formed will feel like a reforming Nostalgia. Islam and Muslim will do a hard reset.

This can be prophecy or a numbers Game or eventuality of logic.
Chances are Muslims will kill each other to the last and then Finally agree on a cause and system and Go full nelson.

This is planet earth, it's not free of dispute/conflict, especially when it pertains to 1.6 billion people of different backgrounds. Being Muslim won't exempt us of conflict. So it's not strange at all that there is conflict(majority of which isn't religious). Like Algerian-Morrocan dispute, Saudi-Iranian, Turkish-Syrian, Qatari-Saudi, Bangladeshi-Pakistani, Afghani-Pakistani, and so on.... Hardly any of that conflict is inspired by Islam. Those people are all Muslims, however, so religion will be dragged into discussion somehow. Such as by rulers who want to incite religious fervor to their benefit.

Also Mahdi's Khilafah is not going to be enforced upon Muslims. A group of people tasked by Allah(SWT) will force him to accept bayah in Mecca exactly at the Kaaba area. It is said he will rule over the Arabs and some other areas, but initially will just be in some Arab lands. So it will be a choice for Muslims, not all Muslims will follow him or support him. However, we are obligated to support him as the Prophet(SAW) specified in ahadeeth. He is going to be tasked by Allah(SWT) and will succeed in whatever it will be. And we are told it is restoring justice in Arab or Muslim lands, and restoring the right path of Islam, establishing the truth and providing vacancy/refugee for it. That's going to happen no matter what, doesn't matter if all Muslims agree or not, majority will.

As for the deviated sects who try to suggest 'Muslims will all kill each other' because they're frustrated that they are told they are misguided, this is not going to happen wherever the Mahdi rules. He will not allow conditions to their favor to spread mischief and misguidance. And they will have to oblige with the laws, and even if they don't want to, they're not going to be allowed any influence, so no one will even notice them or take them seriously. They can do so today because we have no rightly guided Islamic leader to do what is required. Tomorrow will be different.
This is planet earth, it's not free of dispute/conflict, especially when it pertains to 1.6 billion people of different backgrounds. Being Muslim won't exempt us of conflict. So it's not strange at all that there is conflict(majority of which isn't religious). Like Algerian-Morrocan dispute, Saudi-Iranian, Turkish-Syrian, Qatari-Saudi, Bangladeshi-Pakistani, Afghani-Pakistani, and so on.... Hardly any of that conflict is inspired by Islam. Those people are all Muslims, however, so religion will be dragged into discussion somehow. Such as by rulers who want to incite religious fervor to their benefit.

Also Mahdi's Khilafah is not going to be enforced upon Muslims. A group of people tasked by Allah(SWT) will force him to accept bayah in Mecca exactly at the Kaaba area. It is said he will rule over the Arabs and some other areas, but initially will just be in some Arab lands. So it will be a choice for Muslims, not all Muslims will follow him or support him. However, we are obligated to support him as the Prophet(SAW) specified in ahadeeth. He is going to be tasked by Allah(SWT) and will succeed in whatever it will be. And we are told it is restoring justice in Arab or Muslim lands, and restoring the right path of Islam, establishing the truth and providing vacancy/refugee for it. That's going to happen no matter what, doesn't matter if all Muslims agree or not, majority will.

As for the deviated sects who try to suggest 'Muslims will all kill each other' because they're frustrated that they are told they are misguided, this is not going to happen wherever the Mahdi rules. He will not allow conditions to their favor to spread mischief and misguidance. And they will have to oblige with the laws, and even if they don't want to, they're not going to be allowed any influence, so no one will even notice them or take them seriously. They can do so today because we have no rightly guided Islamic leader to do what is required. Tomorrow will be different.

Man you and I both live on Planet Earth.

Just because i am a Psycho does not mean i am misguided.
You cannot Call People who have irrelevant differences with you as misguided and then expect a conversation.

I didn't specify a person but deviated sects. Sunni Islam is what the Prophet(SAW), his family and companions were upon. If you believe otherwise, you're misguided I hope, which is better than deliberate deviation. It's not an insult.

I don't acknowledge the term 'sectarian' by the way, it's like 'anti-semitism', doesn't make sense to me. I don't believe there any sects in Islam, there is only Sunni Islam. There are however deviated Muslims many of whom are misguided. They find what I say offensive but shouldn't take offense, as I'm not insulting them. And they shouldn't view their 'sect' as a culture or ethnicity, which is what makes them defensive.

Instead they should just study the theology, and realize the shortcomings/misdoings/misunderstandings they are upon. Sunni Muslims have the right theology and path in front of them, but they are not observant of it to the extent needed. So as a people they are no different then Muslims from other 'sects' with their flaws, but the belief/theology is correct.
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I didn't specify a person but deviated sects. Sunni Islam is what the Prophet(SAW), his family and companions were upon. If you believe otherwise, you're misguided I hope, which is better than deliberate deviation. It's not an insult.

The concept of mahdi actually Unites both the sects of Islam.

So either both are wrong or both are right.
The concept of mahdi actually Unites both the sects of Islam.

So either both are wrong or both are right.

I responded to in my last post by the way, added some more stuff.

As for concept of Mahdi, most sects believe in the concept. And most sects have much in common. But all 'sects' that deviated from Sunni Islam, have additions or deliberiate misrepresentations to Islam which arose because of lack of taqwa Allah(SWT) and political aspirations.

With all due respect to you brother, Mahdi will not unite the sects. He is a Sunni Muslim and will implement Islam(sadly we have to give it a name today, that is 'Sunni' , for clarification purposes). He is not going to allow the deviated sects followers to persist with their beliefs/way of life that is contrary or deviating from Islam. So they have to change, think deeply on what they really want in life, and return to Islam or just live under his rule while respecting the laws. But, promotion of their views or their deviated practices in public or in society in general will not be permitted under his rule. I can guarantee you that.

Those that will be very conflicted with this will not have many choices besides leaving elsewhere to spread their beliefs. If that's what they want, may Allah(SWT) forgive them. There will be lots of proof/evidence that will prove the real Mahdi(AS) is the real person. And even some narrations Shia read, will contribute to that.

I don't hate Muslims from other sects, I just dislike propagating the misguided beliefs among them. If they only retract on a small portion of their beliefs, they would make matters much easier for all of us as Muslims. I have looked into many of their norms/beliefs and nothing can justify them(the wrong parts). They resort to misinterpreting some verses of Quran or fabricating ahadeeth. And some cases don't even consult either sources.
I responded to in my last post by the way, added some more stuff.

As for concept of Mahdi, most sects believe in the concept. And most sects have much in common. But all 'sects' that deviated from Sunni Islam, have additions or deliberiate misrepresentations to Islam which arose because of lack of taqwa Allah(SWT) and political aspirations.

With all due respect to you brother, Mahdi will not unite the sects. He is a Sunni Muslim and will implement Islam(sadly we have to give it a name today, that is 'Sunni' , for clarification purposes). He is not going to allow the deviated sects followers to persist with their beliefs/way of life that is contrary or deviating from Islam. So they have to change, think deeply on what they really want in life, and return to Islam or just live under his rule while respecting the laws. But, promotion of their views or their deviated practices in public or in society in general will not be permitted under his rule. I can guarantee you that.

Those that will be very conflicted with this will not have many choices besides leaving elsewhere to spread their beliefs. If that's what they want, may Allah(SWT) forgive them. There will be lots of proof/evidence that will prove the real Mahdi(AS) is the real person. And even some narrations Shia read, will contribute to that.

I don't hate Muslims from other sects, I just dislike propagating the misguided beliefs among them. If they only retract on a small portion of their beliefs, they would make matters much easier for all of us as Muslims. I have looked into many of their norms/beliefs and nothing can justify them(the wrong parts). They resort to misinterpreting some verses of Quran or fabricating ahadeeth. And some cases don't even consult either sources.

The concept of mahdi actually Unites both the sects of Islam.

So either both are wrong or both are right.
My research indicates that hazrat Mehdi AS will increase this rift further to the extent that sunni and shia will be on opposite sides ... The idebtification characteristics of shia muslims are 80% same as of sunni muslims dajjal ... There is a high probablity that our shia muslim might mistakenly consider dajjal as Hazrat Mehdi AS.
My research indicates that hazrat Mehdi AS will increase this rift further to the extent that sunni and shia will be on opposite sides ... The idebtification characteristics of shia muslims are 80% same as of sunni muslims dajjal ... There is a high probablity that our shia muslim might mistakenly consider dajjal as Hazrat Mehdi AS.


No man. A mahdi who cannot unite shia or Sunni cant be the real mahdi.

He will unite the Nation of Islam.

Why are we discussing These things btw ?

Both shia and Sunni ulemas Go every hajj Akbar to Spot him. When they hit gold. You will know.
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