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Islamabad needs a new Stadium near the scenic mountains

They can use Rawalpindi stadium just like they used airport for years and somehow manged to call it Islamabad Airport!
Lol this pindi boy is hurt to the core. what difference does it make boy?

For many years I've been keep hearing about new Islamabad stadium but it was never build. It should be build somewhere where main city will not be affected by security.

Up towards the north past Quaid-e-Azam university and the presidency/diplomatic enclave would be super nice and pretty secure too.
It was sent to lower court where cda pleaded that recreational facilities can be built inside green belt
Islamabad doesn't need enemies when there is CDA.
Looking at the condition of Stadiums in Pakistan, Islamabad definitely needs a state of the art, small but a beautiful stadium behind the scenic mountains, it sure needs one.
Islamabad definately needs a new small yet modern elite stadium behind the mountains.
What Islamabad needs is water.
Heard this PCB wants to convert the F-9 Park ground in Islamabad into a stadium
Heard this PCB wants to convert the F-9 Park ground in Islamabad into a stadium

There are cricket grounds much scenic and verdant, but not with the stands or can be called as stadiums.

This is the problem, once you make a say 40,000 capacity cricket stadium and with the stands and seating rows of them, and with it the car parking, pavilions and player rooms, it turns the stadium into an eyesore and a concrete thing.

Yes there are exceptions in New Zealand and in Australia, like cricket stadiums can be big and at the same time beautiful.

Islamabad Margalla cricket ground. Shaoib Akhtar do a lot of Vlogs there and associated with it...

Build a new modern artistic stadium behind the Margalla Hills.
Construction in Pakistan should first be made eco friendly. Builders and sponsors of these construction project have zero sense of what the environment is all about.

If a new stadium is built in Islamabad, a large green areas will be destroyed first. We are just to senseless in felling out trees. We dont realize the benefits of trees and how long it takes to grow one.

For example, here in Canada, when the city decided to build a new commuter rail line, it cordoned off where the green spaces were. No trees were trimmed.


I remember under Musharraf, there was a lot of work done in Karachi. It included planting trees along all the roads. Just a few years later, when the government decided to widen the road, the trees were first casualty. If you know Karachi, you know how badly it needs green spaces and a government before that!
A new Stadium behind mountains in Islamabad will look beautiful like the Gawadar Stdium:

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Use Pindi Stadium till Islamabad gets one, meanwhile upgrade any of the existing cricket grounds to international standard with better seating capacity i.e F-9 Park Cricket Ground, Shalimar Cricket Ground or Diamond Cricket Ground as a home for Islamabad United.

Even Rawalpindi stadium is a disgrace. Apart from few enclosure with seats, others with no seats were just painted in different colours.

Look at the most stadiums in India. PCB is run by people who have no interest in improving the facilities and providing grounds for youngsters to groom. They still living in 70/80 era.
Really amazing to see some comments about a cricket stadium effecting Islamabad's greenery. As if there are no concrete structures their. for those who are unaware their is a huge concrete athletics stadium in islamabad and lots and lots of concrete buildings etc.

Stepping aside Rawalpindi and Islamabad do need at least 2 new stadiums. the current one is situated in a very busy area and has nil parking further there is no space in there for further development.

Their are some news that RDA will build a new stadium along the purposed Rawalpindi Ring Road in area between adyala road and chakri road reserved for sports activities. I hope CDA als looks in the matter to and develops a stadium may be along the uner construction margallah road or may be near rawal lake.
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