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Islamabad Marriot Terrorist Bombing

yes but supported by an intelligence service they can

Yes they can, but is it really that easy for every angry individual to approach agencies and secure their assistance for one’s own personal interest?

They person who is fighting with our security forces knows that he is villain and never had reason to get angry!!

I wonder why Nawz Sharif has not been assited by foreign agencies so far because he is more angry on Pakistan army generals than any one else in Pakistan.
It was an 'extremely sophisticated' and 'well planned' attack that could only have been carried out by a 'foreign Intelligence agency', specifically RAW or some other Indian institution.

Especially considering the fact that after the recent terrorist attacks in India, despite no evidence linking Pakistan to them, Indian commentators have been talking about 'tit for tat'. The biggest smoking gun was when just a day or so after the Embassy bombing, when it was impossible to have had any evidence about the culprits (not that any has been shown since), the Indian NSA adviser, Narayanan, was talking about retaliating in the same coin - i.e terrorism.

Thats it from me on why India woudl be culpable in this terrorist attack - the fact remains that this was carried out by Pakistanis, and if the Indians were sponsoring these acts, they are utilizing certain Taliban factions or Baluch militant groups, who would be Pakistanis, so we still need to act decisively against any Pakistani elements that are being used by the shits across the border.

Indian or Afghan complicity is no excuse for backing off from destroying extremism in Pakistan.

AM, Its to early to point fingers at India, Believe me India has very less influence or contacts with Jehadi organizations, There are lots of whistle blowers who would come out and makes cash out of it.
Narayanan'd response was out of frustration as even US had agreed to India Intelligence.

Even if you believe India had a hand then why would it target hotel frequented by US and foreigners ? Just to scuttle nuke deal ? And go back to mediaval age by spoil relations with other countries ?

Sure this was well planned and coordinated attack Evidence will arise Pakistan will get support from other countries intelligences.

Once the culprits is identified please revisit your post.
This was a very disgusting tragedy that happened today and may Allah(swt) bless the dead and injured from today's blast. Security should definitely be beefed up a lot after this incident and peace needs to be restored immediately.

Pakistan needs to kick America out and only then will peace be restored, I think a lot of people already know who is responsible for this.
the ones responsible for this act of terror are the same people who want to set foot inside Pakistan, let that be a hint to all of you. there's no doubt that an intelligence agency is involved, but look at who stands to gain from all of this. we also have to keep in mind that Pakistan is not against one or two agencies working together to create panic. have some faith in the conspiracy theories or rumours that the cia, R&AW, mossad, MI6, and KHAD are all involved, these are facts and did not just come out of thin air. Our jawan intelligence officers are dealing with thousands of "foreign miscreants".

Pakistan's intelligence agencies are just too caught up in defending the nation from external threats, they can't possibly bug every single house or extremist. keep in mind, we are a nation of more than 160 million people, one of the most populated countries on earth. NADRA is trying to record all of Pakistan's citizens into the national database, but it will still take time. how many illegal houses or "kachay abbadi" do we have?

there should be no hesitation on part of the govt. to expand and enhance our intelilgence. we should create an intelligence wing to deal specifically with internal threats. perhaps a unit that is a byproduct of ISI, MI, IB cooperation. I think our politician-loving civilians can clearly see that putting the ISI under the interior ministry or trying to "clip it's wings" is a very bad idea.

as for our military operations, the army has made incredible progress. at least a thousand militants have been butchered in the past few weeks. any sign of them gathering will be dealt with swiftly by our helicopters and aircraft. though, the thing I don't get is, why is it the army barely made use of UAV's for reconnaissance? UAV-coordinated strikes can easily end this war. there wouldn't even be question of militant-strongholds or militant posts, they wouldn't even be able to consolidate control or enforce their system on their own turf.

Pakistan probably produces more UAV's than our suppliers. Integrated Dynamics has sold UAV's to the US, Italy, Spain with ToT. why waste millions of dollars on small "tyco RC" type UAV's produced by Germans instead of buying the same product in Pakistan? I don't buy the quality argument, these small UAV's don't have "mind-boggling" technology and our own companies are not lacking in anything at all.
Bomb a warning to end Pakistan-US cooperation

By KATHY GANNON – 1 hour ago

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — The brazen truck-bombing of the Marriott hotel in Islamabad on Saturday is a warning from Islamic militants to Pakistan's new civilian leadership that it should end already-strained cooperation with the United States to pursue al-Qaida and the Taliban, analysts said.

The massive bomb targeting an American hotel chain killed at least 40 people and wounded hundreds, setting a fire that blazed for hours and gutted most of the five-story luxury hotel.

"The attack on the hotel is a message to the Pakistani leadership: End all cooperation with the Americans or pay the price," said Brian Glyn Williams, associate professor of Islamic history at the University of Massachusetts. "Both sides see Pakistan as a vital battlefield in their global struggle and clearly Pakistani civilians are paying the price for being in the middle of this struggle," he told The Associated Press.

Within hours of the explosion, Pakistan's Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar was quoted on local television channels blaming "foreigners" for the bombing. He pointed the finger at al Qaida and its Chechen and Uzbek members, whose hideouts in the tribal regions have been targeted by the Pakistan military.

Terrorism researcher Evan Kohlmann told The AP it is almost certainly either Al-Qaida or Pakistani Taliban.

"We are looking at either Al Qaida or Tehrik-e-Taliban (Pakistan)," Kohlmann said. "It seems that someone has a firm belief that hotels like the Marriott are serving as 'barracks' for western diplomats and intel personnel, and they are gunning pretty hard for them."

Meanwhile, Pakistan's newly elected President Asif Zardari made addressed the nation soon after the bombing vowing not to be cowed and to step up Pakistan's assault on terrorists.

The U.S. has angered Pakistanis with increasing cross-border raids by its forces from Afghanistan to root out Islamic militants entrenched in the lawless and rugged tribal regions along the border.

Local newspapers are filled with outrage from columnists who accuse the United States of treating Pakistan as a surrogate, flaunting its sovereignty and killing innocents. Civilian casualties from the U.S. assaults have prompted tribesmen in the volatile frontier to threaten revolt.

Williams said the country's new leaders are caught between pressure from the U.S. to crack down on the militants and al-Qaida demands that they cut all ties with America.

Officials have harshly criticized U.S. incursions into Pakistani airspace and last week, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited Pakistan to try to calm the anger.

At the same time, the government is also talking tough to the other side.

Just hours before the suicide bombing, Zardari vowed to wage war against extremists who have been battling government troops in the violent northwest. Osama bin Laden and his top deputies are believed to be hiding in the border region and the U.S. claims al-Qaida and the Taliban have found a safe haven to regroup there.

Zardari has received several threats from al Qaida and the Taliban, who are suspected of assassinating his wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, in December.

Last month al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri accused Pakistan's new leaders of acting on behalf of the United States and called on his followers to rise up against them.

"Let there be no doubt in your minds that the dominant political forces at work in Pakistan today are competing to appease and please the modern day crusaders in the White House and are working to destabilize this nuclear-capable nation under the aegis of America," said an audio message purported to be from al-Zawahri.

The militant groups that operate in Pakistan's northwest are a ferocious and disparate group.

The Pakistani Taliban operate under the umbrella group, Tehrik-e-Taliban, which was established last December. It used a tried and tested strategy to gain control of the area — promising to restore law and order.

Within months of taking control, the Pakistani Taliban then terrorizes the local population with public beheadings. Occasionally men accused of spying for the United States are taken to the center of the village and publicly beheaded. Taliban fighters often make videos of the gruesome beheadings that circulate in the markets in northwest Pakistan.

Daniel Markey, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and former State Department official, questioned the government's ability to wage a successful battle without overhauling Pakistan's intelligence service, which is often accused of aiding and abetting the militants.

"They are able to fight but not able to win without a lot of changes," he said. "Most will have to be done by the Pakistani army and (intelligence), some by civilian government, and some that would need outside assistance," Markey added.

The Associated Press: Bomb a warning to end Pakistan-US cooperation
have some faith in the conspiracy theories or rumours that the cia, R&AW, mossad, MI6, and KHAD are all involved, these are facts and did not just come out of thin air. Our jawan intelligence officers are dealing with thousands of "foreign miscreants".

Dear Asaad ,

the people responsible for this act are within ..
nurtured with ignorance and self illusion ..
Why don't you also kick out USA and go back from there?

Cursing the country which is giving you opportunities in life which you can never get in you own! Jis thali me khana, usi me chhed....

Hypocrisy at its best.

:tsk::tsk: worst kind of usual personal attack by you guys.

Vinnod check the post of sirsharif there is much difference between kicking US from Pakistan and kicking its citizens. He is talking about kicking out US in terms of cooperation in its proxy war.

and there is a hell lot difference between your attacking the member here.

It is off topic otherwise the words you used against him are also fit for Indian Hindus who work in most of the Gulf and Saudi Arabia, despite your cursing Islam and Muslims.

Anyway it is off topic as much as your post hence i leave it here.
Dear Asaad ,

the people responsible for this act are within ..
nurtured with ignorance and self illusion ..

The point is that all these people were always there but why they did not succeed in blowing up so many innocent people. Why few years back there was no large scale killing of innocent people, why no such damaging deadly blasts.???

Only presence of internal misguided elements is not sufice for such kind of mass killing of innocent people nor it is possible unless big powers are at their back providing them with bombs, material and above money.

NO doubt the hands and internal but those who are using them are outsiders, provding them explosive, bombs, and funding.

This is Pakistan's War

* Explosives-laden truck rammed into Marriott Hotel
* US national among the dead, several foreigners injured
* Nearby Frontier House, Chief Justice’s House, IT Towers and PTV building damaged
* Rehman Malik says government received intelligence reports two days ago
* 14-year-old suspect arrested from the scene​

ISLAMABAD: A suicide bomber detonated a truck packed with explosives at the Marriott Hotel in a brazen attack in the heart of Islamabad on Saturday, killing at least 60 people.

At least 200 people, including a PPP legislator, were injured in the massive explosion, which ruptured a gas pipeline and triggered a huge blaze.

A US national was killed and several foreigners were injured, hospital officials told AFP. Many victims leapt to their deaths from the upper floors of the hotel to escape the fire, a senior security official said. Officials were worried that the hotel, a key meeting place for foreigners, would collapse.

Nearby buildings: The explosion was heard throughout Islamabad and left a 25-foot crater. Some of the victims were in the adjacent Frontier House, Chief Justice’s House, IT Towers and the PTV building, which were severely damaged.

Sixteen US nationals were inside the hotel at the time of the attack, an official said, adding they included diplomats. The PIMS spokesman said four Germans, two Saudis and two British nationals were injured. Hotel owner Sadruddin Hashwani told Geo News most of the foreigners were rescued through the rear exit.

President Asif Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack.

Intelligence reports: “We had intelligence reports two days ago that some incident might take place,” Interior Adviser Rehman Malik told reporters.

Suspect: ARY One World said police arrested a 14-year-old suspect outside the hotel. fazal sher/ agencies/daily times monitor
By Saeed Shah, McClatchy Newspapers
Sat Sep 20, 2008

MINGORA, Pakistan — A massive suicide truck bomb Saturday devastated the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad , killing at least 40 people and wounding hundreds of others in what was believed to be the bloodiest terrorist strike ever in the Pakistani capital.

The bodies of doormen and security guards, stripped naked by the force of the blast, lay outside the flame-blacked hotel. Dozens of guests and staff were feared trapped inside amid worries that the five-story structure could collapse.

The attack on the hotel, which is favored by foreigners and the Pakistani elite despite being previously targeted by extremists, came as diners packed the restaurants to break the day-long fast of the Muslim month of Ramadan with the traditional Iftar evening meal.

Suspicions immediately focused on Islamic insurgents allied with al Qaida .

Only hours earlier, recently elected President Asif Ali Zadari, the husband of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto , urged in his first address to Parliament a continued crackdown on the al Qaida -allied Islamic insurgency based in the country's tribal area bordering Afghanistan .

There were suggestions that the bomber's original target may have been the nearby home of Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani , where Zardari and many members of Parliament, top officials and military commanders were having an Iftar meal.

But finding security there too tight, the truck headed for the Marriott a few hundred yards away.

At least 40 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the hotel attack, authorities said. President Bush said at least one American was among the dead. Foreigners were also believed to be among the wounded.

The blast gouged a crater 70-feet wide and 30-feet deep and ripped open the front of the 258-room building, igniting a fire that burned its way through the structure, engulfing it in smoke. A gas leak apparently lent intensity to the flames.

Police estimated that 1,000 kilograms of explosive were used in the 8 p.m. attack, believed to have been the worst ever to strike Islamabad . The blast was heard miles away.

According to witnesses, a man in a car at the entrance to the hotel shouted a warning for people to run for their lives. A horn sounded. Moments later, a dumpster truck crashed through the hotel's front gate and exploded.

Guests and staff, their heads and clothes covered in blood, staggered out of the rubble-strune entrance.

The explosion turned cars around the building into twisted hulks, knocked over trees and blew out the windows of nearby homes and offices.

Passersby rushed to help carry the dead and wounded and rush them to hospitals in ambulances and private cars. Guests were seen at some upper floor windows as flames worked their way up the building.

An emergency was declared at Islamabad hospitals and authorities appealed for blood donations.

"They (Islamic extremists) want to take this country hostage and show they are stronger than the government," said Talat Masood , a retired general-turned-political analyst. "The message is: if you stay allied with the Americans, you have to deal with us."

Army troops deployed around the building and worked feverishly to locate victims trapped in the wrecked interior.

Located in a neighborhood of upscale homes and government offices near the Parliament building and presidency, the Marriott is the center of high society in Islamabad , and therefore represents a "high value target."

The front is protected by a wall, barriers and security guards. But the gates are only a few yards from the building's entrance, providing little protection from the massive explosion.

"The damage to the property doesn't matter, it's the loss of life," said the hotel's owner, Sadruddin Hashwani , one of Pakistan's richest men, as he stood outside the wreckage of the crown jewel of his business empire. "Those who died are poor people, guards and chauffeurs. They all have children at home."

The hotel has been targeted at least three times in recent years by terrorist attacks, the last occuring in January 2007 . A suicide bomber detonated his explosives after being stopped outside the building by a security guard. The pair was killed and at least seven people were wounded.

Still, the hotel is only one of two places in the city considered safe enough for foreign diplomats to dine. With its stylish rooms, health club, pool and a variety of restaurants, foreigners tend to stay there or in the Serena Hotel , which is located behind massive walls next to the heavily guarded diplomatic enclave.

Islamabad has been hit by three previous bombings this year that claimed at 25 lives.

In Washington , Bush issued a statement condemned the bombing and extended condolences to the families of the victims.

"This attack is a reminder of the ongoing threat faced by Pakistan , the United States , and all those who stand against violent extremism," Bush said. "We will assist Pakistan in confronting this threat and bringing the perpetrators to justice."

Bush is due to meet Zardari on Tuesday on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York , with the Islamic insurgency and cross-border U.S. air strikes, which have inflamed Pakistani nationalists, expected to top the agenda.
It was an 'extremely sophisticated' and 'well planned' attack that could only have been carried out by a 'foreign Intelligence agency', specifically RAW or some other Indian institution.

Especially considering the fact that after the recent terrorist attacks in India, despite no evidence linking Pakistan to them, Indian commentators have been talking about 'tit for tat'. The biggest smoking gun was when just a day or so after the Embassy bombing, when it was impossible to have had any evidence about the culprits (not that any has been shown since), the Indian NSA adviser, Narayanan, was talking about retaliating in the same coin - i.e terrorism.

Thats it from me on why India woudl be culpable in this terrorist attack - the fact remains that this was carried out by Pakistanis, and if the Indians were sponsoring these acts, they are utilizing certain Taliban factions or Baluch militant groups, who would be Pakistanis, so we still need to act decisively against any Pakistani elements that are being used by the shits across the border.

Indian or Afghan complicity is no excuse for backing off from destroying extremism in Pakistan.

Why are you crying foul without any evidence.
Ohh please save the crap for BR!

Would you claim that IA is behind all those powerful blasts invilving 500kg and 1000kg explosives deep inside Indian territory?

Think before you post! :disagree:
I strongly suspect you are wrong. The army wants a stable Pakistan. If they wanted power there are much easier ways to do that. They will not risk that an investigations leads to their side... There is much more chance that India is behind the scene busy with the usual stupid actions then Pakistan. So either use some logic then pathetic insult. India is a bigger sponsor... IT sposors Tamil terrorists. It occupies and terrorizes Kashmir more then a few decades. It has problems with Bangladesh, China and so there is a lot more chance that the evil state of India is behind it then Pakistan that is the victim of Al Qaida, US past sponsored Taleban or India... I think you are pretty ok for being banned...

I strongly suspect the involvement of Pakistan army in this blast.

1. Reason, they are NOT actually fighting the terrorists, but if terrorists do not take revenge, their "NOT fighting" will be exposed.

2. 1000 kg of blasts cannot be trafficked in any country without the active involvement of military.

3. They want to undermine the democratic government and take over by coup, by giving this bombing as an excuse.

Blaming external agencies will not help, rather it will look silly. Because the whole world knows that Pakistan was/is a state sponcer of terrorists.
Please don't derail the thread. There is absolutely nothing wrong or illegal with helping occupied people attain their freedom. The United Nations allows this right to defend oneself in the face of occupation and aggression.

All those who say that terrorism is legal are morally responsible for the innocent blood that is shed on both sides of the border.

Nobody can take law in their hands.
I strongly suspect you are wrong. The army wants a stable Pakistan. If they wanted power there are much easier ways to do that. They will not risk that an investigations leads to their side... There is much more chance that India is behind the scene busy with the usual stupid actions then Pakistan. So either use some logic then pathetic insult. India is a bigger sponsor... IT sposors Tamil terrorists. It occupies and terrorizes Kashmir more then a few decades. It has problems with Bangladesh, China and so there is a lot more chance that the evil state of India is behind it then Pakistan that is the victim of Al Qaida, US past sponsored Taleban or India... I think you are pretty ok for being banned...

Evil are those who gave birth to Al-quida and fed it.

India has never supported terrorism.
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