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Islamabad Marriot Terrorist Bombing

yes i agree with you.
when pa attacks in tribal areas if there are civilian deaths then some guys are fourios and they can be controlled(brainwash)very easly
some indian kids are also saying that the isi is behind this:cheesy:

Yes, there can be angry individualls but they can't pull such a resourceful operation in Islamabad.
I don't believe that it is a fallout of PA operation.
It can be celebration in honor of Zardari's speech and a pledge to tow his anti-Pakistan sentiment.
Our govt. is part and parcel of anti Pakistan conspiracy and this attack is just one article of the shipment we received in last months.
These People From Fata wanna meet God why are we stopping the Americans from arranging the meetings.:sniper:

Oh dear America please kill Mehsud, destroy his safe heavens and uproot his cell.
I thank u in advance.
BTW, he is also murderer of BB which resulted in Zardari being our President.
I wonder if Zardari would be stupid enough to go after his biggest aide in Pakistan.
Calm down ya'll - who cares about the WTC theories, its irrelevant to this incident.

This is terrorism in Islamabad and Pakistan, and no fkn way are we bowing to the medieval barbarism of the Taliban and AQ.

Do not for one minute forget that whoever was behind this, CIA, India, Afghanistan - it was carried out by the agents of hate and intolerance in Pakistan - the extremists.

The cancer within must be destroyed before anything else.
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Blain 2

My point needs discussion!

Why Marriot if one wants blood?

How come a Truck with 1 Ton of Explosives was in Islamabad Wandering?

What can be the motives if one doesnot want mass killing of Innocents!

Keep foreigners away from Pakistan so that they cannot come and see Pakistanis are not terrorists as wested media potray them to be.

u just raised a very key point.
Yes, there can be angry individualls but they can't pull such a resourceful operation in Islamabad.

yes but supported by an intelligence service they can

I am from Islamabad and I know it is not child's play to do something like this if you donot have support within the Security Agencies or rest of the world agencies assets buying few sources in our security.

Rest assure the truck was guided from within the hotel.
It is not only Islamabad. I'm sure it is not difficult to smuggle tons of explosives in pieces in every nook and corner of Pakistan.
damage has already been done and explosives are in your cities waiting to be used at appropirate occassion, just like an ace in the game.
I have said many times that we need to secure our major cities and there must be a solid plan on the ground.
Citizens must help the state and keep an eye on those neighbors who have moved in 90's or after.
Any strange guests in neighborhood should be closely watched.
Marriott Hotel was heavily guarded at the gates that were unfortunately very near to the main building. That's why blast caused total destruction of hotel building. I personally think that could have been prevented if security was placed much farther on the main road.

The target could have been President House as well as it is not too far from hotel but President House building is far from the main gates as compare to hotel building.

Timings of attack seem to have been 'selected' to increase death toll.

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ALL i say is there better be A PAY back and twice in size no other explanation will be accepted.:hitwall:

All personals that are involved in security of Islamabad should be questioned and then hanged.

I won't suggest that...at this point oftime.
It is possible that explosives were smuggeled in the last rule of Nawaz Sharif and BB, when ISI detached itself from Afghan matters and assigned with new task of harrasing political opponents.
It is also possible that present rehamn malik is facilitating all this, after all it is leadership ofPPP which gets security briefing. ordinary security personal is mostly does not even know check post next to him.
Obama, McCain condemns Islamabad bombing
Updated : Sunday September 21 , 2008 2:53:39 AM

WASHINGTON: Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Saturday strongly condemned the tragic terrorist attack on Marriott hotel in Islamabad, saying the United States must forge a lasting partnership with Pakistan and other nations to root out the menace of terrorism.

"My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families," Obama said in a statement, in which he observed that the Pakistani people have suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists.

"Today's attack demonstrates the grave and urgent threat that al Qaeda and its affiliates pose to the United States, to Pakistan, and to the security of all nations. As the attack earlier this week on our embassy in Yemen shows, over seven years after 9/11, the
terrorist threat knows no borders, and the terrorists threaten innocent civilians of all religions and regions.

"Now is the time to refocus our efforts on defeating al Qaeda and securing the American people," he stated.

Obama added the attack in Islamabad also "reminds us once again that the Pakistani people have suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists, and are endangered by the violent extremists operating within their borders."

"We must forge a deep and lasting partnership with Pakistan, and with nations around the world, to root out and destroy al Qaeda and its affiliates. The United States must lead a truly global effort to prevail against al Qaeda and their hate-filled ideology."

Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain Saturday strongly condemned the bombing on Marriott Hotel Islamabad as an outrageous act of violence and vowed to work with the elected government to diminish the ability of terrorists to threaten the United States and its allies.

"Today's attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad is an outrageous act of violence. Cindy and I express our deepest condolences for the loss of life, and our thoughts and prayers
are with those hurt or killed in the attack," he said in a statement.

"Today's bombing must serve to deepen the resolve of Americans and Pakistanis alike to aggressively confront those terrorist groups that seek our destruction."

McCain said while no organization has yet taken responsibility for this act, it is well known that Pakistan faces an enduring threat from violent extremism.

"We must work with the elected government of Pakistan to find those responsible, hold them accountable, and diminish their ability to threaten us and our allies in the future."

It also serves as one more demonstration of the need for the next President to work closely with our partners and allies in order to counter the dangers posed by radical extremism, he added.

somebody should tell you that you are a late learner. WTC-7 did not take as much punishment as marriott hotel!!

Dear god boy, you are accusing someone of something that you clearly are.......go to the conspiracy threads and realise how far behind the real world you are (you are even far behind in your conspiracies as well!).........Now stop acting like you have discovered something new. Apart from the fact you have no idea about the comparative structures of both buildings and that there are (according to the BBC)reports that the police are saying the building (Marriot) will collapse. You have no idea about building structures do you?

First enlighten us about the comparative structures of both buildings. If you cannot then we shall conclude you are talking crap.
America to help investigate Islamabad blast
Updated : Sunday September 21 , 2008 4:44:40 AM

WASHINGTON: American government has forwarded its all out support to probe into Islamabad suicide blast case, blast occurred at Marriott hotel in Islamabad on Saturday.

According to details American government officials met Pakistani Ambassador to United States, Hussain Haqqani here Sunday and forwarded U.S. government all out support to probe suicide attack and in this regard 15 member team will be sent to Pakistan to investigate the balst .

A suicide blast occurred inside Marriott hotel in Islamabad on Saturday which claimed at least 37 lives whereas more than 200 people were injured including foreigners.
Where is the media, lawyers, asma jehangir and others alike who raged havoc in Pakistan when it was peaceful and prospering?
Now is the time to come in streets and protest for pulling down the state back to pre 1999 position.
PPP is busy collecting sympathies of this heinous act.... They all need to be hanged in open.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Was there a top secret and mysterious operation of the US Marines going on inside the Marriott when it was attacked on Saturday evening? No one will confirm it but circumstantial evidence is in abundance.

Witnessed by many, including a PPP MNA and his friends, a US embassy truckload of steel boxes was unloaded and shifted inside the Marriott Hotel on the same night when Admiral Mike Mullen met Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and others in Islamabad.

Both the main gates (the entrance and the exit) of the hotel were closed while no one except the US Marines were either allowed to go near the truck or get the steel boxes unloaded or shift them inside the hotel. These steel boxes were not passed through the scanners installed at the entrance of the hotel lobby and were reportedly shifted to the fourth and fifth floors of the Marriott.

Besides several others, PPP MNA Mumtaz Alam Gilani and his two friends, Sajjad Chaudhry, a PPP leader, and one Bashir Nadeem, witnessed this mysterious activity to which no one other than the PPP MNA objected and protested.

A source present there told The News that after entertaining them with refreshments at the Nadia restaurant at midnight when Mumtaz Alam, along with his friends, was to leave the hotel, he found a white US embassy truck standing right in front of the hotel's main entrance.

Both the In-gate and the Out-gate of the hotel were closed while almost a dozen well-built US Marines in their usual fatigues were unloading the steel boxes from the truck. No one, including the hotel security men, was either allowed to go near the truck or touch the steel boxes, which were being shifted inside the hotel but without passing through the scanners.

Upon inquiry, one of the three PPP friends who was waiting for the main gates of the hotel to open to get his car in, was informed that the suspicious boxes were shifted to the fourth and fifth floors of the hotel. Mumtaz Alam was furious both at the US Marines and the hotel security not only for the delay caused to them but also for the security lapse he was witnessing.

On his protest, there was absolutely no response from the Marines and the security men he approached were found helpless. Mumtaz Alam told the hotel security official that they were going to endanger the hotel and its security. He was also heard telling his friends that he would never visit the hotel again. He also threatened to raise the issue in parliament.

One does not know whether the PPP MNA revisited the hotel after that mysterious midnight but his brother Imtiaz Alam, who is a senior journalist, was in the same hotel when the truck exploded at the main gate of the hotel. Imtiaz Alam had a lucky escape and found his way out of the hotel with great difficulty in pitch darkness.

One of the lifts he was using fell to the ground floor just after he forced the door open on the 4th floor and got out of it.

Updated at: 0315 PST, Sunday, September 21, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The bombers issued warning before the explosives laden car was rammed into the five star hotel here on Saturday, witnesses said.

Witnesses said before the suicide blast, a small vehicle hit the security barrier outside the hotel, a man emerged from it and warned the people present there that they had only three minutes time to run away and save their lives.
This is making very little sense to me right now. There are too many coincidences and conflicting reports.
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