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Islamabad - Dehli Nexus? (Current Kashmir Development)

How old are you? She is desperate, i know that, everyone knows. But that's not the topic of discussion. Is it?

I'm 28.

Listen, My specific aim is to be completely neutral. Unfortunately for PML-N, they lost a seasoned politician (Nawaz Sharif, lets ignore the conviction at the moment). Instead, her scion (Maryam, also under investigation) is now helming the party. You have to agree that she is emotionally compromised and not fit to be a responsible leader. She is using weak strategies to obtain her objectives and is rushing into scenario's without thinking about the backfires and consequences. She is a rookie sitting on the throne.

Now back to PTI, a party which is also learning. They have made their fair share of mistakes pre & post 2018 elections, but they are fixing a system which no one has dared to touch. What PTI has managed to successfully do is tell the public that they do have rights which in the past have been denied due to corruption or x, y, z. People are now questioning what is happening what tax payer's money, people are now paying taxes and becoming filers and they trust PTI to return them welfare facilities in the future. This is a huge change in the mindset of the general public.

Don't worry, PTI irritates me to the core most of the time, I do question their view points on a lot of things, but unfortunately, leaders of PML-N have been caught red-handed stealing your money, money that would have helped you and your family.

A crook is a crook, no matter how much you love them, like how a leopard never changes it's spots.
you had a near death experience with a begging bowl last year. your army chief & prime minister are working overtime to get funds to keep the state afloat. without all the loans pakistani nation would take a 30-40% drop in living standards.

Now a bunch of minions on PDF want to go to war. Talk about being clueless and out of touch with reality

Why is this piece of monkey trash still allowed to tarnish this forum with his worthless views
Lets see what pakistan govt and army does... Onething is for sure we can't invade indian occupied kashmir yet. We know this for past 15 years now. India can't do it either..

Do we go tit for tat and make azad kashmir 5th province and baltistan 6th province of pakistan?

It does nothing just as removing 370 and 35a articles from indian constitution..

But making these moves can bring us one step closer to what musharaf advised. You keep ur parts we keep our parts... Kashmir gets divided among pakistan and india, just like punjab was , just like bengal was divided among india and pakistan...

So shall kashmir be divided and permannent international border formed on LOC thats what i can see happening.

But to kashmiriz it won't be acceptible
I'm 28.

Listen, My specific aim is to be completely neutral. Unfortunately for PML-N, they lost a seasoned politician (Nawaz Sharif, lets ignore the conviction at the moment). Instead, her scion (Maryam, also under investigation) is now helming the party. You have to agree that she is emotionally compromised and not fit to be a responsible leader. She is using weak strategies to obtain her objectives and is rushing into scenario's without thinking about the backfires and consequences. She is a rookie sitting on the throne.

Now back to PTI, a party which is also learning. They have made their fair share of mistakes pre & post 2018 elections, but they are fixing a system which no one has dared to touch. What PTI has managed to successfully do is tell the public that they do have rights which in the past have been denied due to corruption or x, y, z. People are now questioning what is happening what tax payer's money, people are now paying taxes and becoming filers and they trust PTI to return them welfare facilities in the future. This is a huge change in the mindset of the general public.

Don't worry, PTI irritates me to the core most of the time, I do question their view points on a lot of things, but unfortunately, leaders of PML-N have been caught red-handed stealing your money, money that would have helped you and your family.

A crook is a crook, no matter how much you love them, like how a leopard never changes it's spots.
This thread is not about PMLN or PTI so kindly do not derail it. It is about the response by the state of Pakistan, or lack of it, to the repeal of article 370A by India. We have to think like Pakistanis. Political affiliations are secondary.
This thread is not about PMLN or PTI so kindly do not derail it. It is about the response by the state of Pakistan, or lack of it, to the repeal of article 370A by India. We have to think like Pakistanis. Political affiliations are secondary.

Apologies for that, but I had to respond to his uncalled for statement. Hopefully you understand.
I personally think that Indian embassies/consulates should be closed with immediate effect. BTW, PM IK has not even condemned the revoking of article 370A...to my disbelief... He is beating around the bush but has not condemned it in any of this tweets so far which is shocking... and everyone knows me that I have been ardent supporter of IK but Pakistan comes first ... IK is just on individual.

IMO, i hope i am wrong but i think it's a bigger game that's being played here and he is part of it. Before indian elections, he was rooting for modi to come in power to solve kashmir issue. I think the theory of trification may will be true afterall. The next move by dehli will be to further divide Kashmir region and that's where he may have a deal with India. Ladkh and Jammu goes to India, GB comes to Pakistan and sovereign Kashmir valley.

Well then we are in the same group... I did it too but came back in March or April

That episode showed the other side of lots of "good indian" posters and to the utter-disappointment the admin of this forum's reaction on it was painful to watch. (Even for today's episode) this proves to be the case.
Nations survive on sovereignty and from the point of strength. Economically what was done is being taken care of, sanghis/Gangus had got their plot failed about political maneuvering by planting their puppet regimes. That was taken care of, Afghanistan got out of gangu's hands. So i can understand in desperation they are provoking Kashmir issue. And that has to be taken care of accordingly.

I understand except you are at the mercy of USA, China and Saudi Arabia. None of them want a nuclear war
You still need them in a few months

Why is this piece of monkey trash still allowed to tarnish this forum with his worthless views

shooting the messenger does not change reality
Emotional OP.
Question: Didn't Indian Parliament declare the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir (including Pakistani/Chinese held Kashmir) to be an inalienable part of India? So, by abrogating the Article 370 and even removing the existence of the State of Kashmir (now it's a rump Union Territory), India may have nullified it's own Parliament Resolution?!!
Lets see what pakistan govt and army does... Onething is for sure we can't invade indian occupied kashmir yet. We know this for past 15 years now. India can't do it either..

Do we go tit for tat and make azad kashmir 5th province and baltistan 6th province of pakistan?

It does nothing just as removing 370 and 35a articles from indian constitution..

But making these moves can bring us one step closer to what musharaf advised. You keep ur parts we keep our parts... Kashmir gets divided among pakistan and india, just like punjab was , just like bengal was divided among india and pakistan...

So shall kashmir be divided and permannent international border formed on LOC thats what i can see happening.

But to kashmiriz it won't be acceptible

That won't sit well with a lot of folks in Pakistan either, Even the Balochi tribes want all of Kashmir.
Lets see what pakistan govt and army does... Onething is for sure we can't invade indian occupied kashmir yet. We know this for past 15 years now. India can't do it either..

Do we go tit for tat and make azad kashmir 5th province and baltistan 6th province of pakistan?

It does nothing just as removing 370 and 35a articles from indian constitution..

But making these moves can bring us one step closer to what musharaf advised. You keep ur parts we keep our parts... Kashmir gets divided among pakistan and india, just like punjab was , just like bengal was divided among india and pakistan...

So shall kashmir be divided and permannent international border formed on LOC thats what i can see happening.

But to kashmiriz it won't be acceptible

You are disinforming on Musharraf deal with Vajpayee/Manmohan.
Musharraf thankfully could'nt seal the deal as no one was predicting if a hindu terrorist mas murderer is elected by Indian people which has happened.
Musharraf deal was to demilitarise the region, open the LOC for both sides, resolve the Kashmir issue some decades from now.
Now the situation has changed, Azad Kashmiris (in Pakistani held KAshmir) are being bombed with cluster bombs while India is repressing the occupied KAshmiris brutally. Pakistan has sustained hundreds of deaths of people living on the border. Our people are dying anyways in so-called peacetime. Pakistan has not taken any action apart from Feb 27 airstrike, Pakistan's inaction has lionized this hindu terrorist modi to take more risks as his economy and other issues are already in the tank.
you had a near death experience with a begging bowl last year. your army chief & prime minister are working overtime to get funds to keep the state afloat. without all the loans pakistani nation would take a 30-40% drop in living standards.

Now a bunch of minions on PDF want to go to war. Talk about being clueless and out of touch with reality

You know, we'd rather do the right thing than let evil genocide occur. The real currency we desire is not in this world, it's the deeds we crave in the afterlife.
That won't sit well with a lot of folks in Pakistan either, Even the Balochi tribes want all of Kashmir.

I want a Villa overlooking the valley where i can smoke up and tell my kid

everything the light touches is your kingdom.

what about my human rights !!
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