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Islamabad asks Delhi to adopt model of peace, development

Since both the oldest and the largest IVC sites are in India, and since you are descendents of India, I agree you can claim part heritage.
If you had even the slightest understanding of genetics, you would know that you are descended from either the IVC or the Aryan invasion, or both.

Please ask the Indian government to release the genetic data from Rakhgari - just to help you live in peace with the reality of your origins.

Yes, IVC is the father. It started in India (areas like Bhirana of Haryana) and those pre-historics raped and plundered their way into Indian territory that was later politically declared state of pakistan in 1947 until further notice. Surely their conquests couldn't have been peaceful

The above is true whether Aryan theory is valid or not.
Where is the IVC located? How did iranic agrarians get to haryana? Quite simply, iranics fathered some of you, while Aryans fathered the rest. Why are you so angry about it?
If you had even the slightest understanding of genetics, you would know that you are descended from either the IVC or the Aryan invasion, or both.

Please ask the Indian government to release the genetic data from Rakhgari - just to help you live in peace with the reality of your origins.

Where is the IVC located? How did iranic agrarians get to haryana? Quite simply, iranics fathered some of you, while Aryans fathered the rest. Why are you so angry about it?

sorry your half baked understanding didn't let you know that Harappa and Mohenjodaro were only the first sites to be discovered, not the oldest. Bhirrana in India was the oldest. It all started in India and the spread to other parts of India like Gujarat (Lothal), baluchistan (mehrgarh) etc. Unfortunately Mohanjo Daro is not even the largest of IVCs now. Rakhigari in India is the largest site,
Your boy Gowalkar will be spinning in his grave at the sheer horror of the revelation that Aryan invaders account for 15-25% of modern Indian DNA. It must be frustrating that Muslim invaders have as much claim over Hindustan as the Aryans who invaded earlier or the British who invaded later. Keep following the religion, customs and language of your chosen invader. We don't mind.

"The saga of 'Hindutvist history' is by now another familiar tale, with its origins in early Hindu nationalist reaction to colonial archaeology and linguistics, a monomaniacal obsession with refuting the 'Aryan invasion theory'.

It is perhaps most clearly expressed in an irate passage from former RSS sarsanghchalak M.S. Golwalkar's screed Bunch of Thoughts (1966): "It was the wily foreigner, the Britisher, who carried on the insidious propaganda that we were never one nation, that we were never the children of the soil but mere upstarts having no better claim than the foreign hordes of Muslims or the British over this country.""
sorry your half baked understanding didn't let you know that Harappa and Mohenjodaro were only the first sites to be discovered, not the oldest. Bhirrana in India was the oldest. It all started in India and the spread to other parts of India like Gujarat (Lothal), baluchistan (mehrgarh) etc. Unfortunately Mohanjo Daro is not even the largest of IVCs now. Rakhigari in India is the largest site,
Idiot. Are you descended from iranics, Aryans, both, or are you a "native Indian" of the Andamans? Once you're resolved that these are your only options, then feel free to discuss science with me. Until then, good luck with your OOI theory. Flat earthers have conferences too - maybe you could tag on.
Your boy Gowalkar will be spinning in his grave at the sheer horror of the revelation that Aryan invaders account for 15-25% of modern Indian DNA. It must be frustrating that Muslim invaders have as much claim over Hindustan as the Aryans who invaded earlier or the British who invaded later. Keep following the religion, customs and language of your chosen invader. We don't mind.

"The saga of 'Hindutvist history' is by now another familiar tale, with its origins in early Hindu nationalist reaction to colonial archaeology and linguistics, a monomaniacal obsession with refuting the 'Aryan invasion theory'.

It is perhaps most clearly expressed in an irate passage from former RSS sarsanghchalak M.S. Golwalkar's screed Bunch of Thoughts (1966): "It was the wily foreigner, the Britisher, who carried on the insidious propaganda that we were never one nation, that we were never the children of the soil but mere upstarts having no better claim than the foreign hordes of Muslims or the British over this country.""

sure. See Pakistan, is a part of india so you have some claim on the heritage. But you shouldn't make a big deal of the muslim conquest thing because...it's like a chaprasi claiming my ancestors were Zamindars. Considering pak's current....eh....condition......
sure. See Pakistan, is a part of india so you have some claim on the heritage. But you shouldn't make a big deal of the muslim conquest thing because...it's like a chaprasi claiming my ancestors were Zamindars. Considering pak's current....eh....condition......
Keep thinking about those options..
The spokesman said that while making such braggadocio, the Indian Air Force chief must not forget India’s defence limitations, so embarrassingly exposed to the world, first during its misadventure in Balakot and more recently in Ladakh.
does these indians have some respect left in them? :omghaha: :omghaha:

daily insulted by Pakistan and still their joker army and air force resort to making two front farting on daily basis and gets insulted again:lol::lol::lol:
Overall quality of officers appointed in Pakistan is going down the drain. Most have started to use colloquial language than a diplomatic language. I don't think even regular Pakistanis on PDF understands how stupid their comments have been lately. This has started since Imran come to power.
Protest again.... :lol:
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