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Islam’s holiest land to become Western base for strikes against Syria


Sep 21, 2011
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Will the Holiest land of Islam become a big base to provide logistic support for attacks on another Muslim country, Syria? As the story is developing, this has become a foregone conclusion. Saudi Arabia has not only approved of the attack by the US, it is ready to provide its vast air force and bases to Western militaries.
John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State informed in Paris on Sunday that Saudi Arabia has approved international military intervention in Syria. He met Arab League ministers and after meeting Saudi foreign minister, Saud al Faisal declared that they (Saudis) support the strike. Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich country exercises heavy clout among the Muslim countries, called Ummah. It was understood that militants fighting the forces of incumbent Assad regime were funded by Saudis and armed by the US. Major element of anti-Assad fighters, called al Nusrah is affiliated with al Qaeda which is a Saudi proxy. This is the first time Saudis have formally acknowledged their desire to bomb Syria.
It would be interesting for the observers that al Qaeda’s raison d’état as declared by Osama bin Laden was to fight against the presence of foreign forces on the Holy Land after the first Gulf War. He vowed to expel them through use of force. Before he could act as promised, he himself was expelled from Saudi Arabia to Sudan from where he proceeded to Taliban-led Afghanistan. The rest is history. The same Saudi Arabia is all set to host foreign militaries again to settle scores against a rival in the Middle East.

Islam's holiest land to become Western militaries' base for strikes against Syria
Why they don't understand attack is not a solution,situation will become more bad if they attack syria,do muslims countries believe that USA is our friend and will help us?
actually only mecca and medina and some other places are "holiest lands in islam" so if the stupid zionist scum
attack dear syria from "saudi" arabian regime (which i think is impossible) , iran can bomb the crap out of the zionist-saudi regime controlling the land (only military assets)
because attacking another muslim country by zionist entity from islamic lands is unacceptable for all muslims
Stupid article

Why do we have to host any foreign power when Jordan, Turkey, and Cyprus are cooperating with the allied forces? :rofl:
Why do we have to provide any logistical support when the US is going to launch airstrikes with no boots on the ground? :omghaha:
Why do we have to provide any sort of help without the approval of the UN Security Council? :D

Will the Holiest land of Islam become a big base to provide logistic support for attacks on another Muslim country, Syria? As the story is developing, this has become a foregone conclusion. Saudi Arabia has not only approved of the attack by the US, it is ready to provide its vast air force and bases to Western militaries.
John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State informed in Paris on Sunday that Saudi Arabia has approved international military intervention in Syria. He met Arab League ministers and after meeting Saudi foreign minister, Saud al Faisal declared that they (Saudis) support the strike. Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich country exercises heavy clout among the Muslim countries, called Ummah. It was understood that militants fighting the forces of incumbent Assad regime were funded by Saudis and armed by the US. Major element of anti-Assad fighters, called al Nusrah is affiliated with al Qaeda which is a Saudi proxy. This is the first time Saudis have formally acknowledged their desire to bomb Syria.
It would be interesting for the observers that al Qaeda’s raison d’état as declared by Osama bin Laden was to fight against the presence of foreign forces on the Holy Land after the first Gulf War. He vowed to expel them through use of force. Before he could act as promised, he himself was expelled from Saudi Arabia to Sudan from where he proceeded to Taliban-led Afghanistan. The rest is history. The same Saudi Arabia is all set to host foreign militaries again to settle scores against a rival in the Middle East.

Islam's holiest land to become Western militaries' base for strikes against Syria

islam holiest land has been occupied for the longest time, yet muslims are so dumb, that they dont even realize it. This proves that muslims are sleeping, I think when Al Saud destroys the Kaaba then only muslims might wake up

Yet people say the Saudis are Takfirists :lol:

Dude, go to Qom to hug your masters.
What do you expect from others when Zaudi muuullahs are in bed with the enemies of Islam and the people of the region?

Just for the record, Our mullahs don't hang out with the so-called enemies of Islam :lol:
Bring back the ottomans, neither Persians or Saudis win :D lose-lose situation for all!
I think it's very well known that Saudis contributed much for the bad reputation of Islam in the world. This state and the rulers are such hypocrites when they pay their hated "Kuffars" to bomb their linguistic relatives and religious "brothers" in Syria
A article that is very hard to take seriously which is not a surprise. First there is no foreign military presence in KSA aside from a few advisers and their likes etc. The law even prohibits foreign troops on KSA territory unless special permission is given or the situation requires it. For example a huge geo-politcal war in the region.

Bring back the ottomans, neither Persians or Saudis win :D lose-lose situation for all!

Better bring back all the greatest and most significant Caliphates on all fields - the Arab Caliphates that ruled for nearly 1000 years since the appearance of Islam until the Ottomans "hijacked" it officially in the early 1500's.

Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid , Islamic Golden Age, nearly all the Islamic conquests, the foundations of the Islamic society, greatest geographical extent and prosperity, Al-Andalus etc.

Anyway all this is history. We are fine today though.

Besides Iranians were never Caliphs, LOL. The Al-Saud are rulers (Kings) and at the same time Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques. Nothing to do with Caliphs.
A article that is very hard to take seriously which is not a surprise. First there is no foreign military presence in KSA aside from a few advisers and their likes etc. The law even prohibits foreign troops on KSA territory unless special permission is given or the situation requires it. For example a huge geo-politcal war in the region.

Better bring back all the greatest and most significant Caliphates on all fields - the Arab Caliphates that ruled for nearly 1000 years since the appearance of Islam until the Ottomans "hijacked" it officially in the early 1500's.

Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid , Islamic Golden Age, nearly all the Islamic conquests, the foundations of the Islamic society, greatest geographical extent and prosperity, Al-Andalus etc.

Anyway all this is history. We are fine today though.

Besides Iranians were never Caliphs, LOL. The Al-Saud are rulers (Kings) and at the same time Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques. Nothing to do with Caliphs.

Good and bad in every dynasty, ik. Just said that to **** everyone off :D
Linguistic? What do you mean by linguistic? :lol:
I think it's very well known that Saudis contributed much for the bad reputation of Islam in the world. This state and the rulers are such hypocrites when they pay their hated "Kuffars" to bomb their linguistic relatives and religious "brothers" in Syria

Very extreme. :what: As if Turkey wasn't a member-state of NATO.
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