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Linguistics is the study if language; while language is a mean for people to communicate :omghahs:

Do some readings before posting next time.

I think you should rather do some readings. The word linguistic relatives has the same meaning as language relatives. You don't use "They are languagely related to each other". You use: "They are linguistically related with each other".
Both statement are stylistically ill. Instead of rendering a word into an unrelated adjective, you should have said " They share the same language or they speak the same language "

I think you should rather do some readings. The word linguistic relatives has the same meaning as language relatives. You don't use "They are languagely related to each other". You use: "They are linguistically related with each other".
Both statement are stylistically ill. Instead of rendering a word into an unrelated adjective, you should have said " They share the same language or they speak the same language "

It's grammatically still not wrong when you use: "They are linguistically related with each other".
The word " related " is often associated with the preposition " to " not " with "
It's grammatically still not wrong when you use: "They are linguistically related with each other".

Anyway, I do hold a B.A as well as an MA in linguistics and Translation.
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