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Islam is misused to act terror in Bangladesh by Jamat-e-Islam

Internet Hindus concerned about the misuse/reputation of Islam...I bet someday we're going to see Internet Hindus on the Moon! Long live Internet Hindus!
How many jamati leaders currently convicted to death? And how many are facing trials?

@ Just after liberation, the "Colloborator Act of 1972" was enacted. These were mainly made to try the political people and the other govt official who directly colloborated with the Pakistani Forces. Under this act near about 37,000 people were arrested and put on bar. But once Mujib realized that he needs an experience govt officials to run the country he quickly pardoned the govt officials and were put on administration jobs. During the process of trial due to lack of evidence Sk Mujib declared a general amnesty and out of 37,000 prisoners 26,000 were released. So, only 11,000 remained in jail. Now, after the assassination Mujib, on 31 December 1975 the then President Saem repealed the Colloborator Act of 1972. And thus all the remaining 11,000 prisoners were also released. I think the Colloborater Act is still not revived ?? May be once the 5 Th Amendment is repealed so Colloborator Act is automatically revived.

@ The second point is International Tribunal Act of 1973, this was made to try the Pakistan Army and around 195 Pakistan army Officers names were also announced. But when Butto visited India after signing of Tripartiate Pact these Prisoners were also pardaned. So, that was the end of INternational Tribunal Act of 1973.

@ Now, coming to 1913, there is no justification to try with this Act as because this was made for the trial of Pakistani Forces not the locals ???
‘Jamaat foe of Islam’

Staff Correspondent, Chittagong, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-03-17 17:14:11.0 Updated: 2013-03-17 17:14:11.0

Leaders of ‘Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah’, an organisation of Muslims, on Sunday said Jamaat-e-Islami, its student front Chhatra Shibir and other followers of Abul A’la Maududi, who misinterpreted Quran and Sunnah, are enemies of Islam.

They made the observation at a conference held at Chittagong Press Club.

The organisation’s Chairman Kazi Nurul Islam Hashemi chaired the meet.

Its Secretary General Syed Muhammad Mosihuddoulah said: “Jamaat-e-Islami and their student wing Shibir are followers of Maududi. Wahabis and Maududis are enemies of Islam. They’ve presented Islam in a distortedl manner before the people by misinterpreting the holy Quran and Sunnah.”

Disapproving of the recent violence that Jamaat and its allies unleashed, he demanded punishment to those responsible for the frenzy that claimed lives of at least 70 people.

Secretary General of Bangladesh Islami Front MM Matin announced a mass rally of Sunni in Chittagong within a month.

“Five million people will take part in the rally. This will show the government how strong the Sunni ulamas (scholars) are,” he said.

He urged the government to find a way out of the current state of conflict taking the ulamas with them.

‘Jamaat foe of Islam’

Staff Correspondent, Chittagong, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-03-17 17:14:11.0 Updated: 2013-03-17 17:14:11.0

Leaders of ‘Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah’, an organisation of Muslims, on Sunday said Jamaat-e-Islami, its student front Chhatra Shibir and other followers of Abul A’la Maududi, who misinterpreted Quran and Sunnah, are enemies of Islam.

They made the observation at a conference held at Chittagong Press Club.

The organisation’s Chairman Kazi Nurul Islam Hashemi chaired the meet.

Its Secretary General Syed Muhammad Mosihuddoulah said: “Jamaat-e-Islami and their student wing Shibir are followers of Maududi. Wahabis and Maududis are enemies of Islam. They’ve presented Islam in a distortedl manner before the people by misinterpreting the holy Quran and Sunnah.”

Disapproving of the recent violence that Jamaat and its allies unleashed, he demanded punishment to those responsible for the frenzy that claimed lives of at least 70 people.

Secretary General of Bangladesh Islami Front MM Matin announced a mass rally of Sunni in Chittagong within a month.

“Five million people will take part in the rally. This will show the government how strong the Sunni ulamas (scholars) are,” he said.

He urged the government to find a way out of the current state of conflict taking the ulamas with them.


Those who slander the Prophet of Islam and those who protect these bastards are the real foes of Islam and malaun fariduddin masud is one example of such a bastard. By all renowned olamas fariduddin masud has been declared as an olamae su which in English means a fake.

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