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Islam is abused in Bollywood

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Man you people are touchy...do you realize the amount of abuse Jesus takes in both Hollywood and TV. And don't even get me started about Europe!

In Hollywood Jesus was even protrait as a 'gay'. We didt see anywhere in the world buring effugies of the director or threatening to kill him. :lol:
Well i will not go and comment what word they use in movies nor i have any problem with word Allah being used in songs.

The only thing that is there in Indian movies is even what most of you call standard one go and see there is always something evil they are relating to Islam.

Its realy amusing that by doing so they think they are winning something.
One of the most prominent thing you will see that most of the evil characther the Indian movies show will be wearing a white cap and a red cloth or you can call it scraf that depicts a Muslim in India.
Most of the time they are shown as anti-Social elements and interstingly if some Hindu guy is shown as gangster and criminal at the end you will come to know he was working for some Muslim Kingpin of the criminal gang being run by Muslims in india and the gang was being funded by Pakistan :lol:
In Hollywood Jesus was even protrait as a 'gay'. We didt see anywhere in the world buring effugies of the director or threatening to kill him. :lol:

sajan i think it depends on the level of belief. we being Muslims did not like that either we Respect Jesus and believe in his Prophethood too.
Dear Members

Did u find that some words of Islam are using in hindi cinema of Bollywood for just nothing. I'm not fanatic but when "ALLAH" is being used in the song where the heroines are not well dressed specially u will find in the recent film like "RACE" , more specifically in the song titled 'Allah dohai he'. These type of dreadful works should be stopped immediately.

This shows how intolerant this society is.If an artist can draw nude pic of Godess and a director can potrait God as a gay.... i dont know whats wrong with these songs...:undecided:
sajan i think it depends on the level of belief. we being Muslims did not like that either we Respect Jesus and believe in his Prophethood too.

Not really, there are a huge number of deeply religious people in USA, and none of them seem to turn violent because of it.

I guess they also believe in freedom of speech.
Not really, there are a huge number of deeply religious people in USA, and none of them seem to turn violent because of it.

I guess they also believe in freedom of speech.

Blindly believing in any religion is not a good thing. After all its all written by human beings. And all the Holly texts have some sort of illogical things. But being borin in a religion we are forced to follow that religion. If im born to a christian family im a chrisian, if in a muslim family im a musilm. Take it in that way and respect others also. Its that simple and easy...:devil:
Not really, there are a huge number of deeply religious people in USA, and none of them seem to turn violent because of it.

I guess they also believe in freedom of speech.

Yes Sir i do agree with you on violence part as i do not see anything good in turning violent over these issues rather protest in more affective way.

AS far again Sir Freedom of Speech i do not think so they believe in such thing if so why of difference of opinion over Holocaust.???
And freedom of expression again Sir should not be made an excuse to create harterd and abuse others.
Yes Sir i do agree with you on violence part as i do not see anything good in turning violent over these issues rather protest in more affective way.

AS far again Sir Freedom of Speech i do not think so they believe in such thing if so why of difference of opinion over Holocaust.???
And freedom of expression again Sir should not be made an excuse to create harterd and abuse others.

Jana Ji,
I agree freedom of expression does not mean to spread hatred and abuse others. But FoE needs highly tolerant societies which will always a missing point if society start following religion fanatically.

I never seen Indian Muslims protesting Indian cinema on the name of Allah, which shows their tolerance level which comes from structure of society and not from religion and where ever structure of society does not support tolerance these kind of stupid questions will arise and people will waste time rather investing in creativity.

Note: History shows when ever either Muslim or Hindu became fanatic for their religion they only gave pain to their own society.
Yes Sir i do agree with you on violence part as i do not see anything good in turning violent over these issues rather protest in more affective way.

AS far again Sir Freedom of Speech i do not think so they believe in such thing if so why of difference of opinion over Holocaust.???
And freedom of expression again Sir should not be made an excuse to create harterd and abuse others.

Don't call me Sir :cheesy:

Difference in opinion? The very definition of freedom of speech is difference of opinion.

Are you talking about holocaust deniers? :woot:

Ok tell me one thing, will people laugh at you if you say that World War II never happened?
Sure, you can go to Chicago and walk around telling people that the Holocaust never happened. Just don't feel offended if people call you crazy.

The "hatred" thing is what scientologists use as an example of "religious persecution".
Wake up people....religion is bunk.

If god exists, he has better things to do than counting how many times I go to church on sundaY!!
Jana Ji,
I agree freedom of expression does not mean to spread hatred and abuse others. But FoE needs highly tolerant societies which will always a missing point if society start following religion fanatically.

I never seen Indian Muslims protesting Indian cinema on the name of Allah, which shows their tolerance level which comes from structure of society and not from religion and where ever structure of society does not support tolerance these kind of stupid questions will arise and people will waste time rather investing in creativity.

Note: History shows when ever either Muslim or Hindu became fanatic for their religion they only gave pain to their own society.

Dear fanatics are in every religion and every society so saying that any particular religion supports it, it is in itself a fanaticism.

As far Indian Muslims not protesting against use of name Allah in Movies well dear no Muslim from othre countries also did not protested against it had you seen any ???

But saying that if Indian Muslims do not so beacuse of the socirty they are living in than i do not agree with it beacuse if you remember Richard Gere and Shilpa episode there was proetst from Indain Hindus now will you also accept indian society does not support tolerence in this case ??
But saying that if Indian Muslims do not so beacuse of the socirty they are living in than i do not agree with it beacuse if you remember Richard Gere and Shilpa episode there was proetst from Indain Hindus now will you also accept indian society does not support tolerence in this case ??

I never said Hindu do not have fanatics. Also in case of Shilpa and Gere episod every one knows what happened to protesters, they wasted there time and no body cared about them, this happened only because over all indian society did not support bunch of intolerant people.

Complex society like Indian's has to increase tolerance and deprive persecution and increase FoE in greater sense. There are several example in recent past where both hindu and Muslim group gone above to relegion and supported each other in difficult situation, like Mumbai and several bomb blasts, court decisions againt hindu criminals from gujarat and many more.........
Every society needs tolerence its not the matter of being complex society.

Look at most of the Western Countries and also into US what happend after 9/11 how many racial hatreds are there???

Religion is not dominent there than why it is so there, beacuse its human instinct and not the religion that should be blamed for it.
Look at most of the Western Countries and also into US what happend after 9/11 how many racial hatreds are there???

Religion is not dominent there than why it is so there, beacuse its human instinct and not the religion that should be blamed for it.

First of all western society is still more tolerant than ours, I know you will not accept.

Second, you are giving wrong example, 9/11 was terrorist attack and I will leave on you to decide that attack was related to some religion or not OR it was a simple human instinct of hate!!!

Third, according to you hate in human instinct, this belief it self will destroy the humanity on this earth.
Every society needs tolerence its not the matter of being complex society.

Look at most of the Western Countries and also into US what happend after 9/11 how many racial hatreds are there???

Religion is not dominent there than why it is so there, beacuse its human instinct and not the religion that should be blamed for it.

Jana you gotta admit that people here are tolerant, no one is perfect; there will always be some from of discrimination; but if you complain they sure do act.

If something of 9/11 magnitude would have happened in Pakistan or India by Christian affiliated groups, we would have street riots on our hand trying to burn down churches & people.
They have no right? Who decides what can be said and what can't be said? You?

Freedom of speech is not selective. Anyone can say anything they want. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Problem solved.

Things are not that. Here is no question about freedom of speech (FoS). and FoS is not that u can do whatever u like specially the fact that I have been posted yesterday.
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