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Islam is a religion of peace not terrorism : Zardari

You must be kidding?

If History proves anything, than that Islam is/was a Religion of conquest, since that is the main means by which it spread, killing millions in the process.
If you are talking about the period of relative peace under Muslim rule in Spain etc. that is hardly representative of Islams 1300 year history. It is also important that even relative peace was only achieved when Muslim ruled.. It is an evidence of a religion of supremacy if anything, if jugged by history.

So it seems your claim is not really rooting in evidence but in wishful thinking.

And did you ever care to find out that why did the Muslims killed so many people??
Mr Zardari,

Islam is also a religion preaching honesty !

every opened up those chapters of the book ?
And did you ever care to find out that why did the Muslims killed so many people??

You say that as if there is any legitimate reason to kill millions of people.

In fact I read a lot about the Islamic conquest and the Christian reconquest (aka "the crusades") so yes, I "found out".
They slaughtered entire villages because people refused to convert to Islam (or in the case of Jews and Christians also refused to become humiliated second rate citizens aka Dhimmis). Or simply to gain their riches and their land.

There are estimates that the thousand year long rain of the Muslim Empires decimated the non-Muslim population on the Sub-Continent by 80 Million. Which would make it the greatest genocide in history, more than Hitler and Stalin combined.

His statement that "history has shown Islam is a religion of Peace" is an outrage..
Millions were killed by Islam (and Christianity as well for that matter).

His statement is like me saying the Vietnam War has shown how compassionate the US military is...
Or that History has shown that Christianity is a religion of peace and tolerance... I wonder how people reacted if I were to claim that..
Narrow it down, its not Muslims but rather Wahabi, Salafi's Deobandi's etc.

Other Muslims are not involved in terrorism, you would never see a Bohra running around bombing places.

So you get my drift, its particular sects and their ideology or promotion of violence through the use of religion.

I have not heard any shia in any major terrorist act too, so may be you are right.
I was not saying Muslims are terrorists, I was just saying the two arguments (1. Few Muslims are terrorist 2. Islam somehow etymologically means peace ) are false arguments.
I have heard them since 9/11 and they are repeated by everybody ever since as if somebody taught them to tell this.
If the first utterance of greeting others is Salam in Islam, then it must mean the core tenant of the religion is peace.

It does not at all. That is highly flawed logic.
The first utterance common among Nazis is or rather was "Heil" which means something like "Bless you" or "May you be healthy" or "may good fortune happen to you". By your logic the core tenant of Nazism must be health... oO

Greetings are essentially meaningless since they can be flowery phrases.

How people who are observant of a faith behave is what matters in judging which the "core tenants" as they are understood by most believers are. The scripture and especially its concrete advice on how to life your life and treat others ESPECIALLY people who are different determines if a faith is "peaceful"..
Mr Zardari,

Islam is also a religion preaching honesty !

every opened up those chapters of the book ?

The Taliban practice honesty, they take claim for every attack they do. Between engagements, they pray and honestly ask God to help them. They aren't shy about their stance on pre-marital sex either. They like to be blunt and honest with people when they behead them for being Zionist spies. Is that watchu want in your Islamic Republic? All politicians lie here and there. What becomes problematic is when you enforce such a divisive principal as someone's personal faith upon your institutions, everything becomes black and white, under the careful stewardship of corruption.
The Taliban practice honesty, they take claim for every attack they do. Between engagements, they pray and honestly ask God to help them. They aren't shy about their stance on pre-marital sex either. They like to be blunt and honest with people when they behead them for being Zionist spies. Is that watchu want in your Islamic Republic? All politicians lie here and there. What becomes problematic is when you enforce such a divisive principal as someone's personal faith upon your institutions, everything becomes black and white, under the careful stewardship of corruption.

Are you sure that is how it is ?

and if it was, then Taliban were not absolutely honest to the cause, or the teachings.
Are you sure that is how it is ?

and if it was, then Taliban were not absolutely honest to the cause, or the teachings.

Talibans are honest about their belief. They are absolutely certain that what they believe is right and they stick to it.
You say that as if there is any legitimate reason to kill millions of people.

In fact I read a lot about the Islamic conquest and the Christian reconquest (aka "the crusades") so yes, I "found out".
They slaughtered entire villages because people refused to convert to Islam (or in the case of Jews and Christians also refused to become humiliated second rate citizens aka Dhimmis). Or simply to gain their riches and their land.

There are estimates that the thousand year long rain of the Muslim Empires decimated the non-Muslim population on the Sub-Continent by 80 Million. Which would make it the greatest genocide in history, more than Hitler and Stalin combined.

His statement that "history has shown Islam is a religion of Peace" is an outrage..
Millions were killed by Islam (and Christianity as well for that matter).

His statement is like me saying the Vietnam War has shown how compassionate the US military is...
Or that History has shown that Christianity is a religion of peace and tolerance... I wonder how people reacted if I were to claim that..

What a pile crap ! There is a smell of curry in that post. As they say, if it looks like a duck, craps like a duck, it is a freaking duck !!!

You folks don't have any clue about history. The Hindus simply wiped out Buddhism from what is known as present day India. Buddhism was extinct in India before Islam arrived. The Buddist were all relegated to the lowest castes. The Brahmin's were not to happy about caste-less society. OTOH who would want to live as Dalit if given a better opportunity. Read up my curry flavored friend.
when Muslim extremists kill someone than its called terrorism, when american forces kill 65,000 innocents than its war?

why did nato kill 30,000 tribal Pakistanis who were innocents.

all religions have extremists but media shows Islam as villain, screw western media

Living in Canada you should know we don't do it in the name of religion.
What a pile crap ! There is a smell of curry in that post. As they say, if it looks like a duck, craps like a duck, it is a freaking duck !!!

You folks don't have any clue about history. The Hindus simply wiped out Buddhism from what is known as present day India. Buddhism was extinct in India before Islam arrived. The Buddist were all relegated to the lowest castes. The Brahmin's were not to happy about caste-less society. OTOH who would want to live as Dalit if given a better opportunity. Read up my curry flavored friend.

A pathetic reply to facts. Something that has come to ve expected fro the deluded.

You talking of history is a joke. You don't know jack about it and you prove that every day.

A Bengali trying to act racist, what a joke when millions of you were killed for the same reason not so long back (and saved by the same Indians). Not a single one of them was ever punished.
Islam means submission, when did I say it means Peace.

The word Salam on the other hand means Peace.

If the first utterance of greeting others is Salam in Islam, then it must mean the core tenant of the religion is peace.

Is it a religious thingy or an Arab cultural thingy?
Islam is inherently peaceful, but it is being hijacked by certain people to achieve their geopolitical, strategic objectives. The rising Islamic extremism in the world is troubling though, because it means that people are falling right into the ploys of those that want to exploit & tarnish the image of Islam.

When was it not in an hijacked state?
A pathetic reply to facts. Something that has come to ve expected fro the deluded.

You talking of history is a joke. You don't know jack about it and you prove that every day.

A Bengali trying to act racist, what a joke when millions of you were killed for the same reason not so long back (and saved by the same Indians). Not a single one of them was ever punished.

no the real problem is that u indians try to present false stuff as if it was real, it wont harm Islam even u indians make ur own stories and post it everywhere,

Islam is the fastest growing religion in USA. so those Americans are terrorists?

go get some brain n dont post crap
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