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Islam is a religion of peace not terrorism : Zardari

Usually I am not one to indulge in religious debates of this matter as almost all of the posters hardly have any knowledge about the religion they are looking to disgrace. But have you taken a look at the Old Testament??? I suggest you compare it with the Quran and then see which religion preaches more hate, violence, etc.

It has been mentioned by many before and many in this thread too, that it is the followers who misinterpret for their own gains and drag the name of the religion down with it. All it would take on the part of people is to do a bit of research.

But I guess spewing hate in a one liner is much more easier than actually taking time to find things out for yourself.

Also when politicians use Islam or ideology of extremist muslim for political gain then it only bring destruction
Its only a small amount of Muslims who cause trouble globally, a great number of Muslims are still peace loving and reject violence of any kind.

There are more an 70 sects in Islam, a majority of them have never been involved in anything remotely violent because of their religion.

If what you say is true, things would be so much more difficult in this world.

Islam comes from the word Aslama which then develops onto Salam meaning Peace.

Origin of this word lies in Shalom.

The counter argument:
You dont have to have all muslims to be terrorists to find a pattern. The pattern is significant number of people are committing terrorism in the name of religion, and now a days most of them use islam. I am not talking about politically conscious muslim causing violent act, leave that aside.

Number of people using any other religion to commit terrorism is significantly less now a days.

About word origin, it has no significance to the argument being made, based on evidence available. It is like arguing that promoters of software farm "Satyam" cannot possibly do fraud(satyam means truth, the Rajus caught making false sales figures for Satyam Software Company )
Islam is religion of peace when infidel Rest In Peace.

Infidels gloriously killed 50 million of each other and 6 million of your kind all over Europe. The support of Christian right assumes that after rapture takes place, all Jews will have to become Christian, you realize what happens every-time Christian folks decide the Jews betrayed ? It never turned out to be good.
The Old Testament of our Holy Bible records the stories of the people of God warring with heretical faiths who worshiped idols and multiple Gods. Of Abraham becoming the father of what are today the Jewish people by his wife Sarah, and of what are today the Muslim peoples, both Arab and non-Arab, by his wife's concubine, Hagar, who was an Egyptian (an Arab ethnically speaking).

From early Judiasm, via Isaac came Christ, a Jew, into today's Christianity. From Ismael came today's Islamic faith and today's Muslims, both Arabs and non Arabs.

While Ishmael was older than Isaac by about 13 years, our Holy Bible teaches us as Jews and Christians that God proclaimed His line on earth to be through Abraham and Sarah, but God likewise recognized and blessed Abraham's line through Ishmael. Both were loved of Abraham but being of different wives the fraternal bickering and violence started then and continues today. Hardly what anyone can define as "peace."

The worldwide Islamo Fascist violence we face today epitomizes the violent heretics who say they are "the only true" Muslims . Way too many people today who say they are themselves peaceful Muslims defacto are tolerating, supporting by their indifference, sustaining by their indifference the bloody murdering violent self-proclaimed "correct Muslims" otherwise recognized as bloody terrorists abusing the name of Islam. Way too many so called peaceful Muslims making excuses for the violent Muslims some actually are saying the terrorists are really "good Muslims." Convoluted logic of no holy book origins, just flat out bloody self seeking in their own name terrorists.

Certain terms used repeatedly in the Pakistani press are absurd and insulting to everyone's intelligence...referring to terrorists as "miscreants."

Summarized tell the Pakistan Navy and Army military personnel family survivors of those killed in action Sunday, May 22, 2011 at the Karachi Navy Base that Islam means and is practiced peacefully.

The religious wars of the time of Muhammad were anything but peaceful.

Hard to defy facts currently and historically.

Be nice to see the silent majority of Islamic folks rise up and suffocate and eradicate the terrorists. Trouble is too many Muslims by their non action endorse and suppport the terrorist versions of Islam.

Regarding the use of the term Hadith here...I am a Christian but I think Muslims on this site who know their faith would say there are at least 28 Hadiths, which of course are interpretations of the Quaran. There are differences among the sects of Islam, there is not and has never been a unified faith.

Separation of the state from religion is the first major step in restoring peace. If you believe in peace, of course.
The counter argument:
You dont have to have all muslims to be terrorists to find a pattern. The pattern is significant number of people are committing terrorism in the name of religion, and now a days most of them use islam. I am not talking about politically conscious muslim causing violent act, leave that aside.

Number of people using any other religion to commit terrorism is significantly less now a days.

About word origin, it has no significance to the argument being made, based on evidence available. It is like arguing that promoters of software farm "Satyam" cannot possibly do fraud(satyam means truth, the Rajus caught making false sales figures for Satyam Software Company )

What does one think when they hear that two million female hindu babies/fetuses are aborted every year ? It appears some folks given a chance wouldn't mind burning the female widow. Its sad to see how media fails to talk or won't talk about these issues.
Usually I am not one to indulge in religious debates of this matter as almost all of the posters hardly have any knowledge about the religion they are looking to disgrace. But have you taken a look at the Old Testament??? I suggest you compare it with the Quran and then see which religion preaches more hate, violence, etc.

It has been mentioned by many before and many in this thread too, that it is the followers who misinterpret for their own gains and drag the name of the religion down with it. All it would take on the part of people is to do a bit of research.

But I guess spewing hate in a one liner is much more easier than actually taking time to find things out for yourself.

These guys play with fire, and lost almost every time. Once again they are playing with fire underestimating the wrath of Christian right.
it's not about islam, it's more about some Muslims..........
What does one think when they hear that two million female hindu babies/fetuses are aborted every year ? It appears some folks given a chance wouldn't mind burning the female widow. Its sad to see how media fails to talk or won't talk about these issues.

If you consider abortion as terrorism(although it is clearly wrong), surely you can compare them.
What other acts include terrorism, according to you?
Let me help you. There are large number of terrorists who are hindus. Example: LTTE. ULFA. Most maoists.
But they are not considered hindu terrorists. Because each of them have different reason (i.e. ethnicity, political philosophy) for terrorist act.

I am not denying there are hindu terrorists, some were caught recently in mecca masjid case. I am arguing that the number is still small.(as of now)
There are christian terrorists too (e.g. Northern Ireland, motivation is a mixture of ethnicity and religion)
Islam is religion of peace when infidel Rest In Peace.

If acts of people- defines a religion- then i am afraid Judaism is a terrorists religion that feeds on innocent people/ Kids bloods-
Islam means submission, not peace. Big difference

Submission to the will of God- not to some terrorist Mullah-
and God does not need a human to kill each other human- He can very well annihilate every living being himself if he wants-
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