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Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

haha good good,soon it will be time to say bye bye to "chineese Culture and tradition"...and see more ninja's in china than japan..
Chinees you have "good" future ahead

So when are you attacking your Muslim neighbor to save Indian culture?
So growing at what you have described, what is the percentage of muslim population in China today after 34 years???

Remember One Child Policy has been implemented since 1978 - More than 34 Years Hans have 1 Child Nearly 1.5 Generations.

While Muslims had 5-6 Children in that time.

And the Policy is nowhere being Diluted in the near future.

Muslims Doubled as a % of Population every 10-15 Years.

Even Today Muslim have 4 Children like Pakistan and Han have 1 Child.

With Increasing Salafism and Increasing Islamic Separatists nurtured by Pan-Turkic Ideologies, China is sure going to have a Hard Time with them!
A few months ago I remember watching a Turkish tv program where a Turkish female reporter went to China. She spoke with an old Chinese (Uighur) Muslim man who said that there was no religious oppression. Other Uighurs she spoke with agreed with him. And, if I remember correctly, the old man said that there are like 23.000 (!) mosques in Xinjiang alone. The reporter also spoke with Chinese people about China, communism, capitalism and China's future. She was impressed by Chinese culture. It was a nice program that didn't contain any propaganda.

Culture wise Chinese have no problem with any religion since most people are agnostic. However, the central government just doesn't like to see any political entity to challenge its power, religious or not. That's the reason China doesn't acknowledge the Pope appointed Cardinals. Same goes to orgs like Falungong. So the government is probably watching religious activities to make sure there're no strong foreign influences, from either West or Middle-east. As to individuals, they are OK to do what they want.
Islam used to be quite a threat to China.

China Qing dynasty had to fight quite a few bloody battles to put down the muslim tribes in China's northwest regions due to the fact that those tribes wanted to set up an islam country there.

Even during ROC period, such unrest still existed. Remember the eastern turkistan dream???

Even today, there are muslim separatists that have connections with overseas terrorists networks want to set up an muslim country in China as well although that is just purely a dream.

If you remember you history, the initial Muslims were invited to China and they even set up a mosque for them.
As for East Turkmenistan, who was it that put down the rebellion? It was the Hui Muslims and they even gave the Uigers a sermon on how to be good Chinese citizens.
Finally, alot of Hui Chinese fought against China's enemies, especially Japan. In fact they stopped Japanese troops dead in their tracks.

Islam is much a part of China as Confusionism and Muslims are as loyal to China as any Han chinese.
Christianity isn't going to be the majority, this is mainly due to more followers gained by the missionaries by giving food and aid to poorer less educated people. majority of Chinese are atheist agnostic.
are you sure about that ??
Wenzhou is known as "China's Jerusalem." It has more than 1,000 churches, and at least 12 percent of the population is Christian. It's also one of the richest cities in China, where private business is booming. These two factors form a recent trend: the Christian entrepreneur or — as they're called in Wenzhou — the "boss Christian."

In The Land Of Mao, A Rising Tide Of Christianity Among Chinese : NPR
are you sure about that ??
Wenzhou is known as "China's Jerusalem." It has more than 1,000 churches, and at least 12 percent of the population is Christian. It's also one of the richest cities in China, where private business is booming. These two factors form a recent trend: the Christian entrepreneur or — as they're called in Wenzhou — the "boss Christian."

In The Land Of Mao, A Rising Tide Of Christianity Among Chinese : NPR

Yes, missionaries do this in the poorer area's next the current article, a similar case was with Buddhism when it experienced a height of growth in china during the 80's but stopped growing that rapidly , Christianity is growing but it won't be the majority and it will experience a similar effect that Buddhism had.
Man look at these indians burning at the fact that Islam is spreading in China :lol:.

Burn bharatis, burn!!! We can smell it.:enjoy:

Anyways, even if Christianity becomes dominant in China that's still a good thing in my opinion since Christians are the People Of The Book.
It is said that," Truth Burns The Lie ", Islam is the most modern and the only true religion. So whn it's like this very natural that hindu's will be jelous afterall hinduism is nothing but full of lie.
About Nasara ( christians ) 's , totaly agree with u .Infact Isa(A.H) himself is one of Islams prophet.From Adam to Muhammad all the prophets teaches only one religion ; Islam.Which bgin its journey when adam ( a.h) arrives on earth and completed by our holy prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h)

So when are you attacking your Muslim neighbor to save Indian culture?
:rofl: mr.HZR2011 again proves that India & Indians are afraid of Islam & Muslim :rofl:
are you sure about that ??
Wenzhou is known as "China's Jerusalem." It has more than 1,000 churches, and at least 12 percent of the population is Christian. It's also one of the richest cities in China, where private business is booming. These two factors form a recent trend: the Christian entrepreneur or — as they're called in Wenzhou — the "boss Christian."

In The Land Of Mao, A Rising Tide Of Christianity Among Chinese : NPR

Wenzhou is very westernized because most of its population has relatives living overseas. More importantly, it is one of the most inequitable cities with a huge wealth gap. It is one of the main sources of migrants especially in recent years, along with Taishan (Cantonese), Quanzhou (Hokkien) and Meizhou (Hakka).

I'd be worried if there were alot of churches in Shanghai or Beijing, but there aren't. A large wealth gap means that Christianity becomes popular, a small wealth gap encourages atheism. I think India should watch out on this one.
are you sure about that ??
Wenzhou is known as "China's Jerusalem." It has more than 1,000 churches, and at least 12 percent of the population is Christian. It's also one of the richest cities in China, where private business is booming. These two factors form a recent trend: the Christian entrepreneur or — as they're called in Wenzhou — the "boss Christian."

In The Land Of Mao, A Rising Tide Of Christianity Among Chinese : NPR

Other than a few explanations, it is greatly exaggerated as well. The way people treat Christian in China is very different from the west. Basically they probably don't believe God from their heart but want some help to solve their immediate concerns. That's why you see a lot of these people in the country side. I don't think these people are die hard believers. I will bet that these people all go to Buddas and other food God as well. Some people even went to see Chinese God like Guanyu (real person) on Christmas day with some food. If you go to Singapore, when a company has a grand opening, they invite all kinds of different religious people to pray to all Gods, and hoping that at least one of them can bring them luck.
So is Ningxia going to be the center of Islamist struggle against the Chinese Communist Party rule?
Why is full of fighting in your brain,the worst peace is better than best war, may be that's why you come here PDF
If you remember you history, the initial Muslims were invited to China and they even set up a mosque for them.
As for East Turkmenistan, who was it that put down the rebellion? It was the Hui Muslims and they even gave the Uigers a sermon on how to be good Chinese citizens.
Finally, alot of Hui Chinese fought against China's enemies, especially Japan. In fact they stopped Japanese troops dead in their tracks.

Islam is much a part of China as Confusionism and Muslims are as loyal to China as any Han Chinese.

There's only one major conflict between Han and Hui Muslim in the past 1000 years (pretty serious though, millions people died). The reason was fairly complex and it is not something that can be explained in a few sentences. It is more like an ethnic conflict instead of religious conflict. Some Hui Muslim escaped to today's Kazakhstan and settled there. Interestingly enough, these group of people keep all the old Chinese traditions even some of them have been abandoned in China. Chinese scholars visit them to study old Chinese customs in 1800s. These group of people also send their youngsters every years to Xian (their ancestor's home town) to study. And Chinese officials often visited them as well. These Muslim group are called Dungan people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Deep in their hearts they always feel that they are Chinese. This is a picture taken by Chinese ambassador when visiting them, still in Chinese traditional dresses:


What happened in 1800s was very tragic. (As a matter of fact it seems that everything took place in 1800's China was tragic). But I think that's beyond us now and no one has any grudge today.
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